8 posts
May 10, 2013
8:40 PM
Anyone remember The Uncle Orrie Show with Ferdie Fussbudget?? ---------- Forgiven, forgotten, set free!!
141 posts
May 10, 2013
8:55 PM
My brother and some of the neighbor kids were on that show in the early 60s, they got $1 each for singing the BHA song. My parents were not impressed with Uncle Orrie off camera, particularly his language.
11 posts
May 11, 2013
7:12 AM
Capt. Kangaroo and Uncle Al in the morning, then Uncle Orrie in the afternoon. Bozo and Romper Room were in there somewhere too. Later it was Malcolm's Clubhouse 22 after school. Hard to believe kids today can't fathom growing up before Sesame Street.
21 posts
May 11, 2013
2:39 PM
90% sure Uncle Orrie and Uncle Al were local shows, but the Captain was national because, being down here in Florida, people live here that are from all over the country, and everyone that grew up in the 50s/60s remembers the Captain, Grandfather Clock, Mr. Green Jeans, Mr. Moose, Bunny Rabbit, and Tom Terrific!! ---------- Forgiven, forgotten, set free!!
37 posts
May 15, 2013
12:51 PM
and don't forget the Melon Man!!!!!
65 posts
May 18, 2013
6:11 PM
Uncle Orrie, (Joe Rockold sp?) Lived in Hillsboro. I ran into him at a returaunt called the "Eat-N-Time. Ferdie Fussbudget (Ken Hardin) grew up in east Dayton.
24 posts
May 23, 2013
2:29 PM
I'm sorry that I don't remember his name but before Ferdie Fussbudget, Uncle Orrie's sidekick was Nosey the Clown. He was another employee of WHIO and, of course, did other on air projects.
68 posts
May 27, 2013
10:08 AM
Jack Jacobson played Nosey the Clown
1 post
May 31, 2013
8:06 PM
Anyone remember the Ken and Don Show from the mid to late 60's? How about Dr. Creep? The Schoenling Midnight Theatre?
21 posts
May 31, 2013
10:04 PM
I talked about the Schoenling Midnight Theater, with Bob Scheives(sp) with all his animals, Spidel the spider etc...you are the only one that has said anything about it..I loved that show,,the longer it went the more tipsy Bob got..""Schoenling, Schoenling that is the beer for me""
115 posts
Jun 01, 2013
1:48 AM
kk - There are a number of other topics on this blog that discuss Dr. Creep. Use the Site Search button to find these topics, including discussion of his passing.
69 posts
Jul 29, 2014
3:07 AM
"BHA means better home appliances....la la la" One time the camera was still on and they were handing out the crisp $1 bills to the kids. Didn't know Dr. Creep passed, but I haven't been on here for a while. Ferdie (Ken Hardin) was very active in local theatre, especially the Dayton Theater Guild where I saw him both act and direct plays. He moved to California (I believe) where he passed away some years ago. We had an old slide of my brother and other kids posing with Uncle Orrie and Nosey at a store in West Dayton. The Uncle Orrie and Nosey the Clown were regulars on our TV. btw, are the code letters to post case specific?
3 posts
Sep 22, 2014
11:47 AM
I was on the show in 1964 with my cub scout troop...still remember telling everybody "Hey, I'm gonna be on TV!" I remember Uncle Orrie saying that my brother looked like Yogi Bear...
David C
14 posts
Feb 16, 2015
10:15 AM
I remember watching an Uncle Orrie show one efternoon. I was about 4 or 5. Remember the short stories they would air over a few weeks? This episode was particularly frightful—for a pre K boy with an overly active imagination anyway. Some scene moved toward more scary than I could handle, so I found comfort in a dark safe place in out apartment until Mom came looking for me.
Last Edited by David C on Feb 16, 2015 10:16 AM
78 posts
Feb 17, 2015
7:33 PM
Uncle Orrie, who was very grouchy, also had a working farm that schoolkids would visit. My 1st grade class went for our field trip in spring '66. I posted in another thread about it: He had baby chicks dyed various colors with food dye. A while later that practice was outlawed because all the chicks kept dying, like Goldfinger.