Dayton Memories >
Dayton's Blizzard of 1978
Dayton's Blizzard of 1978
112 posts
Jan 26, 2015
6:44 AM
As I sit here in my office in Maine, having just been advised that our business will be closed tomorrow due to the coming blizzard, I am reminded, vividly, of that evening of Jan. 25, 1978. I was working late, setting up a newly-installed computer. I could look out the windows into the alley that ran behind the Hulman Building, 2nd and Ludlow. First, it was blowing rain; then , the next thing I saw was a faint glow of one of the street lights, through the blowing snow. By the time I was finished with my work, around 3AM, I could barely get out of the garage, below. Now, 37 years later, almost to the day, I sit in anticipation of another "January Blizzard". I'll keep you posted.
luv my dayton
822 posts
Jan 26, 2015
8:26 AM
People living in the northeast over the years and then coming to Dayton have no sympathy for us when weather gets bad. Our company got a new manager from Rhode Island. We had to risk life and limb here if severe weather hit. As wonderful a man he was his thoughts were if we didn't have to tunnel out as the northeastern did then we were in good shape. He did compromise, if you couldn't get in you werent charged a vacation day if you did make it in you were given an extra day. Thankfully I am retired and no longer have to worry about it.I am sitting here right now watching the weather channel as my sister lives in Rochester NY and trying to see if she's at risk. We call a heavy snow here 'white death '. Keep safe.
Last Edited by luv my dayton on Jan 26, 2015 8:29 AM
joey m
313 posts
Jan 26, 2015
8:31 AM
I went to Fridays which at the time was the in place to go. I didn't get there until about 9:00 PM and as I was talking to some friends I could see that we were going to get some snow. As I sat there and watched the snow build to where I could see that it would be a good idea to head for home. By the time I said my good-byes I could barely see my car in the parking lot. I had driven in terrible weather in the past but I getting ready experience a trip that was less than 3 miles but was going to take almost 30 mins. The only way I was able to make it was to try to stay in what I think was the middle of the road. To this day I dont know how I ever got home. If you did or have ever driven in such circumstances you know what I'm talking about. "GREAT MEMORIES" I think ! !
luv my dayton
824 posts
Jan 26, 2015
8:47 AM
Joey you must have been in a white out and that's driving blind. Had a terrible time in my younger days even driving in that stuff. Watching news now and their showing stores in Pa with empty shelves. I honestly feel sorry for the east coast as they have had more than their fair share of disastrous weather.Their talking 25 in.or more.Good coverage on TheWeather Channel. Just a memory but years ago husband and I driving N675 to the 35 exit. Left centerville leaving sunny skies beautiful day. All of a sudden we drove into the twilight zone with white out conditions. We all on the highway slowed down immediately and put on hazard lights and tried to follow one another until we could get to a safe place.
Last Edited by luv my dayton on Jan 26, 2015 8:57 AM
113 posts
Jan 26, 2015
11:37 AM
That fateful night in 1978, as I was leaving the Hulman Bldg., I was exiting from the garage under the building. When the garage door went up, all I saw was a wall of snow, which had previously been banked against the closed door. I gunned the car to burst through the snow. The worst part for me driving home that morning, near 3AM, was when I got to Patterson Blvd., along the river. I couldn't see much on my left except a faint glimpse of the blvd., but I knew the river was over there on my right. Not a fun trip home. And today, having just made a short trip across the river to Portsmouth, N.H., I can tell you the snow has started to fall pretty hard. I believe we're in for a long night.
Last Edited by JJCofMAINE on Jan 26, 2015 11:38 AM
joey m
314 posts
Jan 27, 2015
2:04 PM
After the snow stopped the next day I couldn't get my cars out of the driveway. I had bought a snowmobile from Bo Foreman that year and I was in seventh heaven. A couple friends of mine met at The Egyptians Body Shop and ran allover the city and county until about one in the morning. We were not supposed to be on the street but but there wasn' anybody out with the conditions so bad. And when police turned their lights on we just took off no way for them to catch you. Best part of ride was going to Community Golf Course And riding all over it.
114 posts
Jan 28, 2015
6:16 AM
The blizzard has passed and left us with about 26" of the white stuff. Wind speeds in the 40's-50's. Fortunately, no power loss. One of our sons has a snow plow on his truck and was able to make a couple of stops at our house on his regular snow-removal route, so I had very little work to do with my snow-blower. The storm provided me with a free day from the office, but now it's back to work, and wait for the next storm.
Last Edited by JJCofMAINE on Jan 28, 2015 6:17 AM
luv my dayton
829 posts
Jan 28, 2015
6:35 AM
I feel badly for those who live in areas that can get hit with various weather disasters often. Forest fires,hurricanes,blizzards and flooding. Also thankful the area I live doesn't have any of those things on a regular basis for now. As cold as it is right now I am looking out to sunshine and am thinking of heading out for awhile.
Paula fishman
33 posts
Jan 30, 2015
8:27 AM
I worked in the offices of Delco Products on Forrer Blvd in Kettering. I lived in Kettering and was warming my car to go to mother called and said, "your not going anywhere, turn on the news." Later on GM announced they were closing. First time I can remember GM EVER closing. I was only 25 at the time tho.
87 posts
Jan 30, 2015
8:46 AM
We lived in Englewood. I woke up that morning and remember I could barely see the top of my car. I believe we were snowed in for close to 3 days before it was clear. Hawks was there with us and a few others!
115 posts
Jan 30, 2015
12:07 PM
The company I now work for in Maine is a large-volume, specialty-sports retailer (not LLBean, further up in Maine). We are open 363 days of the year - closed only on Christmas and Thanksgiving. And, similar to Paula's post, above, in the nearly 32 years I have worked here, I have never seen the store "pre-emptively" close before this past Tuesday. In 1985, we were open until mid-day when Hurricane Bob roared through. But, it's New England, and we grow to accept the weather differences.
9 posts
Apr 09, 2015
11:35 PM
Ok, this is a true story...Me and my first wife went to bed early that night, did not know what was coming,We had trouble with a sump pump,which was housed in a small basement area next to the furnace, water had been building up, sowe had a portable pump working, My mother and me worked at Frigidaire,day shift, at 6:30 am, Mom and Dad were trying to get ahold of us but couldn.t wake us up by phone, My dad was a Kettering Cop, so he had Officer Silvinski go over and check to see if we were alive or not(furnace problem remember),I hear glass breaking at the back door,get my pistol thinking someone broke in. I can see a flashlight in the kitchen,then I see his hat badge,He hollars "Billy, its Ski" needless to say I put my pistol away.Along with Ski is a fellow Kettering firefighter on Station 3 with me,he had a 4-wheel drive truck,and was carrying Ski around, Charlie said get your gear, your going to the Fire House. I said why?, he said look outside dummy, opened front door and all I seen was snow flying by sideways. Spent the next 3 days at Station 3,Truck 1 just in case. Oh, and Si told my Dad I was ALIVE
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