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Brushes with Fame by Dayton Area People
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175 posts
Feb 20, 2009
9:52 PM
I started this topic, because I feel that this is a good thing to document and will mark the personal histories and feelings that we had when meeting people/groups/seeing those who were either famous in the entertainment industry/sports/politics/science/invention/or any other arena that you may feel was important (important to us, that is) in our respective generations. This should be an open area, and it has been okayed by Mr. Dalton as a viable topic. It is felt that it is a part of history to be passed on to our children. If not the autographs, photos, posters then at least our memories to them, our meeetings, "brushes", happenstances,etc. will be kept here as our own personal journal of recollection.
This is a posting place for our memories and not a fact based topic. I will come back with my brushes and Dave's brushes soon. Waiting for you to respond, ~Cindi

Last Edited by on Mar 23, 2009 11:50 AM
Curt Dalton
95 posts
Feb 21, 2009
12:46 PM
Well, I guess my greatest brush with fame, if you could call it that, was when I was on the Uncle Orrie show with my cub scout group. Now, Uncle Orrie on television was everybody's favorite uncle, but on the show...

I went there with the group and my mom came along as well. The tension was high when the game they played on the show came up. A lucky cub scout would be chosen to go up to a board and try and pick the right spot on a map to find a hidden treasure map. If he chose right he won a boatload of prizes - an entire grocery cart's worth! If he chose wrong a bucket of water would come down on his head and drench him. Of course there was a raincoat over him to protect his clothes, but the humiliation was still there of course.

Well... I was thrilled out of my little eight year old mind when I was chosen to play. Sweating in the hot lights and that lousy plastic rain coat, I chose... and won! They dragged out that grocery cart and congratualted me and --- fade-out to commercial.

I was then told that I was allowed to pick out only one prize fom the cart - which sort of teed me off and I said so, only to be told that I couldn't be selfish, for if I greedily took them all the other kids who won some other day wouldn't get anything. They then reached in and gave me a ball and jacks kit and hurried me back to the seats as Uncle Orrie, looking at the back of his banjo to read a card stuck there, finished up an on-air commerical.

During another commerical break, Uncle Orrie entertained us with a magic trick - the old rope cut in half, then sticks itself together again trick. Being still mad about the lousy prize I called out that the rope stuck together again because there were magnets at the ends of the rope (I was an aspiring magician at the time). The kids laughed, I got "the look" that adults can give you when you are a kid, and the show ended for the day shortly after that.

Mom later told me that Furdie Fusbudget, Uncle Orrie's lame sidekick, had hit on her, asking her to go out on a date.

I always wondered if I was picked so that Ferdie could hit on my mom.

All true and still freshly remembered 42 years later...

Last Edited by on Feb 21, 2009 1:00 PM
maxed out
72 posts
Feb 21, 2009
1:37 PM
In my high school days , the only celebrities I knew of were Steve Kirk and "BIG" Jim Quinn. Heck with the Presidents, Elvis, and Beatles. Those were the guys I idolized. WING radio was the place to be. I remember making out behind Tecumsah (sp) elementary school with the girl I loved (at that time) listening to the top hits and "BIG" Jim Quinn. I know I have askede this before, but does anyone remember Kirks joke about the Parrot & the Plumber ?
84 posts
Feb 21, 2009
10:53 PM
I never ran into anyone famous in the Dayton area that I remember. However during my lifetime I have seen Pete Rose on an airplane ( first class of course) and Sarah Jessica Parker walking through a Las Vegas hotel, with no makeup on, with an assistant. As a nurse I have taken care of late 60's TV star and a couple of NFL players - all remaining nameless for obvious reasons. I personally have met Anthony Munoz, a Hall of Fame football player from the Cincinnati Bengals. Our daughters used to be in gymnastics together and played basketball against each other as young girls. Nicest guy you could ever meet. Also have met Bob Huggins - kinda. Our daughters played against each other in soccer several times. He always hid behind a newspaper - it was like he was there but not. I also know John Boehner, House minority leader. He lives in my community. His daughter was in my Girl Scout troop and went to school with my kids. He and his wife are nice people. He still comes home and mows his lawn and I saw him at Christmas time buying a furnace filter at Home Depot. Even elected officials are human and have chores. The man with him was not happy when we started talking in line. ( Security? Assistant?) Who knows. My daughter who works at Fox 19 meets "famous" people all the time. She has been hit on by 2 American Idol contestants - not winners. Also has met a few baseball players. They have all impressed me as ordinary.
64 posts
Feb 22, 2009
8:20 AM
Are we talking local or national famous folks? Anyway, back in 1977 I was assistant manager of the Children's Palace store in Centerville. Sometime around Christmas eve that year Dr. Creep (Barry Hobart-and not in Creep makeup)pulled into our lot in a big, black 60's Cadillac Hearse which was labeled on the side "Dr. Creep's Mobile Mortuary". He came into the store and asked for the manager who happened to be me that night. He explained that he was buying toys for his "Project Smiles" charity. He asked if we could help out with discounts or donations (Children's Palace ALWAYS was a top notch company, so I was able to get both for him). He spent about three hours or so in the store and filled up several carts with toys. When he checked out, I just had to ask about where the money came from. He replied that part of it came from fund raisers, the rest from his pocket. We were talking well over $750 worth of toys (which actually was a LOT of money at that time). Barry probably doesn't remember me from that night, but I'll never forget the Creep with a heart of gold...

