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Dayton Memories > Goldenrod music (head shop) stores
Goldenrod music (head shop) stores
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12 posts
Aug 27, 2011
11:24 AM
I worked at the Goldenrod store on North main next to Grub
steak. I never could afford to go to the concerts at Hara but every act that was "big" back then made a stop at the Rod. Got to see many famous faces but the owner rushed them to the basement for some reasons. Also probably sold more
turquise jewelry, pipes and rolling papers than records or cassetts. We were rob alot but the police didn't care.Any of you ever visit any of their stores?
6 posts
Aug 27, 2011
12:38 PM
Sure, I remember Golden Rod before it was remodeled, when it was just a little hole in the wall. I was in junior high school, so this would have been '72 or '73. Used to ride my bike there and check out the new records and posters. Later, in high school, checked out other items as well, though didn't tell my parents about that stuff...
9 posts
Aug 31, 2011
12:09 AM
Also wondering if people remember some other similar shops from back then. The Forest Book & Records (anyone remember when it was located at a tiny space across from Forest Park Plaza? This was before it moved to the U.D. area).

Also, there was a funny little shop downtown called the Village Underground. A tiny basement-level place with posters and parphernalia (I went for the posters, I swear), next to where that Sicilian-style pizza place was on 2nd Street maybe? Same street that Rike's was on but the block closest to the river...

And I remember a similar shop in the Arcade, in that warren of strange little cubby hole shops that also included, I think, Mayers Records. It might even have been Mayers, but I seem to recall there being a second shop that sold only posters. Could be wrong -- its been nearly 40 years!
4 posts
Sep 04, 2011
8:23 PM
I remember a head shop in Beavercreek called "Within Limits". I don't think it lasted long, not even a full year.
7 posts
Nov 09, 2012
5:17 PM
Late 70s Early 80s my Dad took me in the Golden Rod before we went to the Grubsteak, every visit. I remember I always wanted to look longer. I could have stayed in there for hours. but we'd have to get back to get our table to eat.

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