77 posts
Jan 15, 2015
6:02 AM
I know there have been a lot of posts and discussion about the old drive-ins in Dayton, but do people still go to drive-ins today in the Dayton area?
I've been down here in Florida since 1981. They had drive-ins here when I got here, but now the only one left was turned into a flea market, and they basically no longer exist with all the video rental places.
545 posts
Jan 15, 2015
7:40 AM
Jack - Yep, people still go. The Dixie on N. Dixie, the Skyborn and the Melody 49 are still in operation.
67 posts
Jan 18, 2015
10:06 PM
Last Edited by clamper on Jan 20, 2015 10:25 AM
luv my dayton
808 posts
Jan 18, 2015
10:17 PM
My daughter takes her kids to a drive in and today that wouldn't be something I would want to do.She said you now listen to the sound through your own car radio and that seems a bit too much for one's car. The last place I would want to have my battery go dead.
luv my dayton
809 posts
Jan 19, 2015
5:47 AM
That was before we had a lot of the extra choices we have today. Once videos came out that may have been the reason they all but disappeared.It was fun while it lasted and children loved it.
645 posts
Jan 20, 2015
4:59 AM
I don't think I ever went to a drive-in for "the movie experience". I don't think my parents ever went to one and took me as a kid. Probably would have been fun but I remember going after High School more as a social experience. Aside from the obvious of being a great place to be alone with your date, it was a place where a bunch of us with corvettes would meet and park together along the back and socialize, get out and sit on back deck of the cars, share beer or Cold Duck (yuck) and maybe watch some of the movie. ----------
1987 Buick GN
107 posts
Jan 20, 2015
12:08 PM
I suppose by now you have all heard about the couple who nearly froze to death at the entrance to their nearby Drive-In, waiting to see the double-feature, "Closed For The Season" and "See You Next year". What a bummer (terribly old joke as well - just couldn't resist).
259 posts
Jan 20, 2015
10:18 PM
JJC - Whenever I drove home from OU, I passed by the drive-in that used to be on US-33 outside Nelsonville. They would have a similar marquee during the winter - Closed for the Season, Freezin' the Reason.
2 posts
Jan 22, 2015
9:00 AM
I remember going to the North star drive-in at the corner of Needmore and Dixie, across from Fazios. My dad work there as a Manager in the 70's I live in Nashville, tn now and there are several drive-ins we visit. Always fun times with the kids.
David C
6 posts
Feb 16, 2015
8:30 AM
There was a drive-in on Valley Street and the 69 Drive-in south of New Carlisle.
Does anyone remember Wahoo played during the movie break? They would give silver dollars to the winners. I can't recall the drive-in.
Last Edited by David C on Feb 16, 2015 8:31 AM
15 posts
Apr 20, 2015
7:50 AM
the Belmont auto theatre on county line road. we would ride our bicycles down there and jump the fence and sit up front where they had chairs set out. now that was service.
18 posts
Apr 20, 2015
9:01 AM
We used to go to the Southland 75 Drive-in which was on 741 across from where the Dayton Mall is now. We also used to got to the Miami Cruise-in Drive In South of Miamisburg. We would hide in the trunk of my buddys old Ford, then jumped out once inside. We saved a whole dollar. Good times for sure.