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Subscribers of the Dayton Telephone Exchange
June 1881




Telephone Exchange,





JUNE, 1881.


The Attention of Subscribers is Particularly Called to the

Notice Inside of Cover





Parties desiring Instruments will be promptly attended to by addressing

Geo. L. Phillips,                        -                       President.

H.N.L. Bernard,                       -                       Manager.








To call Exchange, turn the crank on the bell, at the same time pressing the button.  The call will be answered by ringing your bell.  Do not remove the telephone from the hook until after ringing the bell and receiving your answer on the bell.  Press the telephone close against the ear, and stand about one foot from the microphone and talk in an ordinary conversational tone. 

            The parties on this list are connected with the Exchange, and may be talked to through our office.



            Complaints of imperfect working of your line or instrument should be reported to Central Office at once from the nearest Telephone in your vicinity.

            Please report to General Manager any inattention of operators

            The operators are instructed not to make connection for parties not subscribers.








Alabaugh Crume & Co. Paper Boxes.

Alabaugh N H & Son, Hill Home Nurseries.

Alexander G M D, Agent South Shore Line

American Express Office.

Anderton Chase, Fruits etc, East Third Street.

Arnold J O, Residence.

Asylum for Insane.

Auditor’s Office.





Babbitt T S, Wholesale Millinery.

Baggage Room, Union Depot.

Backus Oil Company, A. I. Keenan.

Baker W R, Residence.

Baker J L, Carriage Builder.

Barlow H A & Co, Clothiers.

Barnett R & Co, Hardware, Third street.

Barnett R & Co., Wayne street.

Barney E E, Residence, cor First and Perry.

Barney Edward E, Resident, Dayton View.

Barney Eugene J, Residence, Huffman Hill.

Barney & Smith Manufacturing Co.

Bates W L, Merchandise Broker.

Bauman A L, Wholesale Bakery.

Baumann C L, Attorney at Law.


Beall A W, Heating and Ventilating Engineer.

Beaver B N, Residence.

Beaver Leon, Architect, Pruden Block.

Beaver & Butt, Builders.

Beckel House.


Belvinlle Wickliffe, Law Office, 22 East Third street.

Berk & Fry, Undertakers.

Bernard H N L, Residence.

Bimm E & Sons, Groceries.

Bimm E & Sons, Ice House.






Blau M, 31 and 33 Mill street.

Board of Education.

Boltin & Shauck.

Bohlender John, Confectioneries and Ice Cream.

Bouch O L, Residence, Carpenter and Builder, 250 June street.

Boyer, O P, Undertaker, 211 West Third street.

Bradstreet’s Mercantile Agency.

Bradstreet and Sons, Fruit Commission

Bretch & Evans.  Tinners, Roofers, and Galvanized Iron Cornice.

Bryce S T, Stone Yard.

Bright and Crossley, Wholesale Grovers.

Broadrup, Huffman & Co. School Furniture.

Brooks & Kemper, Plumbers, Gas, and Steam Fitters.

Brown S N, Residence.

Brown S N & Co, Hub and Spokes.

Brownwell & Co, Machine Shop.

Brownwell E H, Boiler Maker.

Buckeye Iron & Brass Works.

Burkitt J L, Drugs, Pruden Block.

Buvinger G W & E E, Stoves, Tinware, etc, (Dayton Cornice Works).

Bussard W H, Residence.





Callahan W P, Foundry and Machine Shop.

Calvary Cemetery

                                    Superintendents Office Cemetery

                                    Secy’s Office, J P Weckesser Jr, 36 E 3d st.

Canby Ed, Spices, 35 to 41 Mill street.

Carpenter & Raymond, Monument Builders.

Carnell H D, Druggist, Third and Main.

Cathcart James, Livery.

Cavender Joseph & Son, Livery, Sale and Boarding Stable.

C C C & I Freight Depot.


Chambers M W, Commission and Forwarding, 30 Canal street.

Chamberlain Charles, Agent G W D Line.

