For the Government of the
Division of Police in the
Department of Public Safety
Adopted April 1, 1920
Press of the Groneweg Printing Co., Dayton, Ohio
Director of Safety
Secretary Safety Dept.
Chief of Police
City Manager
Sub-Division of Police, Department of Safety.
By virtue of his duty under the laws of the State of Ohio and the Charter of the City of Dayton, Ohio, the Director of Public Safety herewith adopts and issues to the division, through the Chief of Police, the following rules and regulations for its government, reserving the right to make such changes in said rules and regulations as the good of the service may require.
The primary purpose of an efficient Police Department is to preserve peace and good order, protect life and property and prevent crime.
It is the duty of the Division of Police at all times of the day and night to prevent crime, detect the offenders, suppress riots, mobs and insurrections, disperse unlawful or dangerous assemblages, which obstruct the public streets, sidewalks, parks, etc.; to protect the rights of persons and property, guard the public health, preserve order at elections and all public meetings and assemblages, direct control of the streets and all traffic regulations, provide proper protection at fires, carefully observe and inspect all places of public amusement, and places having a license to carry on any business. Members of the Division shall be required to study the laws of the State and ordinances of the City, and superior officers should instruct subordinates.
Upon the activity, judgment and good conduct of each officer will depend the efficiency of the Division.
H. E. Myers,
Director of Public Safety.
Having been appointed by the Director of Public Safety, subject to the approval of the city Manager, to perform the duties of a police officer, and having accepted the responsibility, a few suggestions of a general character may serve to aid you in the discharge of your duties.
These duties are entirely executory in their character. Your attention is not to be engaged with any of the religious or political opinions of the community. All are alike entitled to your protection, guardianship and care, without any regard to the social conditions that do not affect the public peace and order. You shall not under any circumstances interpose in matters which may serve merely to disconcert the citizen by your advice or denunciation, which does not belong to the work of the Division. When approached by persons seeking information, you should cheerfully and courteously advise as to where the information may be obtained, in case you cannot answer the question yourself.
As to the business affairs of the Department, you should observe a discreet silence. As you are a conservator of the peace yourself in an especial sense, your duty is to guard against any appearance of violating that confidence while acting in the capacity of an officer. The citizen has not only the right to be secure, but to feel secure in all that pertains to his protection. Your acts will at all times be made the subject of comment, hence you must guard with jealous care, any loss of temper when you are made to feel that in injustice may have been done you personally on that account.
The credit of the Division depends largely on the conduct of each officer, and the faithfulness with which your personal duties may have been discharged.
The discipline of the Division is in a measure semi-military, and in order to maintain such discipline, orders must be cheerfully and promptly obeyed, all work of the force done in concert, so as to be effective in ferreting out offenders and securing their presence of court to answer for crime, nor can the success of the Division otherwise be fully obtained, and due credit be awarded it by an ever zealous public.
You shall deal justly with every person according to the circumstances of the case. You shall not place yourself on a level with any offender and especially with an intoxicated person, whatever his abuse may be. You should remember that such person is in your charge and you are responsible for his care and protection.
Acquaint yourself with the people who may reside within your beat, protect their interests as far as practicable, and by a prompt, efficient and straightforward discharge of your duties as an officer, seek to merit the respect and good will of the citizens.
Avoid placing yourself under obligations to any person and thus maintain your independence.
You shall acquire a general knowledge of the laws, ordinances and rules of the Division. Such knowledge will enable you to act with intelligence and discretion in the discharge of your duties.
Your duties extend only to the criminal laws and the enforcement of city ordinances.
It is the duty of an officer to suppress disturbances, riots, outbreaks or breaches of the peace, and have under the ordinances of the city, in the discharge of duty, authority to arrest persons who may be disturbing the good order and quiet of the city by clamor, noise at night, drunkenness, using obscene or profane language, in any places to the annoyance of the citizens, or by indecent or lascivious behavior.
So with vagrants, common beggars, prostitutes, pickpockets, persons practicing tricks, or games of any kind with a view to swindle; persons who may abuse their families persons who cannot give any reasonable account of themselves, --who are denominated SUSPICIOUS CHARACTERS—and persons who may be fugitives from justice, are subject to arrest.
Where the officer, with or without a warrant, attempts to arrest a person charged with a felony, and the person resists or breaks away from such arrest, the officer has a right to shoot, or shoot at the person so resisting or escaping from him, if he can in no other way be taken or captured.
If an officer with or without a warrant attempts to arrest a person for misdemeanor (by which is meant an offense punishable by fine, jail, or workhouse imprisonment under a statute or city ordinance), and the person arrested escapes from the officer, he has no right to shoot at the person escaping in order to affect arrest.
An arrest is effected by announcing to the person accused that he is placed under arrest, or by touching his person, or by his submission to the officer. In making an arrest you shall do so without the aid of mace or other weapon of authority, unless you find that the prisoner offers such resistance as to compel the use of the same to protect your person and enforce the law.
A police officer has express authority to arrest any person found violating any law or ordinance. Such officer is also authorized to arrest without warrant a person whom he believes guilty of having committed a felony, and detain such person until a legal warrant is obtained. If the officer is in doubt and yet not satisfied of the innocence of such suspected person his best course will be to require the party to visit Headquarters for further inquiry.
When in need of assistance, you have the right to call upon any of the bystanders to come to your aid. You may break into a building where a felony has been committed, to enable you to make an arrest, but not to search for articles of property without a warrant. A prisoner may be searched to ascertain if he has weapons, money or articles of a criminative character, or may aid in his escape, and in case of larceny to take possession of the property and report immediately all your acts to Headquarters. If such a warrant is issued you should search no other places, nor for any other property than that described in the warrant, and in all cases, use your best judgment as to the identity of the property and places there mentioned, and to secure proper evidence in the case.
It will not be amiss, we think, to suggest to you in this connection the views entertained as to when such weapons may be lawfully used by the officer. When an officer has lawfully arrested any person charged with an offense, and the person so arrested endeavors to break away or resists, the officer may repel force by force and need not retreat, and if the person arrested is unavoidably killed or wounded by the officer under such circumstances, such killing or wounding is justifiable.
The laws and ordinances against loitering upon sidewalks or other public places, and the arrest and detention of suspicious persons and vagrants, requires a discreet course of conduct on the part of the officer, and the exercise of a careful judgment as to when he may properly act in the premises.
Men will often unintentionally meet on the sidewalk and delay separation and passing on, as they should do properly, and yet not be aware of violating an ordinance, and will readily attribute officiousness to an officer, when he is really in discharge of a proper duty in requesting them to move on and thus relieve an unnecessary congestion or obstruction in the use of the streets, or public places, by other people. A courteous polite request will accomplish the objects in view.
The general duties of a police officer may be summarized as follows:
To preserve the public peace and order.
To protect public and private property.
To protect the rights of persons.
To guard the public health.
To prevent the commission of crime.
To arrest offenders against the statutes and city ordinances.
To remove nuisances in the public streets.
To remove obstructions from public streets, highways and places.
To report the defects in the public water mains.
To report defects in the public sewers.
To report lights that may be out—gas or electric.
To see that permits have been procured for buildings in the course of construction.
To guard and protect houses that may be vacant.
To assist at fires and aid the firemen, when needed.
To report defects in gas mains.
To protect persons and property endangered by fires.
To guard against thefts of property at fires.
To arrest pickpockets found operating at public places.
To prevent and arrest all cases of fast driving or cruelty to animals.
To care for horses found standing unhitched or upon sidewalks.
To arrest persons found violating the laws of the United States.
To obey the orders of his superior officers.
To give information within his knowledge to his superior officers.
To protect and assist all sick, helpless or injured persons.
To protect strangers and travelers at railway stations.
To assist in the recovery of lost or stolen property.
To execute all warrants promptly, and with courage and fidelity.
To furnish promptly full information to Headquarters as to all matters within the scope of such duties according to the facts which may come to the knowledge of the officer.
Rule 1.
The following shall be deemed specific cause for suspension under charges of any member of the Division of Police:
Art. 1. For wilful disobedience of any order lawfully issued to him by a superior officer in the division.
Art. 2. For intoxication while on duty or while in uniform.
Art. 3. For being engaged directly or indirectly as a vendor of intoxicating liquors.
Art. 4. For incompetency to perform the duties of his office.
Art. 5. For conviction of any crime or misdemeanor against the laws of the United States, or the laws of the State of Ohio, or for the conviction of any violation of a lawful ordinance of the City of Dayton.
Art. 6. For making known any proposed movement of the division to any person not a member of the division.
Art. 7. For unnecessary and unwarranted violence to a prisoner.
Art. 8. For cowardice or lack of energy of such character as to amount to either incompetency or to gross neglect of duty.
Art. 9. For habitually contracting debts which he is unable or unwilling to pay, or for refusing without reasonable excuse to discharge his lawful obligations.
Art. 10. For indecent, profane, or harsh language while on duty or in uniform.
Art. 11. For disrespect shown a superior officer in the division.
Art. 12. For any neglect of duty.
Art. 13. For absence without leave.
Art. 14. For gossiping about the affairs of the division.
Art. 15. For conduct unbecoming an officer, patrolman or gentleman.
Art. 16. For conduct subversive to the good order and discipline of the division.
Art. 17. For neglect to report his change of residence to the officer in charge of his district.
Art. 18. For withholding from any superior officer information pertaining to police matters.
Art. 19. Any effort on the part of any member of the division to influence the action of the Chief of the Division, Safety Director or Civil Service Board in any matter affecting the discipline of the division or the punishment of members of the division for breach of rules, excepting by the giving of truthful evidence in reference to the matter, shall be considered subversive to discipline and treated accordingly.
Art. 20. The action of any member of the division in violating any provision of the traffic ordinance shall be sufficient cause for suspension.
