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Jandy's Toys
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1 post
Jul 06, 2009
5:31 PM

I'm doing some research on a couple Jane and Andrew O'Connell who owned a toy shop called Jandy's. They left some money in their will to my institution and with no close living relatives I am struggling to find out much about them. Does anyone have memories of these folks and their store?

I understood that Mr. O'Connell had worked for Milton Bradley, perhaps before he opened this store.

Any memories of this generous couple would be most appreciated.

Thank you,

Joshua Ranger
Polk Library
UW Oshkosh
9 posts
Jul 06, 2009
9:13 PM

Wow...my parents were friends of theirs in the 1960's. We used to have dinner at their home. If my memory serves me correctly, we swam in a pool in their backyard. They were very nice people. I haven't thought of them in years.
13 posts
Jul 07, 2009
10:53 AM
Once when my Dad was laid off Andy gave him a job working in the toy store on Main St. They were definitely very nice people.
137 posts
Jul 09, 2009
5:04 PM
Why am I thinking the name of the toy store was Tandy's not Jandy's? That was a magic place for me and I didn't get to go there often even though I lived pretty close to it.
Steve K
67 posts
Jul 09, 2009
5:27 PM
I couldn't find the O'Connell's or Jandy's prior to 1954. The store was at 1966 N Main, they lived on Shroyer Road (Kettering). By 1960, they'd moved the store to 2100 N Main, and by 1965 they lived on Cellarius court. He was Andrew H. O'Connell, she was Jane E. O'Connell. By 1973, the store was gone, they were both listed as retired. In 1975, Ault and James Speed Shop was at the 2100 N Main address, but Andrew and Jane weren't listed at all. It appears that they just left town? I don't recall the place myself, think I was hanging out at the Upper Krust by then, but likely wouldn't have paid much attention to a toy store. Only thing I haven't looked for is to see if they ran any ads in the yellow pages, other than that, there's not much way to locate anything else, since the Dayton papers aren't indexed prior to 1985.

2 posts
Jul 10, 2009
10:49 AM
Everyone, this is great info. Steve K. thank you for doing all that city directory work.

Davew, Becky73, colleen8, can you tell me about the store? Was it really high end stuff or pretty much all toys? Who did it cater to? I've only been to the Dayton airport so I know nothing of the city.

Thanks again, everyone.
42 posts
Aug 23, 2009
7:27 PM
Becky: you are thinking of the old Tandy's leather/hobby stores. they were bought out by Radio shack many moons ago. I believe Jandy's was the name of the Toy store.

Was this store just a bit past the old Tropics on the east side of Main St. (going North on Main) near the curve ?

Last Edited by on Aug 24, 2009 5:41 AM
149 posts
Aug 26, 2009
6:46 PM
I guess I was thinking of the leather goods shop. Hey, I was a kid. And yes,the toy store everyone is thinking of was on Main Street across the street just past Tropics going North.

I remember it having model car kits, which I wasn't interested in, and just general toys. I don't remember any Barbie stuff which I was interested in at the time. I do think they must have had model train items too. It was a claustropic kind of store. The closest thing I can think of to it, is a more crowded Kay Bee Toys crossed with a Radio Shack. The store was small and things were stacked to the ceiling and I think there were things hanging from the ceiling. That's about all I remember.
40 posts
Oct 19, 2009
8:57 PM
I don't think that I was ever in Jandy's Toy Shop, but I believe that it used to advertise locally during the Uncle Orie and Nosey the Clown[TV]Show (1950's and 1960's).
3 posts
Nov 12, 2009
8:20 PM
Jandys was located across from the Dale theater on Main st,maybe two hundred feet south of Marathon ave.on the opposite side of the st.next door to Kalt's Rexall pharmacy and Marilyn jewlers,Good's hobby shop was next door to the Tropics,Jandys was a general type of toy store with a little of everything,Goods had stuff hanging everywhere.
15 posts
Mar 06, 2014
4:20 PM
Thanks for all the great info. My dad named me after Jandy's thinking it made a great girls name ... I was next and born in 61. He would joke about how he could have chosen to name me Mooseburger that was down the street instead. He died in 85 and I cherish the fact that he picked my name. I get back to Dayton quite often and consider it home ... Thanks for all the info and opinions ... It is great to remember the history and people from the great Dayton area..
~Jandy S
(Named after Jandy's Toy Shop in Dayton)
luv my dayton
559 posts
Mar 06, 2014
4:54 PM
Seems that they also in early 50's may have also had a store at the corner of watervieliet and smithville where the gun shop is now located.think there is a photo in the images and videos site on this website.

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