Charch John S, Merchant Tailor.

Children’s Home.

Christian Publishing House.

C H & D Freight Depot.

C H & D R R Telegraph Office.

City Clerk’s Office

CLEGG, JOSEPH, Residence.

Clark W H, Real Estate.

Clark & Co, Dayton File Works.

Clerk’s Office, Board of Education, City Building.

Clough Charles H, Ticket Agent, Union Depot.

Cohan John, Groceries

Cooper Hydraulic Co, Mad River Lock.

Cooper Insurance Company.

Conover Bros.

                                    Central Office East Third street, opp D & S E Railroad Depot.

                                    Branch Office, 13 South Main street.

Corwin Col D B, Attorney, No 5 E Thirds street.

Cotterill S T, Residence.

Cotterill, Fenner & Co, Tobacco Works.

County Infirmary.

County Jail.

County Clerk.

Cox J C, Broker, Huston Building.

Craighead Sam’l, Residence.

Crabbs H W, Coal & Wood, West Fifth street.

Crew C W, Saddles, Harness and Trunks, 27 East Third street.

Crook Walter, Grain.




Davies J P, Oil Works.

Davies J P, Residence, cor First and Ludlow streets.

Davies S W Lumber Dealer, East Fifth street.

Davis Isaac, Coal and Oils, 225 East Fifth street.

Davis Isaac, Residence, 333 West Fourth street.

Dayton Asylum for Insane.

Dayton Awning Co.

Dayton Daily Journal.

Dayton Brass Works.

Dayton Gas Light and Coke Co, Works Water street.

Dayton Gas Light and Coke Co, Office 110 East Third street.

Dayton Cornice Works.

Dayton Hedge Co.

Dayton Hedge Co’s Stables, Miami City.

Dayton Insurance Co.

Dayton Leather and Collar Co, Second street, near Jefferson.

Dayton Life Association.

Dayton Savings Bank.

D & U R R Auditor’s Office.

D C & T R R, Transfer Switch.

Democrat Office.

Dempsey James, Livery.

Dennis G B, Money, Stock, Bond and Note Broker.

Dickey R R, Residence, 125 West First street.

Dickson W B & Co, Lumber Merchants.

Dixon Geo M, Drugs.

Dixson Jos E, Residence, East Fourth street.

Dodds John, Rake Manufacturer, Miami City.

Dodds  John, Residence, Fifth street.

D & M Freight Depot

D & S E General Offices, Music Hall.

D & S E Freight Depot.

D & S E R R Engine House.

Dun R G & Co, Mercantile Agency.

Durst Jost, Elevator.

Durst Jost, Ludlow Mills.

Dwyer Dennis, Judge Superior Court, Residence, Huffman Hill.




East End Car Stable.

Ecwright Frank.

Elliott H, Judge Court Common Pleas.

Estabrook A S, Residence, Covington Pike.

Eversole H C, Merchant Tailor, 32 W Third street.

Excelsior Oil Works, W E Cotter, Prop’r, B F Shakspeare, Manager.

Excelsior Laundry.

Express Office, Union Depot.




Farmers Friend Manufacturing Co.

Fasold Eli, Agent Singer Sewing Machine.
Firemans Insurance Co.

Fletcher J R, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 31 Jefferson street.

Forgy & Beery, Dry Goods.

Freeman W D, cor Adams and James street.

Frizell, Evans & Bro, Wholesale Drugs, 129 E Third street.

Fritch & Nipgen.




Garlock W H Shirt Factory, 9 E Third street.

Geiger Dr G H, 238 Bainbridge street.

Gebhart Josiah & Son, White Lead.

Gebhart Alex & Co, Lumber.

Gebhart J R & Son, Flour Mill.

Gebhart S T & G A.

Gebhart, Harman & Co.

Gebhart S & Sons.

Gimperling J E, Residence.

Gibbons & McCormick, Plumbers, Gas & Steam Fitters.

Glawe Chas, Awnings, Tents &c.