Art. 21. Any member who meets with an accident, while operating a department vehicle may have his action investigated, and if carelessness, neglect of duty or lack of proper judgment is shown, this shall be sufficient cause for suspension and dismissal.
Art. 22. No member of the Division of Police shall become or be a member of any organization of members of the division, excepting such as have the approval of the Safety Director. The Police Benevolent Association is hereby approved.
Rule 2.
Each member of the Division of Police shall devote his whole time and attention to the business of the division, and he is expressly prohibited from following any other calling or being employed in any other business. Although certain hours are allotted to the respective members for the performance of ordinary duty, yet at all times, they must be prepared to act immediately on notice that their services are required. Members of the division shall always be considered on duty for the purpose of discipline. The hours of duty of any member of the division will be regulated by the chief.
Rule 3.
All members of the division will be required to keep their persons, uniforms and equipment in a strictly neat condition and in perfect order and repair.
Rule 4.
No member of the division wearing his uniform shall smoke while on the street, nor in public places, nor drink any kind of intoxicating liquors, nor engage in any game of cards or billiards in any place. All members who have either uniform, headgear, blouse, dress coat, or overcoat on, will be considered under this rule to be in uniform.
Rule 5.
All members of the division when on duty in uniform shall wear the badge on the outside of the outermost garment, over the left breast.
Rule 6.
Each member of the division will be furnished with a copy of the rules and regulations, which he shall at all times keep in his possession, and he shall make himself perfectly familiar with its contents.
Rule 7.
Each member of the division will be required to give immediate obedience to every order than may be given to him, and whenever assigned to any special duty, other than his regular duties by his superior officers, shall be prompt in compliance with such orders.
Rule 8.
On occasions of fires or emergencies when the force has been on active duty, the officer in command shall disperse the men to their respective beats or precincts (as the case may be) as fast as they can be spared from said duty.
Rule 9.
Courtesy of demeanor among all members of the Division of Police as well as respect to officers, is indispensable to discipline. Respect to superiors in rank will not be confined to obedience when on active duties, but shall be maintained on all occasions. Every officer or patrolman shall on meeting or approaching one of higher rank than himself, promptly offer the customary salute which must in all cases be immediately and respectfully returned.
Rule 10.
Card playing shall not be allowed at any time in the station house, patrol house, motor room or Headquarters.
Rule 11.
No expenditure of money shall be made or liability incurred in the name of the division unless previously authorized by the Director of Safety, unless in cases of emergency requiring prompt action, and every such expenditure or liability thus incurred, shall immediately be reported to the director of Public Safety, through the proper officers. But in no case shall the amount exceed ten dollars unless by special authority of the Chief of Police. All regular requisitions for supplies must bear the approval of the Chief of Police.
Rule 12.
No person not a member of the division shall have access to any official document or report, unless the same shall have been previously examined by the officer in charge thereof and given to such person under and by authority of said officer.
Rule 13.
No member of the division shall make false official report or make a false report, or gossip concerning a member of the division either as to his personal character or conduct or the business of the division to the discredit or detriment of any member of the division.
Rule 14.
All reports must be made in writing, as hereinafter provided, and must be made by the member of the division before reporting off duty, provided however, that it shall be the duty of said member to make report of any act or event that may necessitate the same, immediately upon his next arrival at the precinct station.
Rule 15.
Whenever any member of the division hears of or secures any knowledge as to the violation of any law in any enclosure whatsoever within the limits of the city he shall immediately forward a report in writing to the Chief of Police, through the proper channels.
Rule 16.
The full name shall be written and the rank affixed in all police records, reports or communications by members of the division.
Rule 17.
Members are forbidden to carry any weapon while on duty except such as has been furnished by the division, except by special permission of the chief.
Rule 18.
All communications sent to other police departments on public business must be sent by the chief or by and with his consent, and all matters coming to this Division from other police departments shall be given to the proper officers with instructions and shall be returned by such officer to the chief with a report in writing of the action thereon.
Rule 19.
No member shall communicate, except to such person as directed by his superior officer, any information respecting orders he may have received, or any regulation that may be made for the government of the Division of Police.
Rule 20.
Each member shall, at all times, have with him a small book in which he shall enter immediately after arrest the names of persons taken in charge by him, and such particulars, together with all the property taken from them in each case, as will be important at the trial.
Rule 21.
The members of the division shall be drilled in military movements as often as the Chief of Police deems necessary. He shall cause an inspection of the division each year, or there may be an annual review and parade as may be advised by the Director of Safety.
Rule 22.
At regular inspections, officers and patrolmen shall appear in full uniform and have with them books and rules of regulations, memorandum books, patrol box key, revolver and club.
Rule 23.
Members of the division will avoid all religious or political discussions in the station house or elsewhere. They shall not interfere in nor make use of the influence of their office in elections, but may quietly exercise the right of suffrage.
Rule 24.
Officers in charge of stations shall see that the various reliefs under their command leave for their posts of duty and return therefrom in military order. The officer or No. 1 man will be in charge of the squad.
Rule 25.
Officers in charge of station house must observe the strictest economy in use of light, fuel and water, consistent with the comfort of the men, and they will be responsible for the care of the station house and the property therein contained.
Rule 26.
Officers in charge of stations shall make charges against any member who, while on duty, shall draw his pistol on a person, or use his baton or commit any assault and battery, unless for self protection, or in urgent cases.
Rule 27.
All officers in charge of a station house must visit prisoners frequently when they have prisoners confined in said station house.
Rule 28.
All officers in charge of a station house shall not receive or detain any person in said station, unless they are arrested by some person clothed with the proper authority to make arrests, and the officers in charge of stations must be sure that the person making arrests has that authority, unless it is a case of felony, in which case the officer in charge should assume the responsibility if he is satisfied a felony has been committed.
Rule 29.
Members are prohibited from recommending to prisoners or to the victim of accidents, the employment of any person or attorney or counsel, and are forbidden to suggest or name any lawyer or other person to a prisoner with a view of his defense at any time.
Rule 30.
Officers in charge must see, when prisoners are returned to prison after being out on bail, that they are again searched with a view to taking from them any property in their possession which would be dangerous, or which could be used for self-injury by the prisoner.
Rule 31.
No member of the division shall become bail for any person arrested, nor communicate to any person, any information, which may enable persons to escape from arrest or punishment, or enable them to dispose of or secrete any goods or other valuable things stolen or embezzled.
Rule 32.
No member shall directly or indirectly be concerned in making any compromise or arrangements between thieves, or other criminals and persons who have suffered by their acts, with a view of permitting the criminal to escape the penalites provided by law.
Rule 33.
Members of the division must not render any assistance to civil cases, except to prevent an immediate breach of the peace or to quell a disturbance actually commenced.
Rule 34.
Members of the division are enjoined, and it is made their duty, to report all special policemen whom they find, violating any rules governing the conduct of said special police.
Rule 35.
If any member of the division observes in the street anything of a dangerous character, or which is likely to occasion public inconvenience, or anything which seems to him irregular or offensive, he shall at once remove it if practicable and report immediately full particulars and his action thereon. The officer in charge shall immediately notify the proper department by telephone.
Rule 36.
Without the express permission of the Chief or Inspector of Police which will be given only in extraordinary cases, no contributions of any kind, whatsoever shall be solicited upon any member of the division nor any money or other contribution asked for or collected or taken for any purpose whatever. Any and all contributions shall be voluntary.
Rule 37.
Officers and employes will not be permitted to accept any present of money or other article of value from anyone who has been or is under their charge.
Rule 38.
Each member of the division in his conduct and deportment must be quiet, civil and orderly. In the performance of duty he must maintain decorum, alertness, command of temper, patience, and be discreet. He must refrain from harsh, violent, coarse, profane or insolent language, and when required, act with firmness and energy. Whenever a question is asked him by any person he is not to answer in a short, abrupt manner, but courteously and thoroughly. At the same time, while on duty, he is to avoid as much as possible entering into any unnecessary conversation with anyone. He shall, in a respectful manner, give his name and number to all person who may ask for same.
Rule 39.
All members of this division are prohibited from influencing, or attempting to influence, by threat or otherwise, the business of any citizen.
Rule 40.
Members and employes of this division whose hours of duty are not regulated by the rules, will report at the time or place designated by the Chief of Police, or other superior officer. Any, whose hours are governed by the rules, may be required to report in emergency cases at such times and places as are designated by the Chief of Police, or other superior officer.
Rule 41.
It is strictly enjoined on all members and employes of the division of police to be careful in the use of all city property whether fixed or movable. Roughness or carelessness is not to be tolerated and will be made the subject of charges by their superior officer who will be held responsible for the execution of this rule.
Rule 42.
Members of the division are prohibited either while in uniform or citizens clothes, from visiting alleged houses of ill fame or assignation houses, unless by a superior officer’s order or on actual or urgent police business, and such visits must be immediately followed by a report in writing to a superior officer and forwarded to the office of the chief.
Rule 43.
Officers in charge of districts shall make charges against any patrolmen under their command who shall by reason of neglect of duty, fail to discover a homicide, burglary or other serious breach of the peace, committed on his beat, during his tour of duty, or who shall neglect to take proper measure to arrest any party guilty of such offenses.
Rule 44.
Every member of the division must be especially obliging and courteous and gentlemanly and give proper and courteous replies at all time to any and all inquiries either by phone or otherwise.
Rule 45.
Members of the division must see that necessary permits issued by proper authority are in the possession of person or persons when such permits are required by law or ordinance. They shall see that the conditions stipulated therein are complied with.
Rule 46.
If superior officers find subordinates do not display ordinary intelligence in discerning whether a man is intoxicated or violating other rules of the department, said superior officer shall forward a complaint against member or members to the chief.
