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Dayton Memories > Dudleys restaurant
Dudleys restaurant
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luv my dayton
322 posts
Jul 15, 2013
8:31 AM
Seems like it was another short lived venture that was on the site of the GFS on Wilmington. Several eateries had been at that location and none was there long.Dudley's was more a family restaurant.
173 posts
Jul 15, 2013
11:11 AM
Think I've posted about this previously, but before that corner of Smithville and Dorothy was developed, there was a large, imposing looking empty house at that location. As a five year old, I though the place very spooky and sinister looking.

In the 1961 time frame, my brother and some of his friends decided to check out this local "haunted" house one night. No ghosts inside, but they did find some boxes and trunks in one of the rooms, may have been the attic. In addition to old clothing (costumes?), they found hundreds of handbills advertising vaudeville and burlesque shows across the midwest. My brother kept a few of those, but who knows whatever happened to them.

We moved out of Kettering in early 62, not sure how much longer that creepy old house remained.

Last Edited by Calhoun on Jul 15, 2013 11:12 AM

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