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Dayton Memories > Peffley ford Commercials
Peffley ford Commercials
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1 post
Jun 01, 2013
8:58 PM
I am looking for old peffley Ford Commercials... My grandmother used to work there years ago. And not that she is gone, I was trying to find the commercials, and I am not having any luck on the internet. i have googled everything. So if someone could help me out I would be very grateful.

106 posts
Jun 02, 2013
6:14 AM
Have you tried YouTube? I have found lots of vintage local commercials there.
312 posts
Jun 02, 2013
7:35 AM
I'm sure this member tried that - they say they had no luck on the internet. Youtube has nothing. Only the most distinctive local commercials (Concord City, etc.) tend to wind up on Youtube.
107 posts
Jun 02, 2013
10:01 AM
So she did say that. Oops. I thought it was worth a try. I had seen old Concord City ads like you said. I have also seen King Kwik commercials. Promos for Shock Theater. A few other unique local commercials.
146 posts
Jun 02, 2013
12:05 PM
Assuming these were locally (as opposed to regionally or nationally) produced commericals, there can't be that many video production companies in the local area. Same with Dayton-based advertising companies. Start calling those in the curret phone book, if that fails try the phone book from the time period the commercials were airing to see what other companies were in business at the time.

You might also want to call the advertising sales departments of the local Dayton TV stations, one of their sales gerbils might remember who did the video for Peffley.
313 posts
Jun 02, 2013
12:19 PM
Sales gerbils, LOL.

Another remote possibility is anyone in the area who has a collection of 80s TV programs that they recorded off the air, and happened to not trim out the commercials. I should probably go through my stuff and find vintage commercials and transfer them to movie files.

It sounds like any way you slice it, this will be a research project, not something laying around for the taking.
314 posts
Jun 04, 2013
9:58 AM
Perry, it sounds like you worked in the media. I learned some stuff from your post.

Perhaps requests could be posted on the usual public advertising places: Craigslist, the Facebook pages for "I grew up in Dayton", etc. Material like this is probably lurking in someone's local basement or attic or storage containers.
blue J
91 posts
Jun 14, 2013
2:02 PM
I don't know how old we're talking about here, but I probably have some on some VHS tapes from back in the mid to late 1980s, when I used to record Saturday Night Live broadcasts pretty frequently.

P-E-F F-L E-Y, Peffley Ford!
2 posts
Jun 21, 2013
9:48 PM
Thank you all so much for the information. I though it would be great to find one of the commercials that my grandmother was in, and share it with my family...She worked for Peffley's a long time. I know she worked for them in the 80's. I was like only a little thing back then. The people she used to work for in the office are gone now. Memories like that are hard to find...I have been researching this for a very long time with no luck at all. So I thought going this route will help our more. Most people don't have any of the recordings anymore. And I am not sure if the commercial that she made was even aired. I have even asked my mom about it, and she couldn't remember. I know my grandmother have the tape when the commercial was made, just not sure if it was aired....If anyone comes across any of the old commercials please let me know. Thank you so much.
luv my dayton
308 posts
Jul 07, 2013
10:13 AM
Was Peffley out at Shoup and Main? Believe building there and looks like its a business school of some kind.Could be mistaken as Im usually driving and not good at sight seeing. Also looks like some of the apts. on Riverside out in same area are slowing coming back to life. Will be out that way this next week and will definitely check out the area.
475 posts
Jul 08, 2013
7:06 AM
Peffley was on Main in front of Forest Park. I believe you're thinking of Moorman Pontiac. Right next to Moorman was Stump's Market but not sure what's in there now.

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