Rule 47.
No member of the force shall, when arresting any prisoner, permit any delay, under any pretense, in removing said prisoner at once, by the shortest route to the station house.
Rule 48.
Property stolen or embezzled which shall be found in the possession of any person who may be arrested shall be taken to the police station with the person arrested, and all stolen, found or unclaimed property shall be delivered to the officer in charge of the station, who shall deliver the same to the property clerk, taking his receipt for same in a book kept for that purpose. Any member who comes into possession of the such stolen, found or unclaimed property, shall plainly tag same, giving full history of the case, where found or received and by whom, and the officer’s name and number attached.
Rule 49.
In case of death, resignation or dismissal of any member of the division, all municipal property shall be immediately returned to the Chief of Police, or commanding officer of his district.
Rule 50.
Employes and unclassified members of the division shall receive vacations as prescribed by the Director of Public Safety.
Rule 51.
None but members of the division or citizens upon police business shall be allowed to remain in the station house. No loafing or lounging, profane or indecent language, disorderly conduct or unnecessary noise shall be allowed therein.
Rule 52.
No persons not a member of the Division of Police shall be permitted to communicate with any prisoner charged with a felony or other serious offense, between the hours of 6 P.M. and 8’oclock A. M., without permission of the Chief of Police.
Rule 53.
No person, not a member of the Division of Police, shall be permitted to communicate with any prisoner charged with a felony or other serious offense, between the hours of 8 o’clock A. M. and 6 o’clock P.M., without first having obtained permission from the Chief or Inspector of Police.
Rule 54.
No person, not a member of the division of Police, except a physician, near relative or the spiritual or legal adviser of the prisoner, shall be permitted to enter the prison at any time for the purpose of communicating with any prisoner. Officers in charge of the station house will be held strictly responsible for the enforcement of this rule.
Rule 55.
Any member of the division feeling aggrieved because of the treatment or orders of his superior officer, shall make his complaint in writing and forward the same through the proper channel to the Chief of Police.
Rule 56.
No member of the Division of Police shall be absent from duty unless in case of sickness or disability without permission of the Chief of Police or the Inspector of Police or the Director of Public Safety, and no pay for lost time will be allowed except as herein expressly provided.
A. Full pay will be allowed for the annual vacation, as herein elsewhere provided.
It is to be understood that the mere fact of sickness or injury does not necessarily justify the allowance of full pay.
B. Upon the approval of the Director of Public Safety, a member of the Division of Police being absent from duty by reason of illness or injury, such illness or injury being contracted or received in line of duty, may be allowed full pay for time so lost, but in such a case a certificate by a city physician or department surgeon showing the nature, cause and circumstances of such illness or injury shall be filed in the office of the Chief of Police. In no event shall the Director of Public Safety authorize the absence on pay of any member of the Division of Police on account of illness or injury for an aggregate of more than 21 days in any calendar year, unless such illness or injury is directly caused by his service in the division. The Director of Public safety shall determine in each case of absence from duty of a member of the Division of Police, the length of time which is a reasonable absence from duty in such case of illness or injury and shall order the discontinuance of salary or pay of such member at such time as in his judgment is reasonable.
Rule 57.
Each member of the grade of patrolman on duty eight hours in such day of service, shall be entitled to one day off with full pay in each seven days of actual service in said division, provided however, that said member shall perform not less than three days of active duty in the six days previous to said vacation day in order to receive pay for such vacation day.
Rule 58.
Each member of the Division of Police, below rank of inspector, shall be entitled to receive one annual vacation of ten days, provided, however that no new member shall receive said vacation who has not been on the force on or before the first day of the calender year, in which said annual vacation would fall. Said vacations shall be taken by the different members in conformity with the schedule prepared by the Chief of Police.
Rule 59.
Any officer assigned to any serious accident or felony case, shall immediately report by telephone to the desk sergeant, at Headquarters, all details, followed by a complete written report to his sergeant for permanent file at Headquarters.
Rule 60.
Each member after serving the six months probationary period must make application and join the Police Benevolent Association, if he desires to qualify to receive sick benefits from such association.
Rule 61.
All members of the Division of Police shall conduct themselves with dignity while attending court on police business. No officers shall indulge in loud or boisterous talking or make any unnecessary noise while attending police court, and shall so conduct themselves as to lend dignity to the transaction of the
court’s business.
1. The Chief of Police, subject to the orders of the City Manager and the rules and regulations of the Director of Public Safety, shall be the chief executive officer of the police force.
2. He shall have the power to promulgate such orders to the police force as he may deem proper in conformity with law and the rules and regulations adopted by the Director of Public Safety, and he shall promulgate to the force such orders as he shall from time to time receive from the City Manager and the Director of Public Safety.
3. It shall be the duty of members of the police force to render implicit obedience to the Chief of Police and his orders.
4. He shall devote his time and attention to the discharge of the duties of his office. He shall see that all the laws and ordinances of the city, the execution of which devolves upon the police force of the city, are duly observed and enforced.
5. He shall promptly, on receipt of reports from subordinate officers or citizens of violation of orders or ordinances, or rules and regulations of orders governing the division, investigate or cause to be investigated, such violations.
6. He shall, when good cause may appear, prefer charges against any member of the force whom he believes to have been guilty of conduct justifying the member’s removal from the force, or other punishment in the interest of good order and discipline and shall promptly investigate all complaints made by citizens or others against members of the force.
7. He shall, when requested, submit to the Director of Public Safety, a report as to the working of the several parts of the Division of Police, as required.
8. He shall be responsible for the prompt service of all writs sent him to be served.
9. He shall oppose all riots, disturbances and breaches of peace; shall cause to be arrested all disorderly persons, pursue and arrest any person fleeing from justice in any part of the state, or United States, and arrest any person in the act of committing any offence against the laws of the state or ordinances of the city.
10. The rank of the Chief of Police shall correspond to that of colonel.
11. All letters and telegrams addressed to the Chief of Police will be referred to the Chief of Police, and not handled by any one except on order of the chief.
12. All letters or correspondence to or from any member of the department relative to police business, that requires an official answer, or the giving of official information shall be referred to the Chief of Police.
13. The office of the Chief of Police shall be open at all times for the transaction of police business.
The Inspectors will be held responsible for the preservation of the peace and the prevention and the detection of crime, in the city limits, for the enforcement of laws and ordinances, orders, rules and regulations of the division, for proper performance of police duty by every one under their command, and the rigid maintenance of discipline. It will be their duty to see that all general and special orders issued from Police Headquarters are strictly and promptly obeyed and carried out.
The uniformed inspectors shall visit the police station, patrol house and garages of the division at uncertain hours of the day and night as often as practicable and observe in what manner the police rules are being observed and shall make daily inspection of motor vehicle equipment.
1. The inspectors of the uniformed police shall act under the direction of the Chief of Police as his assistants.
2. They shall inspect the men their equipment and the books at the station house frequently.
3. They shall instruct sergeants in all branches of their duties and see that they give similar instructions to the officers under their command.
4. They shall insist that every detail with regard to cleanliness be enforced, and report any negligence to the Chief of Police.
5. They shall see that all laws of the state, and ordinances of the city, the execution of which devolves upon the police powers of the city, are duly observed and enforced.
6. The shall especially be charged with the enforcement of the gambling laws, the midnight closing law, and boot legging, during their respective tours of duyt.
7. They shall promptly report to the Chief of Police, and laxity or failure of sergeants under their command to properly discharge their duties.
8. They shall repair in person to all serious fires, to all riots calls, and in absence of the chief shall take command of the police present, to save and protect property and arrest all offenders.
9. The shall (unless otherwise ordered) personally report each day to the Chief of Police (Sunday excepted) their doings of the preceding tour of duty.
10. It shall be the duty of the members of the police force, subordinate in rank to the inspectors, to render strict obedience to them and their orders in conformity to the rules and regulations.
11. They shall have charge of all drills, revolver practices and inspect all uniforms and police equipment, rejecting any which does not meet with the requirements of the regulations.
12. They shall devote their time and attention to the discharge of the duties of their office.
13. They shall perform such other duties as the chief may prescribe.
14. An Inspector of Police shall rank as major.
1. Subject tot he orders of the Chief of Police, the inspector or officer designated shall be in immediate control of the detective branch of the police service.
2. He shall have an office at Headquarters, and his office hours shall be arranged by the chief.
3. He shall have general supervision and assume personal direction of the management of the Detective Bureau.
4. He shall see that all members of the department assigned to the Detective bureau are energetic and perform their duties in a capable and intelligent manner.
5. He shall make such reports to the chief of Police as may be requested of him.
6. He shall assign members of his command to all large public gatherings.
7. He shall assign members of his command to investigate all complaints reported to him.
8. He shall make a report of all the business of his office to the Chief of Police every morning, of the business transacted the previous twenty-four hours.
9. He may with the consent of the chief order any member of his command to leave the city in pursuit of a prisoner charged with a felony.
10. He shall perform such other duties as the chief may prescribe.
1. The inspector detailed in charge of this bureau shall have full control of the officers assigned to him to this work, and shall fix the hours for them to report for duty.
2. He shall file or cause to be filed all cards, letters and information pertaining to his bureau.
3. He shall keep all records of all stolen automobiles, and of all recovered automobiles. He shall see that all pawn shop reports are properly filed and investigation made when necessary.
4. He shall issue orders for taxi cab licenses for stands and drivers, after a thorough investigation has been made as to the reputation and ability of any such proposed driver, to operate a motor car.
5. He shall make a monthly report to the Chief of Police of all the activities of his bureau and such other reports as may be requested by the chief.