Last Edited by on Feb 22, 2009 8:22 AM
Steve K
48 posts
Feb 22, 2009
8:27 AM
I've got a photo somewhere of me and Skipper Ryle... he has a big anchor on a ribbon around his neck, and I'm wearing one of those Dr. Kildare shirts!
25 posts
Feb 22, 2009
12:47 PM
After a Reds game in 1973(?), we were getting autographs after the game. The Reds played the NY Mets that night. Yogi Berra was their Manager. I got his autograph. A few minutes later I asked for his autograph again. He grumbled about having already given me his autograph and gave me a second autograph. He then walked away towards downtown Cincinnati. Whenever I here his saying 'Its like deja vu all over again', I think of the night that I got his autograph twice.
177 posts
Feb 22, 2009
2:11 PM
This is Dave: The following is a recollection of just one ecounter ("brush with fame" as Cindi calls it), there are more to come, so here goes:

I once had the unfortunate "misadventure" of meeting Vince McMahon and "The Hulkster", AKA HULK HOGAN, back stage at Hara Arena. The Hulk was huge, (big son of a gun), Vince was NOT the winner of any personality contest. That's ONE brush with fame, and I can't tell anymore about it.
There are more brushes, back soon. - Dave Not Cindi
179 posts
Feb 22, 2009
2:19 PM
Curt: That was a great story, and I think it rings sooo true. I saw Uncle Orrie, too, and they were the most unpleasant duo (Ferdie and The Orrie).

Curt: You should write another book; small town Dayton, OH boy in the 60's and 70's and the tales of same!! Like Christmas Story without the Dad and the Bumpases!! - Dave Not Cindi (Cindi is spreadsheeting her "brushes" and will get back here soon). I have more, too....I don't think we should stick to the Dayton area or their celebrities, but we, as Daytonians and those we have encountered), just an idea to throw out there. Feedback? - Dave
180 posts
Feb 22, 2009
2:20 PM
This is Cindi~ Sounds like Uncle Orrie should have taken the job as Dr. Creep. Creep was a nice guy..the Orrie, not so much, and Ferdie, what a scoundral!!
he ~C (an opinion, if you want me to delete, let me know).
27 posts
Mar 12, 2009
8:57 PM
This is less than a brush with fame but all I have...
in the mid 50's Hoppalong Cassidy came to Dayton. There was a big parade on Third Street, it went by the library but I don't know where else. I was a Bluebird (a junior Camp Fire Girl) and 5 or 6 years old and I got to march in the parade. But we never got to see, much less meet, Hopalong. However I will always remember seeing my dad walking the whole parade route, right where I could see him.
My husband did see the Lone Ranger and Tonto when they came to the fairgrounds sometime in the early 60's.
185 posts
Mar 13, 2009
11:02 AM
Keugene: My 1st encounter and brush with fame: I couldn't wait to go to the Montgomery County Fair when I was about 4 years old. My Daddy told me that Huckleberry Hound was going to be there,and we would go to see him.

We went, I saw, I cried. Huck was not the flexible,lovable,"Tennessee Pea Pickin'" cartoon guy on my "shows" on television. He was a man in a Huck Suit!!! Fraud, I tell you!!! He didn't talk, he only shook my hand with those fake felt paws he had!!!

I later in life became the mascot for my school. Perhaps if a psychologist were to judge this post,there is some relativity there.

Disney World does not appeal to me either.

