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Dayton Memories > Mangle - anybody remember them?
Mangle - anybody remember them?
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455 posts
Jan 28, 2013
6:15 AM
I'm not even sure this is the correct name for it but that is what my mother called it. That name MIGHT have been because of what it did to clothes. HA

I'm talking late 40's early 50's here.
My mom had a machine in the basement that you sat in front of and it had a large roller (heated?). I am guessing you pressed a pedal? and the roller rose up and you placed something you wanted ironed in it then lowered the roller and it fed the item through and ironed it.

Anyone remember these at all??

87 Buick GN
44 posts
Jan 28, 2013
8:43 AM
My mother worked at at the old Crystal Laundry on Clinton Street, just west of Stivers High School. In the early 1940's, she worked right by a window that I would go down to in the summer and watch her while she operated what she also called a mangle. It was a machine just as you described. She was quite proficient at her job. She also would have a few burns on her hands and arms while working the mangle. I loved watching her iron shirts on it. I learned how to fold shirts after they were ironed, by watching her. The laundry was right next door to a bakery which I think was called The BC Bakery. (?) The laundry workers close to my mom's work area would give me money to go next door to get them a goodie at the bakery, and of course they always gave me enough to get something for myself. The laundry and most of Clinton St. are long gone.
457 posts
Jan 28, 2013
2:58 PM
I looked it up on Wikipedia and YUP, there it was. Just like I remember, BUT they said it was an expensive machine back then and we didn't have THAT kind of money. I mean, my mom drove a CROSLEY - talk about a muscle car HA HA. In Dayton in the Winter and it had NO carpet. That floor was COLD.
87 Buick GN
68 posts
Jan 29, 2013
4:21 AM
tlturbo - I remember my mom having one of those ironing machines. I had almost forgot about it until you mentioned it.
luv my dayton
213 posts
Jan 30, 2013
9:06 PM
Sure do remember the mangle iron well. My grandmother bought herself and my mother each one and when we were young my sister and I would compete on who got to use it first. Had a gadget that hung underneath and you hit that with your knee which lifted the cover up and you laid the piece over the roller and dropped the heat bar down and it rolled and ironed your clothing.Back then everything was ironed. Hankies, socks, t-shirts anything that was flat. While we did that mom was using an iron to do the items that would have been difficult to do on the mangle iron. Theres a thrift store called St.Francis up near Dorothy Lane on Wilmington and they actually hand one to sell. May still be there if anyone would care to see what we've been talking about.Good memories.
10 posts
Feb 25, 2014
4:18 PM
My mother had one, bought it in the early 50's. I am the oldest of 10 kids, so she needed it!!

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