6. He shall perform such other duties as the chief may prescribe.
7. The hours of duty for the inspector of this bureau shall be fixed by the chief.
The Bureau of Identification shall be in charge of the superintendent of identification, who shall be under the direction of the chief of Police and Inspector of Detectives, and be charged with the taking of photographs, Bertillon measurements, finger prints and all other methods of identification of criminals and suspects brought to such bureau for that purpose and of the proper keeping and preservation of all records pertaining thereto.
2. The superintendent of the bureau shall obtain as complete a record as possible of every criminal brought to the bureau, but all correspondence regarding same or any matter pertaining to said bureau shall be conducted by the Inspector of Detectives, through the chief.
3. A special record, showing the disposition of all police cases in the criminal court, shall be kept by him.
4. He shall cause to be printed with description and record a sufficient number of photographs of persons wanted on criminal charges, and such additional photographs and records as may be required for the use of the Division of Police, and no photographs or records shall be removed except on approval of the inspector or chief.
5. He shall prepare and forward a report on the first of each month, giving all information which may be of value in making up the annual report.
6. He shall be custodian of all properties intrusted to him, and make all records pertaining to his office and perform such other duties as the Chief of Police may direct.
A sergeant shall be under direct charge of the inspector to whom he is assigned.
1. They shall report for duty at such time as the inspector may direct.
2. It shall be the duty of all sergeant-detectives to co-operate with all other members of the police force, in prevention of crime, and the detection of the same and in the arrest of criminals.
3. At the end of his daily tour of duty each sergeant-detective shall make a written report of his activities during such tour of duty to the inspector in charge. He shall report such other information as he may in any way obtain of any occurrence or circumstances bearing in any way upon any crime that may have been committed, or that may be of any assistance to the division.
4. Each member of the detective bureau shall keep accurate notes of all work assigned to him and the progress made in his investigation. As progress is made in each case he shall report the same.
5. He shall perform such other duties as the inspector or chief may direct.
The officer in charge of the printing office at Headquarters shall rank as sergeant, and shall attend to all the duties of his office. He shall see that a daily bulletin, containing information and complaints, is issued each day, except Sunday. He shall do all the printing for the Division of Police which the capacity of his shop will allow and such other work as may be directed by the inspector or Director of Safety.
Sergeants shall promptly obey all orders received from their superior officers, and set an example of sobriety, skill, discretion, industry and promptness to the patrolmen under their command. They shall at all times appear neatly attired and clean in their personal equipment.
They shall be responsible for the general good order and discipline of the men under them, and will make themselves thoroughly acquainted with the capabilities of the patrolmen belonging to their districts, and they shall be careful to see that every patrolman comes on duty clean and neat in his person and correctly dressed. They must carefully study and thoroughly understand the rules and regulations, and note every case of misconduct or neglect of duty of members of their command and report the same through the proper channel to the chief.
They shall see each patrolman under their command as often as may seem practicable while on duty, and report the time and place so seen; provided, however, that there shall be no regular time and place for meeting the men.
They shall call the roll at the commencement and termination of each tour of duty, forming their men in line, carefully inspect the condition of the men, their uniforms, arms, and equipment; read and explain all orders, and if from any cause an officer be found unfit for duty they shall relieve him and promptly report in writing their action to the chief, such report to be made through the proper channels.
In case of fire, burglary, riot or any other emergency, the sergeant on duty nearest the scene of the fire, burglary, etc., will forthwith proceed to the scene and be vigilant in the protection of life and property; and should he have any doubt as to his ability to preserve the peace, or restore order, he will immediately notify the chief and inspector, who shall take such action as the emergency of the case may require.
The sergeants shall see that the books containing the rules and regulations governing the division are carefully kept, that each member of their respective commands is familiar with the contents, and frequently question and instruct the members.
They will be held responsible for the good order and cleanliness of their station houses, which must never, except in cases of extreme emergency, be left without attendance of an officer.
They shall make a report to the chief through the inspector before 8 A. M. each day, of all police business which has transpired in their respective districts during the previous twenty-four hours, and shall also report by telephone or in person all serious crimes or other important police matters to the desk sergeant at police Headquarters.
When a crime of any importance has been committed, it shall be the duty of the sergeant commanding, the district in which it occurred to personally investigate and take such action as the exigency of the case may suggest and report to the chief his action thereon.
Each sergeant shall keep a memorandum book, in which he shall keep a correct record of all matters of interest coming to his notice during his tour of duty, also all neglect of duty by his men and report the same in writing to the chief through the inspector.
Each sergeant in charge of a district shall make a monthly report to the chief through the inspector of all conditions covering vice, gambling, bootlegging and disorderly houses found by him or reported to him as existing in his district.
The sergeant detailed as traffic sergeant shall have command of all officers detailed on traffic duty.
He shall see that all rules and ordinances layed down for regulation of traffic are strictly carried out
He shall if an emergency occurs and no provision has been made, cover same by shifting men from points where they can be spared for the time being.
He shall be held responsible for the preservation of all traffic equipment and supplies, as well as for the proper maintenance and repair of all such property or equipment under his jurisdiction.
He shall hold all officers under his command responsible for the proper care of traffic booths, umbrellas, semaphores and other city property while same is in their charge.
The hours of duty for the traffic sergeant and the traffic officers under his command shall be fixed by the chief, and the traffic sergeant shall make a written report on the first of each month covering the activities of the bureau for the preceding month.
The desk sergeant detailed at Police Headquarters will be under the direction of the inspector of detectives, subject to the orders of the chief.
He shall receive all telephone calls as to complaints, making a record of them when received. He shall answer all questions from citizens, in a kind and courteous manner, and give all the information required of him.
He shall keep all other records assigned to him by the inspector or chief.
The sergeant detailed at Central Station shall have full charge of his station and the officers detailed on the patrol and ambulance during his tour of duty.
He shall be held responsible for the safekeeping of all prisoners placed in his care.
He shall at all times cause to be kept clean and neat the prisoners’ rooms and station in his charge, and report any neglect of the janitor failing to do the same.
He will be held responsible for the treatment accorded prisoners received, while in his charge, and under no circumstances shall he permit unnecessary violence to be used in managing a prisoner.
When a prisoner in the police station is in need of medical attention he will call the operator at police headquarters, stating the case, and request that a doctor be sent.
When a prisoner is brought to the station, the sergeant shall make an entry on the blotter, giving name in full, offense charged, occupation, sex, color, nativity, residence and name and address of complainant, time and place of arrest, and full name of officer making arrest. He shall also carefully search each person, taking charge of all money and valuables found in his possession, together with any weapon or dangerous instrument, etc., and record same on the blotter.
He shall plainly mark such property with the name of the prisoner and date of arrest.
The sergeant in charge will be held responsible for all money, property and articles of value taken from prisoners at the station houses, and when not returned to owner or claimant he must deposit such money and property with the clerk or officer in charge at Police Headquarters, taking a receipt for same.
He shall refer all persons making inquiries regarding prisoners, together with all letters and messages to and from prisoners, to the officer in charge at Police Headquarters and refrain from all unnecessary conversation with prisoners under his charge.
He shall not permit any persons to communicate with prisoners in his charge, except those who have written permits as required by rules 34 and 25, and in all cases he must be present at such communication and hear the entire conversation except that of a legal adviser, who shall be permitted to hold private conversations with his client only, and not with other prisoners.
The desk sergeant at police station shall keep a log book in which all activities of his office shall be entered, with the date and the hour of the day, and the same shall be kept up to date.
He shall have a book in which all articles of evidence shall be entered, which articles are to be turned over to the custodian or court officer, and shall be receipted for by the party receiving same.
The Bureau of Crime Prevention shall be in charge of an officer assigned to that duty, who shall be under the direction of the chief and inspectors, and be charged with the duty of supervising all juvenile work, affecting the welfare and morals of boys and young men, which comes to the attention of the Division of Police.
The hours of duty of the officer in charge shall be arranged by the chief.
It shall be his duty to visit all poolrooms in the city as often as possible, with the view of seeing that minors are not permitted therein in violation of the law.
He shall visit as often as possible all public and parochial schools for the purpose of talking to the children, showing them by precept and example the advantages of clean, straight and honest living and habits. It shall be his duty to caution them against practices which would endanger the lives and limbs of themselves or others, or the violation of laws and ordinances.
He shall see that the boys do not play truant from school in violation of law.
Complaints received at Headquarters, regarding depradations committed by boys, shall be referred to the crime prevention bureau for action, if the officer on whose beat the offense occurred, cannot for any reason take care of the same.
At no time shall his duties connect him with adults or domestic relations, except where a boy or girl’s welfare is concerned, and then only to secure such information as is necessary to be furnished to the proper governing organization.
The paroling of any adult prisoner to the crime prevention bureau shall be absolutely discouraged.
He shall, during the summer vacations, keep in touch with the public playgrounds, and where boys and girls are playing on the public highways, subjecting themselves to danger of accidents, he shall eandeavor to get them into some playground, or make some effort to secure vacant lots for them to play on.
He shall make a daily report of the activities of his bureau, and shall also make a monthly report of the schools and poolrooms visited, cases handled and the general activities of his bureau.
The officer detailed as telephone operator shall answer telephone calls promptly, in a courteous manner and keep a full and complete record of all reports, made to him by officers, on prescribed forms.
He shall keep a log book in which a note is made stating the time and cause of all messages sent and received, and also, of all orders from his superior officers for his own action or transmission to officers. He shall be directly under the direction of the Chief of Police and Inspectors.
He shall perform such other duties as the chief or inspectors may prescribe, all of which must be done with promptness and accuracy.
They shall keep all records pertaining to police work intrusted to them, and perform such other duties as may be assigned to them, by the inspectors or chief.
1. The officer detailed on the patrol and ambulance stationed at Central Station shall be under the charge of the desk sergeant at Central Station, and the inspector of the relief to which he is assigned.