Good J Harry, Livery Stable.

Gottschall O M, Huffman Avenue.

Graves H C, Residence.

Greer & King’s Store.

Greer & King’s Foundry.

Gump Chas A, Miller’s Supplies, Second street.

Gunckel & Rowe.




Hale Isaac, Dealer in Coal & Wood, 413 Jefferson street.

Hale Thomas D,

Haniteh John, Law Office.

Haniteh H Groceries, 17 S Main street.

Hargrave B F, White Line Office, No 21 Jefferson street.

Hawes C L, Paper Mill.

Hawes C L, Residence, Dayton View.

Heathman Elias, Livery.

Heathman G W & Co, Crackers, Biscuits, etc.

Heikes’ Nurseries Co.


Henderson W C, Stoves Second street.

Hoglen Bros, Lumber E Fifth street.

Holmes T Brown, Residence, Wayne street.

Holden Manufacturing Co.

Home Avenue R R Office, 24 Main street.

Home Avenue R R Station.

Hoover & Gaines, Star Nurseries.

Houck M J, Lumber Merchant.

Huffman Wm, Stone Dealer.

Huffman Wm P, Residence.

Hughes R D, Residence, 22 Bridge street.




Iddings & Iddings, Attorneys at Law.


Isenberg Wm, Residence.




Jacobs N & Co, Slaughter House.

Jacobs N & Co, Store.

Johnson J W, Printer.

Johnson Sam, Confectionary, Ice Cream, etc.




Keenan A I, Oils and Axle Grease.

Kiefaber & Bro, Fruits, etc.

Kiefer & Reed, Troy Laundry, Second street.

Kimmerle & Jacobs, Slaughter House.

King R J, Residence.

Kirkbride D M, Residence, Dayton View.

Klee Jho, Mineral Waters.

Kniesly G W, Residence.

Kniesly G W & Co, Wholesale Grocers.

K T, S R & M  M Insurance Co’s Office.

Kramer Theo, Livery Stable, St Clair street.

Kratochwill Joseph, Miller.

Krug G F, Fruits, etc.




Lambert & Clock, Dry Goods.

Law Library.

Larkin D C, Chief of Fire Department, Residence.

Legler, Barlow & Co., Jobbers of Dry Goods, etc.

Legler Wm & Joe, Saloon, cor Jefferson and Market.

Levis  W P, Paper Mill, Water street.

Lighthall V E, Coal & Wood Office.

Linden James, Law Office, 24 Main street.

Lock Tender.

Lowe Judge T O, Law Office.

Lowe Bros, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Third street.

Lowe Jno G, Residence, 125 South Main street.

Lowes Dr, J E




Mack C W, Meat and Provision Store.


Malleable Iron Co.

Marshall R D, Residence.

Marshall & Gottschall, Law Office.

Marshall, Graves & Co.

Marshall A C, Residence.

Mayor’s Office.

Makley Dr A & Son, Veterinary Surgeons.

McGowen P A, Livery.

McGowen W H, Livery.

McHose & Lyon, Machinists.

McIntire J K & Co, Wholesale Grocers.

McKee, Weakly & Co, Wholesale Grocers, 116 N Main street.

McKee C J, Attorney at Law.

McSherry D E & Co.

McKemy W D, Law Office, 22 E Third street.

Mead & Nixon, Paper Mill.

Mead & Nixon, Paper Co, Main street.

Merchant’s National Bank.

Messler P P, R R Omnibus Office, Third street.

Meyer Peter, Livery Stable, Wayne street.

Miami Valley Insurance Co.

Miles John S, Residence.

Miller John A, Queensware, 127 E Third street.

Moodie E V, Residence, Terry street.

Moses & Co, Grocers, Main street.

Mott F B, Grain Dealer.

Mull & Underwood.

Mumma R A, Livery Stable, cor Second & Canal.

Murphy J A, Coal.

Murphy J A, Branch Coal Office, Jefferson street.

