Aircraft Production in Dayton
by NCR World Copyright 1970
The early days of aviation, including the Wright Brothers shop in 1910. Published in NCR World September-October, 1970.
At Dayton
by Time Copyright 1924
This article on aviation races in Dayton appeared in Time magazine October 13, 1924.
by James Farber Copyright 1937
A wonderful article about Dayton's place in the hsitory of aviation. The article was written by Farber during the Great Depression and paid for by the WPA. It is unknown if it ever got published.
The Bug
by NCR World Copyright 1970
This article on Charles F. Kettering's work on a pilotless "buzz bomb" appeared in NCR World September-October, 1970
A Close Tie
by NCR Corporation
Edward Deeds ties to Dayton, NCR and aviation. The article appeared in NCR World September-October 1970 issue
Dayton Still City of Aviation Miracles
by Journal Herald Copyright 1943
How Materiel Command developed the automatic landing gear, the cantilever wing, high octane fuels, pressurized cabins and many others which have made American aircraft superior and commercial aviation practical.
Dedication of the New Wright Field
Author unknown Copyright 1927
Article on Wright Field's dedication on October 12, 1927. The article appeared in NCR News, October 1927 issue
Flying Machines: Construction and Operation
by W.J. Jackman and Thos. H. Russell Copyright 1912
Plans on how to build your own airplane, with many facts about the Wright Brothers
Here's How It Was Really Reported
by Roz Young Copyright 1970
How the report of the Wright Brothers first flight was handled by Dayton newspapers at the time. Published in NCR World Spetember-October 1970.
A History of Aeronautics
by E. Charles Vivian Copyright 1921
Vivian attempts to chronicle how flight had developed from its beginnings to 1920. The Wright Brothers are mentioned throughout the book, as well as having their own chapter.
How We Made the First Flight
by Orville Wright Copyright 1913
Orville's article was published in Flying and The Aero Club of America Bulletin, December 1913
The Municipal Airport Goes to War
by George M. McSherry Copyright 1943
A wide variety of changes were made to the airport in Vandalia so that it would be up to the standards the military needed during World War II
The Shop that Became a Shrine
by Howard Egbert Copyright 1928
How the Wright Brother's bicycle shop in Dayton became a monument to flight.
The Vindication of Squier and Deeds
by John K. Barnes Copyright 1921
The development and building of the Liberty engine for aircraft during World War One
The Wright Brothers - The first magazine article written about them (The article had no title)
by Amos Ives Root Copyright 1905
First article to appear about the Wright Brothers. Published in Gleanings in Bee Culture, January 1, 1905.
The Wright Brothers' Aeroplane
by Orville and Wilbur Wright Copyright 1908
How the Wright Brothers invented the airplane, in their own words. First appeared in The Century Magazine on September 1908.