2. Officers detailed on emergency Fords or call cars, will be under the instructions of the sergeant of the relief and district in which they are working, and the inspectors.
3. One officer of each squad will be designated as captain of the squad, and it shall be his duty to report any negligence occuring on his tour of duty, to the sergeant in charge.
4. Officers patroling in Fords will be directly under the sergeant of their relief and district and subject to the same rules as provided for patrolmen.
5. Officers on motor vehicles shall report at their stations for duty, in uniform, neat and in proper condition, and shall not leave the station except in performance of duty, without having first obtained permission from the officer in charge, upon order of the chief, or when properly relieved.
6. Officers shall see that their motor vehicles are kept in a clean, sanitary and presentable condition at all times, and shall immediately report the loss of any equipment belonging to the vehicle, or any accident befalling such vehicle.
7. Members shall not take any motor vehicle to the garage for repair without having first secured permission from the chief or inspector, and giving reason for such repairs. Cars in the garage for repairs shall not be taken off the floor without first obtaining permission of the superintendent of the garage.
8. Officers will, immediately upon reporting for duty, thoroughly inspect the motor vehicle to which they are assigned, and shall see that such vehicle is supplied with the proper amount of oil, gas and water during their entire tour of duty.
Each patrolman must report at his station house for duty at the time designated, in uniform, neat and in proper condition.
There shall be three reliefs as follows:
First relief from 7 A.M. to 3 P. M.
Second relief from 3 P.M. to 11 P. M.
Third relief from 11 P. M. to 7 A. M.
Thirty minutes will be allowed for lunch.
He must examine and make himself perfectly familiar with every part of his beat, closely observe and note the description of persons passing and as far as possible prevent the commission of crime.
He must by his vigilance render it extremely difficult for anyone to commit crime on his beat. The absence of crime will be considered the best proof of efficiency of the patrolman, and when on any beat offenses frequently occur there will be good reason to suppose that there is negligence or lack of ability on the part of the officer in charge of such beat.
He shall carefully inspect every part of his beat. The regularity of inspection thus enjoined shall not prevent his remaining at any particular place if his presence be required, but he will satisfy his superior officer that there was sufficient cause for such apparent neglect.
He shall strictly watch the conduct of all persons of known character, and in such manner that it will be evident to such persons that they are watched and that certain detection will follow the attempt to commit crime. He shall note the time of the appearance of any person of known bad character on his beat, the circumstances attending, and the premises that said person may enter, and report to the commanding officer.
He shall report all houses and rooms of prostitution, disorderly houses, resorts for thieves, gambling places, places where stolen property is received, or his suspicions that they are such, when he finds such places on his beat, and shall take particular notice of all vehicles and descriptions thereof, particularly at night, which may excite his suspicions.
He must each day, at his station, examine the bulletin containing reports of complaints, offenses committed, persons wanted, etc., make a note of the same in his memorandum book and thereupon promptly perform his duty.
When it becomes necessary to take a person into custody he shall do so in as easy and quiet a manner as possible and using only sufficient force to secure the prisoner, and in no instance shall he strike a prisoner except in cases of extreme emergency.
He shall, when necessary for the better performance of his duty, enter places which are known as resorts for thieves, notorious characters, and other suspicious places, take note of who are present, what they are doing, such visits to be a brief as possible, and he must report such visits and his observations to his sergeant.
He shall constantly patrol within the limits of his beat, except in case of fire, pursuing a murderer, burglar or thief, the arrest of a prisoner or for any other necessary cause.
He shall cause all children who have strayed or infants who have been abandoned to be taken to the residence of their parents, if known, and within his beat, and if not, to headquarters.
He shall take note of contagious diseases or sudden death, where there is reasonable grounds to suspect criminality, and render immediate aid in cases of accident or illness in the street, ascertaining all important particulars connected therewith, making a record thereof, and report same to the desk sergeant at Headquarters without delay.
He shall give courteous and civil replies to all inquiries of strangers and others as to the localities which they wish to find.
He shall notice all street and sidewalk obstructions, and all defects therein from which accidents may occur, removing them when practicable, or report same to the desk sergeant at Headquarters. He shall see to all places where openings or excavations are being made, and not suffer them to be continued unless properly guarded, and shall cause suitable accommodations to be provided for the public travel, all street lamps or electric not lighted at the proper times or too early extinguished. He shall see to any building defectively built or become unsafe or where any noisome, dangerous or unwholesome trade is carried on and all nuisances and other matters relating to the safety and convenience of the public or to the interest of the city, which may exist or occur on his beat, and shall make report thereof, without delay in writing to his superior officer.
He shall as often as practicable during his tour of duty at night, carefully examine all the doors and low windows of vacant houses, and see that they are properly secured, and make a report of any found not properly secured.
When unable to report for duty on account of sickness or from any other cause, he shall report such inability to the police operator by telephone, and in default of making such report he shall be deemed absent without leave.
Patrolmen must not walk together nor talk with each other nor with any person when they meet on the confines of their beats, unless it is to communicate information appertaining to their duties, such communication to be as brief as possible.
They must not walk together more than two abreast, in leaving or coming to the station house, unless otherwise ordered, nor shall they use the street car while on duty except in cases of emergency, or when directed to do so by their superior officer.
All reports of importance must be made in writing to the officer in charge of the district, and signed with the full name and number of the patrolman making the report.
The janitor shall be subject to the orders of the desk sergeant at the station to which he may be assigned.
He shall be held responsible for the cleanliness of the police station, the looking after the furnace, and such other work as he shall be requested to do by the inspector or sergeant on duty at the police station.
His hours of duty shall be arranged by the chief.
The matrons at the police stations shall be under the instructions of the inspector or sergeant in charge of the police station.
It shall be their duty to take care of all female prisoners and be responsible for their same keeping while they are in their charge.
They shall search all female prisoners intrusted to their care, and see that all effects taken from them are turned over to the desk sergeant and properly entered on the police blotter.
Their hours of duty shall be the same as the regular patrolman.
12 Main St. and Monument Ave.
13 Herman Ave., 1st alley East of Main
14 Main and Laura Sts.
15 Main and Helena Sts.
16 County Jail
21. Forest and Herman Aves.
23 Broadway and Wolf Creek, Bridge
24. Washington and Perry Sts.
25. Warren and Brown Sts.
31 Brown and L. Sts.
32 Main and Fairground Gate.
33 Warren and Jefferson Sts.
34. River and Salem Ave.
41. Lafayette and Charter Sts.
42. Salem and Cottage Grove Ave.
43. Summit and Dakota St.
44. Third and Williams St.
45. Kammer and Winters St.
51. Brown St. and Burns Ave.
53 Third and Webster St.
35. Jefferson and Sixth Sts.
54 Salem and North Ave.
112. Third and Jefferson St.
113. Monument and Idylwild Ave.
114. Locust and Linwood St.
115. Fifth and Torrance St.
121. Third and Main St.
122. Fourth and Sycamore Sts.
123. Fifth and Boulevard.
124. Third and Grimes St.
125. Fifth and Euclid Ave.
131. National and Kilmer Ave.
132. Cincinnati and Pontiac St.
133. Euclid and Eaton Aves.
134. Albany and Galloway Sts.
135. Broadway and Albany St.
141. Germantown and Bank Sts.
142. Germantown and Washington Sts.
151. Kiefaber and Lawnview Ave.
152. Wyoming and Phillips Ave.
153. Chester and Lexington Ave.
212. Troy and Hayner St.
213. Fifth and Haymarket Sts.
214. Springfield and Stock Yards
215. Xenia and Filmore Sts.
221. Xenia and Pritz Ave.
222. Huffman Hill
223. Third and Findlay Sts.
224. Burkhart and Irwin Sts.
225. Cincinnati and Washington St
231. Main and Zinck St.
232. Ludlow and Eaker St.
252. Clarence and Creighton Aves.
312. Fifth and Wyondotte St.
313. Fifth and Wayne Ave.
314. Wayne and Burns Ave.
315. Fifth and Ringgold St.
321. Main St. and Stonemill Road
322. Wayne Ave. and Steffen St.
323. Wayne Ave. and Wyoming St.
324. First and Harshman St.
325. Court and Wilkinson Sts.
413. Third and Front St.
414. Valley and Brandt St.
415. Troy and Hart St.
421. Valley and Ohio St.
422. Webster and Herbert Sts.
423. Third St. and Canal Bridge
424. Taylor and Canal Sts.
425. Monument Ave. and Boulevard.
432. Third St. and Western Ave.
433. Delaware and Richmond Aves.
512. Third St. and Abbey Ave.
513. Third and Olive Sts.
Third and Jefferson Sts.
Fifth and Wyandotte Sts.
Fifth St. and Wayne Ave.
Sixth and Main St.
Union Depot
Third St. River Bridge (East End).
Main and First Sts.
Main St. Bridge (South End).
Sixth and Ludlow Sts.
To sound an alarm, break the glass, open the outer door, pull the hook down once and let go. Remain near the fire alarm box to direct the fire apparatus. On boxes having Tooker doors, turn the knob to the right until the outer door opens, the bell which rings does not sound the alarm, you must pull the hook down once and let go. Instructions as to how to operate a fire box should be imparted to citizens in every community.
In case of fire, send in an alarm from the nearest fire alarm box. Or call Fire Headquarters, Bell Main 35 or Home Phone 2133. In reporting the location or nature of a fire wait until the operator has repeated your call, so that you may verify it. Do not attempt to notify a fire house by telephone, the company may be out of quarters, and the delay might result in a conflagration.
No information pertaining to the location or nature of a fire will be given out to the public over telephone from Fire Headquarters. Patrolmen should announce their name if any information is desired.
