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Dayton Memories > Talk of the Town Night Club
Talk of the Town Night Club
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6 posts
Nov 03, 2013
10:12 PM
All of the talk about Dayton clubs, I didn't see any mention of the Talk of the Town. It was on Main Street just North of where the Shuster Center is now. I guess it was a little to "risque" for a lot of the old dudes now remembering. A very popular place, but right next to a Larry Flint bar. Maybe that was it's problem. A little trivia test; Who was the owner? A very well known restranteur in Dayton. A silver dollar, maybe, to who ever can answer the question!!!
joey m
143 posts
Nov 04, 2013
9:50 AM
historybuff Dick Mantia owner of Dominicks reastarant. He was a great friend of mine. His and my dad were good friends and we as a family would go there back in the early 50's. His dad went by the knickname name of Skinny. And I thought Talk of the Town was owned by Larry & Dick. They were good friends. Wasnt frequent customer but did go once in a while. Tommy Mantia who was Dicks cousin played drums there and we ran around once in a while. "GREAT MEMORIES"
luv my dayton
451 posts
Nov 09, 2013
6:15 AM
Was downtown all the time because of going to cosmotology school which was above the Lowes theatre. Only thing I kind of remember hearing was they had belly dancers but don't forget back in the early 60's that was risque. Who would have thought what we have accepted down the road many times in full view of children.

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