Munger Warren, Law Office.

Myers J M C, Livery Stable, 525 E Fifth street.




Nash Richard, Coal Office, Wayne street.

Nash Richard, Coal Office, Third street.

Needham & Shideler, Fruit Commission.

Nevin & Kumler, Attorneys at Law.

Newsalt A, Fifth Street Jeweler.

Nixon Thos, cor Canal and First street, Paper Bag Factory.

N Y, P & O R R Freight Depot.

N Y, P & O R R Office of Superintendent T A Phillips.




Oblinger J, Stoves & Tinware.

Ohmer Frank, Depot Restaurant.

Ohmer M Sons, Furniture, North Main street.

Ohmer M, Residence, Floral Hill.

Ohio Insurance Co.

Osborn, Satcamp & Co, Hats, Caps, Notions, etc.

Osborn C V, Residence.




Parker & Powell, Clothiers.

Park Street Flower Garden, Ernst Seitner.

Patterson & Co, Office Third street east of R R crossing.

Patterson L, Mechanics Tools & Mf’trs Supplies, 9 E Second.

Patterson S J, near Union Depot.

Patterson S J, Third and Main.

Patterson S J, Bainbridge street, Coal Dealer.

Patterson & Co, Coal Dealers, Third street.

Patterson Mrs J J, Residence, 297 West Third street.

Parrott Col E A, Residence.

Parrott Charles, Aughe Plow Works.

Parks Rev J H, Residence, 133 Linden Avenue.

Peirce & Coleman, Factory, Wayne street.

Peirce & Coleman, Lumber Yard, cor Clinton & Bacon street.

Peters & Burns, Architects.

P C & St L Freight Depot.

Phelps W S & Sons, Wholesale Grocers, Second street.

Phelps Jno M, Residence, Linden Avenue.

Phillips House.

Phillips T A & Sons, Cotton Factory.

Phillips Chas A, 24 West Fourth street.

Phillips Theo A, Residence, Madison street.

Pinneo & Daniels.

Platt J D, Residence.

Police Commissioners’ Office.


Powell A M & Co, Groceries.

Pritz W H, Residence 342 W First, Agt American Screw Co.

Probate Court.



Rauh E & Sons, Warehouse.

Rauh E & Sons, Hides, 312 East Third street.

Reed J Lane & Co, Plow Works.

Reeve Dr. J C, cor Wilkinson and Third streets.

Reibold Fred, Shoe Store, Fifth street.

Reibold Fred, Residence, Dayton View.

Reisser Paul, Groceries, 1128 Wayne street.

Reynolds J R, Residence Huffman Hill.

Reynolds L D, Residence.

Reynolds & Reynolds, Printers.

Rickey James, Books & Stationary.

Rickey James, Residence.

Rickey Dr A C, 335 East Fifth street.

Rike D L & Co, Dry Goods.

Ritty Jake.

Roberts Geo J & Co, Machinists.

Rogers R A & Co, Paper Dealers.

Rogers R A, Paper Box Factory.

Rogers, Engle & Co, Hardware.

Rohr, Geo F, Hardware.

Rouzer John, Contractor and Builder, Canal, opp Fourth street.

Runck John, Slaughter House.

Rutledge G E, Paper Mill.



Sachs  & Pruden, Drugs, cor Third and St Clair.

Sander William, Wine House.

Schant Adam, Meat Store, Third street.

Schant Adam, Slaughter House, Dayton View.

Schieble & Co, Insurance & Steamship Ag’ts, Third and Jefferson.

Schenk J A, Fifth street Music Palace, 4 Pruden Block.

Second National Block.

Seitner Ernst, Flower Garden.

Sheriff’s Office.

Simmonds A A, Dayton View.

Smith, Vaile & Co.

Smith Summer T, Attorney at Law.

Spindler Jacob, Coffee Roaster.

Staniland & Crawford, Marble Works.

Starr C A & Co, Coal Office, Wayne street.

Starr C A & Co, Jackson Co. Coal Office, Third street.