Report broken glass in fire alarm boxes to fire Headquarters, see that the outer door is closed.
Two strokes and the number of the box call the second alarm.
Twenty-two slow and the number of the box call the third alarm and the second and third combined.
Ten strokes and the number of the box call out the entire fire department.
Three strokes, fire out or under control.
Two round of fifteen will assemble the military in case of emergency.
All special signals as above are sounded by the officer in command at a fire.
Box No. Location.
4 Fifth and Jefferson
5 Fifth and Main
6 Fourth and Main
7 Third and Main
8 Second and Ludlow
9 Main and Monument, Fire House No. 4
12 Fourth and St. Clair
13 Third and Jefferson
14 First and St. Clair
15 First and Foundry
16 Monument and Taylor
17 Barney and Smith Car Works
18 Water Works Pump House
19 Valley and Ohio
21 Third and Wayne
22 Sears and South Ford
23 Third and Montgomery
24 Second and Dutoit
25 June Street Fire House, No. 6
26 Third and Linden Avenue
27 Third and Garfield
28 Third and Philadelphia
29 Third and Irwin
31 Fifth and Wayne
32 Fifth and Montgomery
33 McLain and Haymarket
34 Fourth and Dutoit
35 High and McLain
36 Fifth and Allen
37 Fifth and Huffman
38 Fifth and Linden
39 Fifth and Burkhardt
41 Wayne and Richard
42 Adams and James
43 Wayne and Oak
45 Park and Jay
46 Pierce and Fillmore
47 Xenia and Henry, Fire House No. 7
48 Richard and McReynolds
49 Richard and St. Paul
51 Brown and Jones
52 Jefferson and Chestnut
53 Brown and Alberta
54 Ludlow and Franklin
55 Washington and Perry
56 Main and Bruen
57 Ludlow and Bayard
58 Main and Stout
59 Main and Ashley
61 Fifth and Norwood
62 Fifth and Sprague
63 Fifth and Dunbar
64 Fifth and Broadway
65 Fifth and Summit
67 Western and Howell.
71 Third and Wilkinson
72 Third and Clegg
73 Third and Horace
74 Second and Sweetman
75 Third and Williams
76 Third and Conover
77 Third and Euclid, Fire House No. 13
78 Third and Grosvenor
79 Third and Kilmer
82 River and Salem
83 Dayton and Holt
84 Edgewood and Middle
85 River and Williams
86 River and Broadway
87 River and Summit
91 Main and McPherson
92 Main and Herman
93 Main and Neal
94 Main and Helena
95 Main and Forest, Fire House No. 14
96 Main and Fountain
97 Main and Hudson
98 Main and Rost
112 Second and Jefferson
113 Second and Canal
114 Second and Meigs
115 First and Webster
116 Monument and Sears
117 Barney & Smith, Annex, Delco Div.
118 Keowee and Kiser
119 Hart and Notre Dame
122 Herman and North Bend
123 Keowee and Webster
124 Kay & Ess Co., Leo and Kiser
125 Hungarian Colony, Leo St.
126 Maxwell Motor Car Co., Leo St.
127 Daller and Edmund
129 McCook Field, Keowee St.
131 Wayne and State
132 Lowe Bros. Co., Wayne Ave.
171 Barney & Smith, East Yards
172 Barney & Smith, Power House
173 Barney & Smith, Findlay St.
211 Wyandot and Shawnee
212 Pine and Marshall
213 Fifth and Brown Fire House, No. 1
214 Troy and Ray
215 Troy and Lamar
216 Kiser and Protzman
218 Warner and Baltimore
219 Hart and Alaska
221 Third and Bates
223 Standard Oil Co., E. First St
224 Schant-Thomas Brewery, E. First St.
225 First and Harshman
226 Second and Lombard
227 Brownell Co., Findlay St.
228 First and Burlington
229 First and McGee
231 Webster and Herman
232 Platt Iron Works, Machine Shop
233 Platt Iron Works, Foundry
234 Kiefer and B. & O. R.R.
235 Troy and Kiefer
236 Valley and Light
237 Valley and Brandt
238 Valley and Findlay
239 Valley and Bickmore
241 Springfield and Torrence
242 Springfield and Irwin
243 Springfield and Stock Yards
245 Focke’s Packing House, Springfield St.
246 Third and Sperling
311 Bacon and McDonough
312 Bacon and Clinton
313 Fourth and McDonough
314 Fourth and Ringgold
315 Fourth and Van Lear
316 Fourth and Monmouth
321 Linden and East Huffman, Fire House No. 12
322 Davis Sewing Machine Co., Front
323 Davis Sewing Machine Co. Rear
324 East Huffman and Jersey
325 Fourth and Harbine
326 Irwin and Burkhardt
327 Huffman and Garland
328 Huffman and Overlook
331 McLain and McClure
332 McLain and Boltin
334 Hamilton and St. Paul
411 Clay and Jones
412 Burns and Jackson
413 Xenia and Quitman
414 Clover and Corwin
415 Wayne and Wyoming
416 Wayne and Wilmington
417 Edgar and Volkenand
418 Anderson and Union
419 State Hospital, Wayne Ave.
421 Xenia and Dover
422 Lorain and Hulbert
423 Richard and Linden
424 Xenia and Pritz
425 Xenia and Linden
426 St. Joseph’s Orphans Home, St. Paul Av.
427 Richard and Parrott
428 Clover and Lorain
429 St. Nicholas and Tacoma
431 Wyoming and Dover
432 Wyoming and St. Paul
433 Wyoming and Pritz
434 Creighton and Alice
435 Creighton and Clarence
436 Heaton and Colorado
437 Heaton and Indiana
438 Muncie and Phillips
439 Muncie and Arbor
441 St. Charles and St. Jospeh
442 St. Charles and Creighton
443 Argyle and Arbor
445 Tacoma and Wellmeier
451 Hickory and Perrine
452 Adams and Morton
453 Wyoming and Alberta
454 Oak and Alberta
455 Wyoming and Cross
511 Jefferson and Hollencamp
512 Lincoln and Warren
513 Brown and Patterson, Fire House No. 11
514 Brown and Fairground
515 National Cash Register Works
516 Miami Valley Hospital
517 Brown and Hughes
518 Kiefaber and Lawnview
519 Alberta and Irving
521 Foraker and Hill
522 Main and Caldwell
523 Alberta and L
524 St. Mary’s College
541 Sixth and Ludlow
542 City Work House, Sixth St.
543 Strand Theatre, Main St.
591 N.C.R. Co., Main and K
592 N. C. R. Co., Office Bldg., Main St.
611 Fourth and Perry
612 Fourth and Boulevard
613 Fifth and Wilkinson, Fire House No. 3
614 Fifth and Charter
615 Longworth and Mead
616 Germantown and Pease
617 Aetna Paper Co., Cincinnati St.
618 Washington and Cincinnati
619 White Line Power House, Washington St.
621 Washington and Germantown
622 Germantown and Williams
623 Home and Broadway
624 Children’s Home, Summit St.
625 Broadway and Albany
626 Home and Euclid
627 Germantown and Euclid
628 Western and Weller
629 Eaton and Western
631 Cincinnati and Concord
632 Homestead and Campbell
633 Washington and Portland, Fire House No. 10
634 Hartford and Costello
635 Albany and Kirkham
636 Cincinnati and Bolander
637 Pontiac and Meadow Place
638 Hawthorn and Gale
639 Broadway and Bolander
641 Howell and Orchard
642 Home and Kilmer
645 Home and Eaton
651 Rake and Last Works, Albany St.
652 Cincinnati and Miami Chapel Road
653 White Line Car Barns, Bolander Ave.
654 Recording & Computing Machine Co., Wisconsin Boulevard
655 Stewart and Wisconsin Boulevard
656 U.S. Naval Ordnance, Miami Chapel Road and Big 4 R. R.
657 Broadway and Miami Chapel Road
661 Summit and Delphos Div. R. R.
664 Lakeview and Dennison
667 Lakeview and Dearborn
671 St. Elizabeth Hospital
672 Albany and Hopeland
711 First and Main
712 Monument and Wilkinson
713 First and Stratford
714 Monument and Boulevard
715 Second and Crescent
716 Second and Boulevard
721 Broadway and Edison
722 First and Conover
723 First and Antioch
724 Western and Dakota
725 Summit and Pan Handle R. R.
726 First and Malleable Iron Works
727 Second and Malleable Iron Works
728 Mercer and Malleable Iron Works
731 Mathison and Edison
732 Kilmer and Edison
733 Kammer and Baker
736 Third and Abbey
738 Third and Western
811 Central and Plymouth
812 Salem and Superior
813 Salem and North
814 Grafton and North
815 Rockwood and Neal
816 Richmond and Neal
817 Salem and Harvard Boulevard
818 Lexington and Meredith
821 Broadway and Oxford
822 Lexington and Bryn Mawr Drive
823 Broadway and Superior
824 Superior and Faulkner
825 Lexington and Kumler
827 Lexington and Everett Drive
831 Grafton and Homewood
832 Salem and Wabash
833 Manhattan and Bellevue
834 Kenilworth and Red Fern
835 Salem and Princeton Drive
836 Euclid and Oxford
837 River and Idaho
911 Linwood and Babbitt
912 Herman and Stillwater
913 Babbitt and Floral
914 Herman and Forest
915 Forest and Neal
916 Shaw and Great Miami Boulevard
917 Linwood and Lawn
918 Glenwood and Mary
919 Main and Hillcrest
921 Grafton and Kenilworth
922 Victor and Richmond
924 Norman and Wheatley
Station No. Location
1. Fifth opposite Brown
2. Webster and South Ford
3. Fifth west of Wilkinson
4. Main and Monument
6 June north of Third
7 Xenia and Henry
8 Maryland and Chapel
9 Salem and Oxford
10 Washington and Portland
11 Brown and Patterson
12 Linden and East Huffman
13 Third and Euclid
14 Main, opposite Forest
15 Wayne and Medford
16 Jersey, south of Third
1. A felony is a very grave crime such as is punishable with imprisonment in the penitentiary; for instance, manslaughter, rape, assault with intent to kill, grand larceny, forgery, burglary, bribery, and obtaining goods or money in value of more than $35.00 by false pretenses.
