7 posts
Dec 18, 2012
9:48 AM
OK, how many of you remember all the supper clubs that once graced Dayton? All the famous people who came through and played there at places like Suttmiller's and Tropics? Local musicians who played there. I remember when George Rudin closed Tropics and we went to the auction to collect memorabilia. He had real red snapper there. Mmmmm. They're all gone now. Shame. Let's see how many of you have cool memories!
2 posts
Dec 19, 2012
5:28 AM
Senior Prom...May of 1962...dinner at the Tropics...
61 posts
Dec 20, 2012
4:52 AM
My date took me to Annarino's after our turnabout dance. Probably in 66 or 67. My 1st real date.
luv my dayton
199 posts
Dec 29, 2012
5:57 AM
Last time I was ever at a supper club where live music was played was New Years eve 1989 at the colony club.Have no idea what I had for a meal but did enjoy the music.
4 posts
Jan 13, 2013
10:25 PM
All of the places mentioned above were wonderful. Suttmillers, The Tropics, Annarinos,The Colony Club. Dayton could compete with any city with the caliber of clubs, entertainers and food. Dayton in the 60's was just a great place to get dressed up and go out for a special event, or no event at all. When and why did it change? Really miss this kind of entertainment. Does anyone think this type of entertainment will ever return?
7 posts
Feb 12, 2013
11:42 AM
Face it, the "good ol' days" are over; a thing of the past, sad but true... (also, getting tired of my messages not posting...lol) ---------- Rose Retter
471 posts
Feb 14, 2013
5:18 AM
I'm REALLY getting fed up with this SPAM CODE. Lost a post AGAIN and didn't copy it first because it only took a minute to write.
LETS TRY THIS AGAIN Wasn't there a nive supper club called Henricie's or something Italian sounding on the top of a newer hotel in downtown in the late 60's? I remember going there. We also would go to one on the SW corner of Smithville and Linden MAYBE?????
Last Edited by tlturbo on Mar 29, 2013 2:50 PM
54 posts
Mar 29, 2013
6:17 AM
I never got to Annarino's when it operated as a restaurant, but have found the spaghetti sauce on the shelf of my local Meijer's store in Westerville, OH (north Columbus suburb). I went through a long process of trying every jar of sauce on the shelf to see which one suited my taste. Final judgement: nothing better than Annarino's.
4 posts
Oct 17, 2013
9:18 PM
My very first date with a 17-yr old busboy from the Colony Club was at, you guessed it, the Colony Club. The date was March of 1970. I was 14 & we met in HS. I have fond memories of this event as we've never been apart since that date, 43-1/2 years ago. He went on to become assistant to the chef, Bob Weller, before finally moving on to his lifetime career. My husband & I were married in 1976 but that first date at the Colony Club in 1970 will always hold a special place in my heart.
luv my dayton
427 posts
Oct 28, 2013
9:55 AM
Have been to all of the mentioned including Neils Heritage House. All were excellent places for a nice dinner and night out. Times changed and not for the better.It used be a special night out and for dressing up but then came the days of lazy and laid back wearing jeans shorts track shoes flip flops and loafers with no socks. Would imagine that Oakwood club and Pine Club still offer class and good dining.The town will be definitely in trouble if either of those disappears.
joey m
139 posts
Oct 29, 2013
11:20 AM
luv my dayton I still go to the Oakwood club and the Pine club. Oakwood club still the people there dress pretty well but the Pine club is pretty casual. I know I'm old fashioned but it sure was nice when it was something special and you and your wife or date dressed up. And I remember some of the nicer places required a sport coat or suit and tie to get in. And this is funny but I used to frequent Woodys Market restaurantand their policy was No! short shorts no sleeveless shirts and no hats left on. And there were no exceptions, I went there once and had cut off shirt and I was friends with the Bowmans and Danny one of the sons was there and I thought he would make an exception and he said absolutely not, do you want dad to kill me. So he got bme one of the bus boys shirts and we had lunch. Oh yea I'm pretty sure I bought! "GREAT MEMORIES"
34 posts
Nov 20, 2013
11:15 PM
I wonder if anyone ever frequented Kitty’s restaurant downtown? I went there quite frequently until it closed. Kitty was a very, very gracious host. My wife and I had dinner with she and her husband Dan often at the restaurant. The restaurant was very convenient as you could park in the basement garage and take the elevator to the restaurant. After she closed the restaurant, her manager, Bill Thomas, opened Thomato’s, for a few years. It was very convenient to have dinner there and then go to events at the Shuster, the Victoria, the Loft or other downtown events. It seems amazing that the restaurant is still there but still closed. Kitty and Dan moved to Florida some years ago where I understand Dan passed away a few years ago.
8 posts
Apr 17, 2014
12:53 PM
Betty Greenwodd just passed away recently. Got her start at Paul's Cafe on Third St.. Worked at the Tropics before opening Cascade on Salem Ave.
Joseph B. Dooley
1 post
Jun 24, 2014
5:57 PM
The Tropics was great. Also the Pine Club, knew Lloyd Meinzer and his son. Dayton had some great spots, 40's and 50's, can't remember them all. A 777 bar on Brown, near Irving, UD guys hung out there. Many, many good memories of Dayton, I moved away in 1950 ... changed a bit since then.