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Dayton Memories > Walnut Hills Corner Markets
Walnut Hills Corner Markets
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8 posts
Mar 18, 2015
4:36 AM
Johns was on the corner of Highland Ave and Wyoming. There was another corner market on Connecticut, between Indiana and Illinois Ave. I believe... does anyone remember the name of this one? Also one on the corner of Indiana Ave. and Wyoming Ave. Deli/meat type? I know one of the above mentioned was Joe's. Just can't remember the other, and which was which. HELP!!
549 posts
Mar 18, 2015
5:05 AM
Welcome to Dayton History. I love Walnut Hills.
61 posts
Mar 18, 2015
5:30 PM
I think it was IGA. I remember that place. I think it was still there in the 80's. Sadly, Walnut Hills has really gone down hill, no pun intended.

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