2. A misdemeanor is a lesser offense, punishable with fine or imprisonment in the county jail or workhouse.
3. Any person who is present when a felony is committeed is bound to arrest the offender.
4. If a felony has been committed, any person of whose guilt there is a reasonable suspicion should be at once arrested and the person who makes the arrest is protected even if it turns out that the prisoner is innocent.
5. A police officer, when a felony has been committed, may break open doors to take the person reasonably suspected, if he be in a building to which entry is refused after demand has been made.
6. Police officers have authority to arrest and detain in custody for examination persons found in the streets at night, when there is reasonable ground to suspect of felony, though there is no proof of one having been actually committed.
7. A police officer may demand the assistance of any person present to enable him to execute his duty, and if such person refuses his assistance he can be arrested
8. When an affray occurs in a house within hearing of a police officer, he may lawfully break open the doors in order to suppress it.
9. A police officer using unnecessary violence in making an arrest is liable in damages for excessive force.
10. In all cases to save a police officer from prosecution, for false or malicious imprisonment he should have facts amounting to reasonable and probable cause for belief of guilt when he makes the charge or the arrest in question.
11. If a misdemeanor is charged by a citizen to have been committed and the officer has not witnessed the commission of the offense, a warrant should be secured before any arrest is made.
The instructor will not confine himself to the following questions, but will vary them and enlarge upon them as he sees fit.
Question. What is a policeman?
Answer: A person duly appointed and sworn to enforce and execute the criminal laws of the state, and ordinances of the city.
Ques. Has a policeman any authority in civil cases?
Ans. None whatever. He is an executive officer of the criminal law only.
Ques. What relation does a policeman bear towards the community at large?
Ans. He is a servant of the people, and should never aspire to be their master.
Ques. How, then, should a policeman conduct himself towards citizens generally?
Ans. Always as a gentleman, kind and pleasant in language, and bearing, ever obliging and ready to assist them, and never under any circumstances to hold argument or controversy upon any subject whatever with citizens.
Ques. What constitutes an arrest?
Ans. The laying of the hand upon the shoulder, or other part of the person of the party to be arrested, at the same time saying: “You are my prisoner,” or “I arrest you,” or such other words as shall make the party understand he is a prisoner.
Ques. Under what circumstance may a policeman legally make use of the baton or club?
Ans. When assaulted in a violent manner by one or more persons of superior physical strength to himself, and then only to protect himself from injury. A good, manly policeman will not lose his temper, maltreat or strike a prisoner without being in danger of being disabled, or beaten because of the discharge his duty.
Ques. Under what circumstances may a policeman use his pistol?
Ans. He should never draw, or attempt to use his pistol, except in extraordinary cases, such as in the actual defense of his own or another’s life; when attacked with deadly weapons, or in active pursuit of escaping criminals, charged with great crimes, as murder, burglary, arson, etc. shooting at another is a crime, except when proven to be done as authorized by law. Therefore, if a policeman, sworn to execute the criminal laws of the state, should through cowardice, passion or malice, shoot at, wound or kill another, he would be a criminal in a double sense, for the reason that, in so doing he would be guilty of violating his oath of office.
Ques. What are the general duties of Policemen?
Ans. To protect life and property prevent the commission of crime and arrest offenders.
Ques. When a policeman is off duty is he liable to be called upon?
Ans. Yes; at all times in cases of emergency.
Ques. Under what circumstances may a policeman give a call?
Ans. When immediate assistance is required and he cannot otherwise obtain it.
Ques. What are a policeman’s duties when patrolling?
Ans. To inspect every part of his beat as often as practicable.
Ques. Are policemen allowed to stand talking to each other or to citizens, in the street, while on duty?
Ans. No; unless in the actual discharge of police duty.
Ques. When citizens make inquiries, how are they to be treated?
Ans. With civility and attention, the policeman affording all proper information in his power, with as little delay as possible.
Ques. Is it the duty of an officer to give his name and number when asked?
Ans. Yes; whenever required.
Ques. When a prisoner is taken into custody by an officer, what is his duty?
Ans. To convey him direct to the police station. Instruct the accuser, if any, to accompany you to the station to prefer charges.
Ques. How should prisoners be treated?
Ans. With kindness, and only with as much restraint as may be necessary.
Ques. When a person is taken into custody, is it necessary to guard against his disposing of weapons or articles of property in his possession?
Ans. Yes; the greatest care must be taken that a prisoner be not allowed to throw anything away.
Ques. Should a prisoner escape from custody has a policeman power to pursue and re-arrest him?
Ans. Yes; and in cases of felony, if the fugitive takes refuge in a house, the doors may be broken open after demand for admission is made, and the policeman gives notice to the occupants of his office and business.
Ques. Should a prisoner be desirous of making a statement or confession, ought the policeman caution him against criminating himself?
Ans. Certainly not; the officer must not induce or prevent the prisoner making any statement, but attentively notice every expression used which may further the ends of justice and be prepared to repeat the same when required.
Ques. How is the efficiency of a police officer maintained?
Ans. By strict discipline.
Ques. How may a policeman hope to rise to the highest grades of the force?
Ans. By activity, intelligence and good conduct.
Ques. How are policemen to communicate to the Director of Public Safety?
Ans. In writing, through their superior officers.
Ques. How does a policeman salute his superior officer?
Ans. As a soldier, with the right hand raised smartly to the forehead.
Ques. How should a policeman act toward his relieving partner?
Ans. He should be on the most friendly terms with him, and careful to communicate to him everything he knows relating to suspected persons or things on their beat, that both may act in concert for the public good.
Ques. Do you know that a policeman is liable to punishment for neglect of duty?
Ans. Yes; a policeman is liable to be reprimanded, fined, or dismissed from the force.
Ques. Is it required that a policeman shall give notice of his intention to leave the force?
Ans. Yes; every policeman has sworn not to vacate his office or cease to perform the duties of the same, until discharged, or, after ten days’ notice his resignation is accepted by the City Manager.
Ques. Is a policeman required to return all police property to the division if he is dismissed or resigned?
Ans. Yes; he must forthwith deliver all police property in his possession to his chief.
Ques. Can a policeman engage in any other business?
Ans. He cannot.
Ques. What is a felony?
Ans. Any offense against the law which would subject the offender, upon conviction, to punishment to death or imprisonment in the penitentiary, such as murder, manslaughter, maiming, burglary, grand larceny, rape, robbery, assault to kill, arson, abortion, making and passing counterfeit money, forgery, embezzelment, incest, obtaining goods or money under false pretenses, carrying stolen property into the state over 35 dollars, bigamy, etc.
Ques. When a felony has been committed, what is a policeman’s first duty?
Ans. To arrest the person committing it, or against whom there is a reasonable suspicion, at all hazards.
Ques. What is murder?
Ans. The willful, deliberate and premeditated killing of another, or killing another in the attempt to perpetrate any arson, rape, robbery, or other felony, is murder in the first degree. The killing of another purposely and maliciously, but without deliberation or premeditation, is murder in the second degree.
Ques. What is manslaughter?
Ans. The unlawful killing of another without malice, either upon a sudden quarrel or unintentionally, while the slayer is in the commission of some unlawful act.
Ques. What is maiming?
Ans. Cutting or biting off the ear, nose or lip, cutting or disabling the tongue, putting out an eye, or cutting off or disabling any limb or member of a human being.
Ques. What is burglary?
Ans. The forcibly breaking open of a dwelling house, store, water craft, church, workshop, or other building, with intent to commit any larceny during the night season.
Ques. What is grand larceny?
Ans. The stealing of money or other thing of value of $35 and over.
Ques. What is petit larceny?
Ans. The stealing of money or other thing of less value than $35.
Ques. What is a riot?
Ans. An assemblage of three or more persons intent upon and mutually agreed by force and violence to perform unlawful acts against the person or property of others, or against the peace, or to the terror of the people.
Ques. What is rape?
Ans. Carnally and unlawfully knowing a female child under the age of 16 years, or forcibly ravishing any female person.
Ques. What is robbery?
Ans. Taking the property of another from his person, or in his presence, and against his will, by violence to his person, or by putting him in fear of some immediate injury to his person.
Ques. What is assault with intent to kill?
Ans. Shooting at, stabbing or beating another with a deadly weapon likely to produce death with intent to kill, maim, ravish or rob such person.
Ques. What is arson?
Ans. Wilfully setting fire to or burning any dwelling house, factory, store, workshop, steamboat, bridge or causeway upon a railroad.
Ques. What is adultery?
Ans. The living together of man and woman (one or both of whom are married and not to each other) who shall lewdly and lasciviously abide and cohabit with each other.
Ques. What is fornication?
Ans. The living and cohabiting together of unmarried persons.
Ques. What is poisoning with intent to produce death?
Ans. The administering of poison to another with intent to destroy or take the life of the person or persons, to whom the same shall be administered, or to do him, her, or them any injury, or the mixing of poison in water for drink or medicine, with the aforesaid intent.
Ques. What is abortion?
Ans. The wilful administering, by a physician or other person to any pregnant woman any medicine, drug, substance, or anything whatever, or the using of any instrument or other means whatever, with intent thereby to produce a miscarriage of any such woman, unless the same shall have been deemed necessary to preserve the life of such woman, or shall have been advised by two physicians to be necessary for that purpose.
