Donna Gibson
21 posts
Jul 31, 2013
3:44 PM
Does anyone know who occupies the old Carnegie Library building on East Fifth Street at the present time. I visited there when it was a priority board meeting place. It's Dayton's last Carnegie.
Donna Gibson
22 posts
Jul 31, 2013
3:46 PM
Does anyone know who occupies the Carnegie Library building on East Fifth Street at the present time?
luv my dayton
342 posts
Jul 31, 2013
4:36 PM
Its just down the hill from me and will drive by in a day or so to see if its got tenents.Have been there myself in the past as belonged to the Wrightview association. Think that group is now defunct.
120 posts
Aug 02, 2013
9:29 AM
Donna, this brought back the memory of when I was a student at the old Huffman Elementary School in the early 1940's. On really hot days (no A/C in those days), one of our teachers would take the whole class to the park connected to Carnegie Library to the west and the kids would sit in the grass and we would have our class there. I always looked forward to this
111 posts
Oct 03, 2013
3:38 PM
rdebross, I used to wait for the PRR trains at the same park. Sometimes I'd go to the crossing guards shack to watch him put the gates down across East Fifth St. "The Spirit of St Louis" was worth the wait.
84 posts
Oct 03, 2013
6:13 PM
Billd1952 When you stood near the guard shack you could hear an electric bell ring shortly before a train arrived at the crossing. I figure that was the signal for the guard to lower the gates. The shack on East 5th at Huffman was at street level so you could talk to the guard.
112 posts
Oct 03, 2013
7:34 PM
rdebross yep. The small bell would ring when the eastbound trains were at the Detoit St. crossing and for the west bound trains, when they were crossing Livingston Ave. bridge. I'm happy someone else remembers these little tidbits. I used to go to the B&O roundhouse on E. First St. as well. I loved trains. Sorry for drifting off topic. The last time I passed the library, it looked unkept. It was a nice library in its day.
Last Edited by Billd1952 on Oct 03, 2013 7:40 PM
43 posts
Oct 04, 2013
6:08 AM
Would be nice if someone could turn it back into some type of library facility, such as a Library Museum or something to that effect. That area of town really needs some kind of boost to revitalize itself.
Last Edited by FreedomWriter on Oct 04, 2013 6:09 AM
225 posts
Oct 04, 2013
5:39 PM
St Mary's Development Corporation has converted Huffman School into a senior living facility. I do volunteer work for SMDC, spent an afternoon at Huffman helping out the seniors a year or so ago. Beautiful place.
1 post
Jan 01, 2015
4:35 PM
My Dad lived near the Library on 5th street. His house was across from the park. He always talks about going to the children's section until they allowed him to read in the adult section. He also went to Huffman school in the 1940's.
luv my dayton
783 posts
Jan 01, 2015
6:50 PM
Thanks for all the input on the history of the library and that area. Learned a lot from you all. Cross the train track on fifth often and had often wondered its history along with the library.
176 posts
Jan 08, 2015
9:31 PM
Sheree, what is your dad's name? I also went to Huffman School in the 40's and a girl in my class lived across the street from the library park. Her name was Mildred Coffee. Maybe your dad knew her. Our English/Reading teacher would take the entire class to the library park and hold her class on the hotter days. She would have us bring our library cards on those days and we would go inside and pick out a book to take outside to sit in the park and read.
jim of huffman av.
5 posts
Feb 22, 2015
1:09 PM
---------- jim of Huffman av. In the mid 40s. I was a regular visitor to the library, I went to Franklin from 43 to 49. There was a lot of good times at both places.