Staion House.

Stilwell & Bierce Manufacturing Company, Dayton View.

Stowell A N & Co, Coal, Wood, Lamps & Oil, 220 E Fifth street.

Stoddard J W & Co.

St Elizabeth’s Hospital.

Stoddard J W, Residence, Dayton View.

Stone Jno F, Livery Stable.

Stomps & Co, Chair Factory.

Superior Court.

Swadener C E, Attorney at Law.

Swadener C E, Residence.

Sweetman, Job Printer, 24 E Fourth street.


Capt Thompson’s Office.

Gen M R Patrick’s Residence.

Gen M R Patrick’s Private Office.

Headquarter’s–Governor’s Office.

Home Restaurant.

Home Stables.





T, D & B R R Transfer Switch.

T, D & B R R, General Offices.

Teutonia Insurance Co.

Thomas A A, Attorney at Law, Third, between Main and Jefferson.

Thomas Dr F W, Office cor First and Ludlow streets.

Thomas Jno H, Bookstore.

Thomas H C, Groceries.

Thresher E M, Residence.

Thresher Albert, Residence.

Thresher J B, Residence.

Thresher & Co, Office.

Thresher & Co, Varnish Factory.

Tizzard Dr S B, Dentist.

Trentman C A, Spices, etc.

Treasurer’s Office.

Troy Laundry, Kiefer & Reed, Prop’s.

Troy Laundry Works, cor Fourth and St Clair.




United Brethren Printing House.




Van Ausdal & Harmon, Carpets, Wall Paper, etc.

Volkszeitung Office.




Walter Michael, Undertaker.

Ware & Moodie, Plumbers, etc.

Water Works Office.

Water Works Pumping House.

Weakly T J, Residence, First street.


Webster Dr W, 127 South Ludlow street.

Weidner J & P, Tivoli Garden.

Weinreich Jacob, Hides.

Weinreich Jacob, Residence.

Weinreich W A, Meat and Provisions, 405 S Main street.

WESTERN ENGINE HOUSE, West Fifth street.

Western Union Telegraph Company.

West End Car Stables.

Webber L H, Stone Yard.

Webster, Rev J T Rector Episcopal Church.

Weckesser J P, Merchant Tailor, 36 Third street.

Whittens Great Central Stores, 24 and 26 E Fifth street.

Whitmore W M & Co, Coal Office.

Whitmore J D, Coal Dealer, Wayne street.

Wight C, Residence.

Wight C & Son, Lumber, E Water street.

Wight C & Son, W Third street, Miami City.

Winters A A, 18 North Main street.

Wise D B, Grocer, Music Hall.

Wolf Lee & Bro, Periodicals.

Wood C B & Co, Coal and Wood Yard, Third street.

Woods Sam, Groceries, etc, cor Perry and Maple streets.

Woodhull L & M, Carriage Factory.

Woodsum Machine Company.

Woodland Cemetery.

Wuichet C & Co.

Wyatt H & T, Crackers, Biscuits, etc.




Young Men’s Christian Association.

Young & Young, Attorneys at Law.

Young E S, Residence.

Young J C, Prosecuting Attorney.




Zeller Abia, Drug Store.

Zeller Abia, Residence.



Please report to General Manager any inattention of Operators.





            Subscribers, in using our wires, are reminded that they are within the possible hearing of Ladies and Gentlemen.  We ask all to be courteous, and request that all improper conduct on the part of our employees, or others, be promptly reported to the manager of the Exchange.

            The indiscriminate use of the Telephone by subscribers for their friends and customers is becoming a serious tax, consuming time and occupying the wires when others may be waiting.

            Please remember that each time the Telephone is used by a non-subscriber on business, not pertaining to the interests of a subscriber, it deprives all other members who may want to use the line of just so much time.

            Any trouble with wires or instruments should be reported promptly to the Exchange.





This Telephone is for the use of SUBSCRIBERS only ; therefore, please do not ask to use it.