Ques. What is counterfeit money?
Ans. A spurious imitation of the legally established currency or coin of the country, falsely forged, with intent to deceive and defraud.
Ques. What is forgery?
Ans. Falsely making, altering or counterfeiting any promissory note, bill of exchange, draft, check, certificate of deposit, or other evidence of debt, purporting to be made or issued by any person or bank incorporated under the laws of this state or any state, territory, government or country.
Ques. What is embezzlement?
Ans. The converting to one’s own use, or the making away with, or securing or secreting with intent to convert to one’s own use, of any money, goods, rights in action or valuable security, or effects whatever, belonging to master or employer.
Ques. What is incest?
Ans. Cohabitation between persons within the degrees of consanguinity, with which marriages are, by law, declared to be incestuous and void, as between parent and child, brother and sister.
Ques. What is obtaining goods under false pretenses?
Ans. Gaining possession of money, personal property, right in action, or other valuable thing, the property of another, by color of any other false token or writing or representation.
Ques. What is receiving stolen property?
Ans. Buying, or in any way to receive goods, money, personal property or other valuable thing or effects, that shall have been embezzled, converted, secreted, or stolen from another, knowing the same to have been so embezzled or stolen.
Ques. What is carrying stolen property into the state?
Ans. Property obtained in other states by theft or robbery and carried into this state by any person, such person is held accountable for grand larceny in effect the same as if the property was stolen in the state.
Ques. What is bigamy?
Ans. Marriage between persons one or both of whom are already married to other persons yet living, and not legally divorced therefrom.
Ques. What are state misdemeanors?
Ans. Offenses against the state laws which are punishable only by fine and imprisonment in county jail or workhouse, such as petit larceny, gambling, cruelty to animals, etc.
Ques. What are city misdemeanors?
Ans. Violations of city ordinances, punishable by fine or imprisonment.
Ques. In the event of a great crime being committed, or other casualty occurring on his beat, how should a policeman act?
Ans. With decision and promptitude, hasten to the scene thereof, secure the supposed criminal, if possible, at once, then fully investigate the matter, and make complete report in writing to his superior at Headquarters.
Ques. How should a policeman report a murder, suicide, robbery or other serious matter?
Ans. If murder, give full name, residence, age, nativity, character and occupation of principals, whether married or single, together with names and residences of witnesses; how and in what manner it was committed, cause, and attending circumstances thereof.
If suicide, give name, age, character, nativity, place, time, manner, and circumstances attending the same.
If robbery, give name of person robbed, how done, place, description of property stolen, names and description of parties suspected, if any, and such other points connected therewith as he shall be able to gather.
I fire, give time of discovery, number of house and name of street, or location, kind and character of premises, name of owner, and occupant or occupants, origin or cause of fire, whether accidental or the work of an incendiary, and such other facts connected therewith as he may be able to ascertain.
If accident, the nature thereof, how, when, where, and under what circumstances it occurred, with name, age, occupation, and residence of person injured, if any.
Ques. Has a policeman authority to arrest a person on suspicion?
Ans. Yes; if he should see a person prowling around (especially during night time) carrying a bundle or other thing; but a policeman must be careful that his official zeal get not the better of his judgment in such cases. The manner, actions, and conversation of such person are the only things which can establish legal grounds for suspicion against him.
Ques. What is the duty of a policeman if an assault or other violation of law or ordinance is committed against him?
Ans. To promptly arrest the offender and take him at once to the station house.
Ques. If an assault or other violation of law shall be committed but not in his presence, has a policeman authority to arrest?
Ans. He has and may do so, provided the person making the charge is known to him.
Ques. If one person threatens another with personal violence, in his presence, should a policeman interfere?
Ans. Yes; he should arrest the assailant for “conduct calculated to provoke a breach of the peace,” disturbance.
Ques. What is the duty of a policeman in case a riot be impending or in progress?
Ans. Call assistance, secure the principal instigators of the tumult, implicitly obey the commands of any superior who shall be present, and restore quiet.
Ques. If a person apply to a policeman for assistance in civil cases, or to make an arrest which he cannot legally perform what should the policeman do?
Ans. Decline to arrest, and inform the person he can apply to the Civil Division of the Municipal Court, the Probate Court, or the Court of Common Pleas, as the case may require.
Ques. Has a policeman authority to arrest for violation of the state laws, as well as for violation of city ordinances?
Ans. Yes; policemen are declared by law to be officers of the State of Ohio, as well as of the city of Dayton, and are so deemed and taken in all courts having jurisdiction of offenses against the laws of the state.
Ques. What is the duty of Policemen with regard to insane persons?
Ans. To take charge of such found wandering in the streets and convey them to the police station.
Ques. What with regard to lost children?
Ans. If a child can tell its name and residence, convey it to its home, if on your beat, otherwise convey it to Headquarters.
Ques. When on duty, at night, is it necessary to ascertain that the doors of stores are properly secured?
Ans. Yes; by frequently examining the doors and windows.
Ques. Should he find any door or window left open or insecure, how should a policeman act?
Ans. Secure the premises, and report the condition thereof to Headquarters.
Ques. What is the duty of a policeman in regard to unhabited houses?
Ans. To pay particular attention to them; see that the windows, doors and transoms are kept secured and no loafers or boys are allowed to enter therein, and no depredations are committed therein.
Ques. In case of violent or sudden death occuring on his beat, what should a policeman do?
Ans. Promptly make any arrest necessary; take names and residences of all witnesses; note all circumstances attending it, and send word to Headquarters, that the Coroner may be notified.
Ques. How should a policeman execute a search warrant directed to him?
Ans. Go, with the owner of the property you are in search of and described in the warrant, to the house therein indicated, and search the same, causing as little annoyance or disturbance to the inhabitants thereof as possible. If the property is found, take it to the station, together with the person or persons in whose possession it be found, and write a return or statement of his action on the back of the warrant.
Ques. What is the proper mode of serving a subpoena?
Ans. Upon the person named therein, personally, if possible; otherwise deliver it to the wife, husband, or adult inmate or servant of the family of such person, explaining the purport thereof, and make memoranda upon whom the copy was served, and date of service.
Ques. Is it the duty of a policeman to observe whether public hackney coaches, omnibuses and automobiles traveling after dark are provided with lighted lamps?
Ans. Yes; and if not so provided, to arrest the driver thereof for violation of city ordinance.
Ques. Should a dispute arise between a passenger and the driver of any public vehicle, and reference be made by them to a policeman, what is his duty?
Ans. To explain the rate allowed public carriers by law, and if overcharge has been made, arrest the driver.
Ques. What is the duty of a policeman when a fire is discovered on his beat?
Ans. To hasten to the spot, and, if the fire cannot be extinguished by hand, to sound the fire alarm immediately upon the nearest fire alarm box.
Ques. Is it necessary on occasions of fires and public assemblages that special attention be directed to thieves and pickpockets?
Ans. Yes; as they take advantage of all gatherings of the people to commit depredations.
Ques. What is the proper mode of giving evidence?
Ans. To maintain a respectful position, to speak distinctly, and give ready answers to all questions.
Ques Are words spoken by one party and sworn to by another, evidence?
Ans. No; except spoken in statement or confession by a person on trial for crime.
Ques. In giving evidence against a prisoner, should a policeman confine himself to the cause before the court?
Ans. Yes; strictly so, and never refer to any former trail or conviction, unless called upon to do so.
Ques. Is it necessary for a policeman to make a minute of his evidence when a prisoner is committed for trial?
Ans. Yes; in order to refresh his memory when giving evidence at the trial.
Ques. When a policeman brings a prisoner to the station, what is his duty?
Ans. To state to the officer in charge under what circumstances and for what reasons, he took the prisoner into custody and being very careful to state nothing outside the strict limits of truth.
Ques. Of what interest is it to a policeman if a complaint against a person charged with an offense against the law, by him, is dismissed by his superior officer, or by the court?
Ans. None, whatever. A policeman’s duty is accomplished when he presents his prisoner at the station. When a charge is entered, it becomes the further duty of the policeman to attend the court and repeat his testimony in the case. No intelligent or conscientious officer, having a knowledge of this relations to society, will say ought to aggravate the offense, or increase the punishment.
Ques. What are the essential requisites of a good policeman?
Ans. Honesty, truthfulness, sobriety, courage, intelligence, good morals, good temper, promptitude, impartiality and pleasant address.
Automobile Theft Bureau--------------------------------------------------------------48
Bureau of Automobiles, Pawnshops and Taxi Service-----------------------------48
Bureau of Crime Prevention-----------------------------------------------------------62
Chief of Police---------------------------------------------------------------------------40
Clerks and Stenographers---------------------------------------------------------------65
Desk Sergeants------Headquarters-----------------------------------------------------58
Desk Sergeants------Station-------------------------------------------------------------59
Fire Alarm Boxes-------------------------------------------------------------------------81
Fire Houses---Location of---------------------------------------------------------------91
Fire Alarm Telegraph—Instructions---------------------------------------------------79
General Principles of law to Guide Patrolmen----------------------------------------92
General Rules------------------------------------------------------------------------------16
Identification Bureau---------------------------------------------------------------------50
Inspector of Detectives-------------------------------------------------------------------46
Inspectors of Police-----------------------------------------------------------------------43
Officers detailed on Motor Vehicles----------------------------------------------------66
Patrolmen—Duties of---------------------------------------------------------------------68
Patrol Boxes--------------------------------------------------------------------------------75
Police Court—Conduct in (see general rules)------------------------------------------16
Red Light Signals---------------------------------------------------------------------------78
School of Instruction—Police-------------------------------------------------------------94
Stenographers and Clerks------------------------------------------------------------------65
Suggestions to Officers and Patrolmen----------------------------------------------------7