48 posts
Aug 08, 2011
12:25 PM
The one next to Cricket Holler? Creepy place to be late at night. Found it obe night on a scout camp out one year.
2 posts
Aug 08, 2011
1:02 PM
that's the one, wonder if it's still there. I think it wasn't too far from theh old Frigidare recreation park. used to take friends there on full moons. great fun!
33 posts
Aug 31, 2011
8:10 PM
Yep, the Narrows. We would go there on a date and scare the heck out of the girls. It was kind of creepy.
65 posts
Sep 01, 2011
3:18 PM
I was only in the Narrows once back in the 60's and thought it was creepy.Of course it was at night and we were sneaking around. We used to go to the old mansion on the hill on Frederick where the stone wall was along the road.It was on the right and before the Narrows.That was one scary place when it was crawling with fifteen or twenty teenage boys hell bent on making someone pee their pants!Three stories of pure fright night!
34 posts
Sep 01, 2011
6:37 PM
The mansion on the hill. I remember driving past that place with the stone wall. Anybody know the story of it?
2 posts
Sep 04, 2011
9:48 AM
This place is gone? I visited it in the 70's after reading a Dayton Daily News article about it. The were grave markers dating back to the 1920's.
1 post
Sep 19, 2011
5:43 PM
This message is fot TimR, I remember everything we did when we were in the Termites. I would like to talk to you. Drop me a line at I really look forward to hearing from u Mr. Robertson or Robinson can't remember everything.
2 posts
Sep 19, 2011
7:00 PM
They closed it I believe it was the 80's. The lady wasn't burying the dogs. They were found all over the property. In anything you can think of they found animals or what was left.
61 posts
Sep 20, 2011
1:11 PM
Try Google Earth. Look for the Narrows, Dayton, Ohio and then Cricket Holler, Dayton, Ohio. It gives a different perspective of the location and their closeness. It looks like a pretty densely wooded area. Can't see the mansion or the wall, but it looks like part of the scout camp is still visible.
I should add that it seemed a lot bigger when I was 12 years old. Kind of like every place that I grew up at. ----------
Last Edited by on Sep 20, 2011 1:15 PM
luv my dayton
183 posts
Nov 25, 2012
2:04 AM
Didnt know it existed until Dayton Daily ran a story on it back decades ago. It was about a couple who took lawn chairs and sat for hours at the gravesite of their deceased pet. Sounded pretty creepy to me and felt sorry for the people. Needless to say I had to go to the place and at that time it was beautiful and very well taken care of. Some of the graves had remnants from the different holidays where people had decorated them.Wonder what condition the place is now or if theres any maintenance that even goes on there.
72 posts
Feb 12, 2013
6:45 PM
Had a friend of my brothers that was a early owner of the Narrows.I believe he was one of the first to train german shepards for police work.I think he was a aux.deputy also.Place was pristine in the late fifties.
1 post
Jun 04, 2013
9:23 AM
I had relatives that lived close to the Boy Scout camp, we used to walk through fields and woods into the Narrows place, it was a very pretty place in daylight, pretty mystical by moonlight. Spent quite a few summer evenings at the old Frigadare rec. park, watchin the river flow.
1 post
Jun 09, 2013
8:43 PM
I worked there in 1976-77, sr yr in HS. Did a Bob & Norma Wills.. own it then? They raised german shepherds, and yes trained them for police work. I remember cleaning cages daily, feeding in evenings, cleaning the cat house, the outside kennels. I remember helping make the tombstones. As far as I know the animals were cared for, and the deceased ones were treated with respect.
104 posts
Aug 24, 2013
9:21 AM
My mother lived there when she was young !!!! back in the early forties.....
Last Edited by copson on Aug 24, 2013 9:22 AM
74 posts
Aug 28, 2013
7:58 PM
I just ran the address and this busines is listed in the Yellow Pages as being at that location now: Pet Heaven Kennels & Pet, 6330 Frederick Pike, Dayton, OH 45414 (937) 890-0574
48 posts
Aug 09, 2014
10:35 PM
My husband and I tried to find the road,but all we found were long driveways to houses. Never found 6330, but found a few mailboxes close to that address, looked like some mail boxes had been removed. How do you get there, through the scout camp?
51 posts
Aug 11, 2014
1:00 PM
Can you access the cemetery from the scout camp?
1 post
Apr 26, 2015
9:39 PM
2/26/2015 I went to this place today. My grandma has a dog buried there. You can still access it. It looks like a normal driveway to houses but if you drive up it you will see the cemetery to the left as soon as you get up the drive and around a small curve. It is the driveway before or after this cement wall with iron fence built in it... Cant miss it! Its on the side of the road the cemetery is on...
So,I park and right away you can see that nobody has been there in some time. Many plots buried by overgrown weeds or have sunken into the ground now. The few statues that remain are busted or the wire is showing where the cement has chipped off. It would be very hard to get around in certain areas due to weed cover coming up in the summer. I assume nobody cares for the cemetery from the way it looked. The path through the cemetery does not exist anymore at all when walking into it. I took quite a few pictures. Did not locate my grandmas dog headstone. I did... And I take this VERY SERIOUS,did see an older guy in the woods across from me watching my car and also watching me. I was never approached and when I yelled hello he just walked away like he didnt hear me. I was able to snap a picture of him looking the way where my car was at. There is a house on back so who knows but seriously,that was very creepy! So if any of you decide to visit just keep witts about you! And the car LOCKED!
luv my dayton
967 posts
Apr 27, 2015
6:34 AM
That's a shame what has happened to the cemetery. Great care at one time was given the property. The gentleman you saw may have been the caretaker at one time or just one who trys to keep an eye on things to ward off any vandals. People started in later years for animals and humans the process of cremation which will do away with sinking graves, vandalism and also the cost to the grieving.
586 posts
Apr 30, 2015
4:54 AM
Trepper, Welcome to Dayton History.
103 posts
May 06, 2015
2:20 PM
The possible caretaker should realize that people might want to visit the cemetery, not everyone is there for ill intent. My husband and I plan to go out there, we were there in the area about a year ago and tried to find the location but didn't drive up any roads. Wonder who owns the property now and why someone does not maintain the area??? What a shame.