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Dayton Memories > where did pools go?
where did pools go?
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luv my dayton
273 posts
Apr 13, 2013
8:36 AM
As mentioned on a previous thread I don't have facts to base my theory on but believe the closing of even the private swim clubs came about from lack of patrons, but mostly they died out because of the owners liability costs with their insurances which made it too costly to run a business.
148 posts
Apr 13, 2013
12:42 PM
And a big thank you to blood sucking lawers everywhere.
127 posts
Apr 13, 2013
8:35 PM
Sadly, I think they went the same place as many of the other things I remember as a youngster.....ball diamonds, mini-golf courses, corner mom/pop markets, neighbors knowing neighbors, stay at home moms, drive-in theaters, high school kids with after school, weekend, and summer jobs, patriotism, etc.

I think they call it "progress".
Paula fishman
5 posts
Feb 09, 2014
7:37 AM
My family belonged to the Trotwood Acquatic Club. My cousin and I spent every summer there. There were alot of membership pools in the 60's
luv my dayton
543 posts
Feb 09, 2014
8:16 AM
Not all progress has been great for society. First signs of it were when family life and war on kids kicked in.That's when greed got jump started and we are where were at today with that mentality. My own grown children have commented on how they wished they could have been a kid in the 50-60's. Will have to say we had access to all kinds of activities and you could always find some sort of legal form of earning spending money. A friend of mine told me her son and wife needed a baby sitter and they found one at the high school. Cost was ten dollars an hr. There night out became very costly and they only had a few hrs to do it in. Paid the sitter and got a call from parent she could no longer sit. When asked why they were told they should have included a tip. There's the greed factor right in your face.
127 posts
Feb 09, 2014
11:09 AM
Trotwood, Philips Aquatic center were my choices. I went to Millers grove a couple of times but the water was so darn cold. When I was lad of 7 years old, or so, I would board the "yellow banana" trolley bus and go downtown, transfer to another bus to Phillips and swim all day, alone. I would not even need to call Mom to tell her I had arrived at the pool. I would then be home, of course, for dinner. I didn't miss that. You could not travel safely that distance all by yourself today. Another story....At a camp ground as an adult, I had a trailer there. They had a big pool with a diving board. They removed the diving board after some time because of insurance. The same thing happened to school playgrounds. Remember the merry-go-round, the slide, swings?
11 posts
Feb 22, 2014
6:13 AM
OakDay swimming pool was a public pool--for a small fee you could swim all day. They switched to private to limit/control who could come in to swim, if you get my drift. The private plan didn't work out because most people in the area were not willing/able to pay a membership fee, and the land was more valuable than the pool. The owners sold out to apartments for UD housing. There was a pool called the Cool Pool near Xenia Ave, I think, I never went there. I think it is gone too.

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