History of the National Home for Disabled Soldiers
Table of Contents
The Soldier's Reward, The Nation's Defenders, The Government Nobly Performs its Duty, Care for the Survivors - Pension and Pension Rolls, The Establishment of Soldiers' Homes, The Central Home at Dayton, Ohio, The Eastern Branch near Augusta, Maine, The North-western Branch, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, The Southern Branch, near Fortress Monroe, Virginia The Objects and Purposes of the National Homes, Requirements for Admission, Historical incidents of the Central Home, EXTRACTS FROM BOARD OF MANAGERS’ REPORT, Central Home, Out-door Relief, Report of Hon. L. B. Gunckel, Acts of Congress relating to Soldiers' Homes, Board of Managers
Complete Guide-Book to Central Home: How to Visit the Home Internal Government of the Home, Reception of Inmates, Payment of Money, Re-admission to the Home, Pensioners and Non-pensioners Order and Cleanliness Passes and Furloughs, Discharges, Discipline, Average Rate of Wages paid Elective Franchise, Number of Inmates Employment of Inmates, Meeting of the Board of Managers
The Attractions of the Home: The Depot, The Field Battery Head-quarters, Library, and Reading-room, Donations, The Church, The Hospital, The Aviary, The Lake, Flower Gardens, The Martindale Conservatory, The Alocasia Aralia Paphyfirifeara, The Agave Americana or Century Plant Cycas Revoluta, The Cactus Aquafolia Cactus Serpentina Euchoris Grandiflora or Night-blooming Cereus Miniature Island, Shady Groves-The Deer Park, The Menagerie, Stone Quarry, Officers' Residences, Amusement Hall, Music Hall, The Camp, Band Pagoda, The Barracks, Grand Dining-Hall Building, Regulations of the Dining-Hall, The Laundry
Repairing-Shops - Industrial Resources of the Home, Workshops, Saw-mill and Engine-House, The Wagon-shop, Upholster-shop, Tin-shop, The Shoe-shop, Tailor-shop, Broom Factory, Cigar Manufactory, Stocking Manufactory, Book-bindery, Harness-shop, Printing Office
Quartermaster's Department, Post-office, The Chaplain's Residence, The Cemetery, A Soldier's Funeral, Fire Brigade and Water-supply, The Day-school, Dentist and Barbers, Bulletin Board, Police Head-quarters, The Guard-House, Stables and Carriage-house, Farm and Garden, The Home of the Chickens, The Apple Orchard Peach and Pear Orchard, The Vineyard, Vegetable Garden Farm and Stock
Daily Routine Muster and Inspection Day, Auction Sales, Associations of the Home Base-ball Club Historical and Monumental Society, Grand Army of the Republic, Veteran Post No. 5, Good Templars, The Guardians
How Anniversary Days of Rejoicing, etc., are Observed at the Home, Fourth of July, Washington's Birth-day, Decoration Day, Annual meeting of the Board of Managers, Christmas and Thanksgiving at the Home, St. Patricks day at the Home, Outside Associations, Pioneers of the Miami Valley
Visit of Gov. Allen to the Home, Gen. Hooker's Visit to the Home, Big Injins at the Home Pipe of Peace Smoked Grand Pow-wow Generally, General Sherman's Visit to the Home on Decoration-day, May 30, 1870, Visit of President Grant, Wife and Daughter, October 3, 1870, Mr. Jas. E. Murdock at the Home, The Lingard Comedy Company at the Home, Soldiers' Gratitude to the Ladies of Dayton, Anna Dickinson at the Home, Bayard Taylor at the Home, Masonic Visit to the Home, Distinguished Visitors, The Ladies of the Home, The Veteran's Benefactress, Mrs. Mary Lowell Putnam, Reception of Mrs. Mary Lowell Putnam, A Veteran's Account of Mrs. Putnam's Visit
Hon. Lewis B Gunckel, Secretary of Board of Managers, The Adjutant's Office, The Treasurer's Office, Pensioners, OFFICERS AND EX-OFFICERS OF THE HOME, EX-OFFICERS OF THE HOME, NON-COMMISSIONED STAFF