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Dayton Memories > The Tropics
The Tropics
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blue J
142 posts
Sep 22, 2014
12:02 PM
I was looking and looking for an old thread on the board about The Tropics restaurant, on North Main Street, and I couldn't find it anywhere. Anyway...I found a placemat/menu from there, dating to about 1955, as well as a couple of old matchbook covers, of the same vintage.

Does anyone know if George Rudin (the owner) was known for wearing bow ties, or big cravats, or something? The matchbook covers I have, they have a cartoonish sort of rendering of him with an exaggeratedly large ribbon-looking bow around his neck. Hahaha...

I have a few other mementos like this, too, from various different Dayton restaurants and such, from the 1930s through the '50s or '60s. Not a whole lot, but a few things. Curt, if I took photos of them and sent them to you, would they be fit to be posted anywhere on this site? (I don't know if they'd really go in the Dayton Images section, but who knows?).
blue J
153 posts
Nov 14, 2014
1:36 PM
I happened to be doing an internet search fro Icelandia, and came across various other elements of Dayton history/nostalgia...and I found a musician's website that happened to feature a reproduction of an article from the Dayton Daily at the time that George Rudin was selling off the interior decorations from The Tropics. Scroll down below the old Tropics menu cover to find it, on this page:

luv my dayton
737 posts
Nov 16, 2014
7:53 PM
Hi blue if you go to page six there is a thread on the tropics.Don't remember what your interest is but it had numerous comments. Good luck

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