I know there are lot's out there who saw Ruth Lyons, Bob Braun, Paul Baby Dixon, Bonnie Lou and others. Come on...this was supposed to spark memories, not dampen them. ~Cindi
maxed out
74 posts
Mar 13, 2009
1:54 PM
SeeDavid, Oh yes, I remember The 50/50 Club. Even though I was a very young guy I had the hots for Marian Spellman (sp).What was very disappointing was when I moved to south Florida Bob Braun was doing advertisements for a mattress company here. I have heard that he passed away. He tried , and tried to sing, but he couldn't carry a tune.I remember Ruth Lyons daughter Candy, I'm not sure but I believe she had some kinda of medical problem.Ruth did so much locally for the kids in hospitals
187 posts
Mar 13, 2009
2:15 PM
Max, Candy had leukemia. Passed in the early 70's I think. Yes, Bob is gone, but his son, Rob is a TV News Anchor at channel 12 in Cincy. I do remember collecting money for the Ruth Lyon's Christmas Fund. They bought toys for the children during their hospital stays. ~cindi
89 posts
Mar 14, 2009
9:32 AM
Ahh...yes, Ruth Lyons. Never met her or Bob Braun, but I have a Bob Braun story. While in nursing school, another classmate named Becky, was the local Apple queen since her parents owned an apple farm. She was then sent to the state contest and won. She then was sent to appear on the Bob Braun show and all she said was that he was old, a little creepy and he pinched her "apple cheeks" and cooed at her like she was a baby. She was not amused and came back to nursing school and was done with "public appearances" as Apple Queen. I received one of the toys from the Ruth Lyons fund when I was in the hospital having heart surgery. Great charity.

Another brush with fame - I forgot that I have now seen Pete Rose 3 times now. Saw him in Las Vegas twice now at a sports shop selling autographs. We have pictures but never felt the need to pay for his autograph. Poor guy has to earn a living some way.

Just reminded today of another famous person I actually knew personally. Rich Mullins was a Christian singer/songwriter in the 70's, 80's and 90's. He attended my church, was part of my small group when in town, and performed locally before hitting it big and moving to Nashville. Wonderful/powerful music from an incredible talent. He died tragically and is with God now.
189 posts
Mar 14, 2009
9:58 AM
Do you guys remember when Bob Braun had his only hit song: "Red Roses for a Blue Lady"?????? That guy sang that song every chance he could get. My Dad would holler and yelp like a hound dog if he heard him from the family room upstairs.
I will delete this soon, just wondered if you guys remembered it.
Max: Marian Spellman? At least you were in Coleen Sharp's age group!!!

Becky: Were you surprised to see Pete Rose in VEGAS?

I love this, don't you guys?

I really did step on Frank Zappa's toe at the SHED in 1973. I have lot's more. (I didn't know he was the Frankster either, my boyfriend had to tell me I crushed his toe and that he was Frank..oblivious as always). Frank was very sweet about it, and said something about his feet under the table being too long anyway. What a guy! (Oh, for you older people like Max (only kidding Max), Frank Zappa led the group called the Mother's of Invention.

Will delete this one, soon, too. ~Cindi

Last Edited by on Mar 14, 2009 10:02 AM
28 posts
Mar 14, 2009
6:41 PM
SeeDavid: I once heard RaeJean, Bob Braun's wife say that she will know that Bob is truly dead when she has the funeral home play "Red Roses" and Bob does not get up and start singing. I thought of that when I heard that he died. We watched Ruth Lyons every single day that it was on and then Bob Braun after she quit.
191 posts
Mar 15, 2009
8:39 AM
K- See, my Dad was right on the money, even Bob's wife agreed! RIP Bob, we love you!
90 posts
Mar 20, 2009
9:00 PM
No, not surprised at all to see Pete in Vegas. He can legally gamble there. But like I said, he has to earn a living some how.

My Mother adored Paul Dixon. I remember the T-shirts that he would put on women and get them deliberately stuck at the obvious place. And yes, I remember kneesville. The chicken wedding sticks in my mind as well as his " Doctor " - Dr. Seemore Hiney and his wife Ofeelya Hiney. I think of this whenever I hear the Simpsons on TV calling for Amantohugandkiss. Paul was the original.

I must also mention the recent passing of Uncle Al. He was a Cincinnati children's televison mainstay for many,many years. My husband was on his show as a young boy scout. No Uncle Orrie creepiness there. May he rest in peace.
18 posts
Mar 23, 2009
10:26 AM
I just came across this about brushed with famous people. I was at the Hullabaloo at Forest Park Shopping Center. Every once in a while they would have some famous bands. I saw Ted Nugent there when he was with the Amboy Dukes. They were on a break and I was by the stage and I accidentally knocked over Ted Nugent's guitar. I apologized and he didn't seem upset. Nothing was broken. I also when attending college I saw Mike Nesmith (Monkees) walking out of Wing radio station. We talked to him but I never got his autograph. Also I dated Rick Zehringer (McCoy's)
back in the 1960's before they became famous.
195 posts
Mar 23, 2009
11:29 AM
alabama: You saw the NUGE??? Lucky, I tell you!!
Also, Mike Nesmith? And I remember all of your "brushes" with the McCoys...didn't one of their band members just pass away? They will always be the best of Dayton in rock and roll, afterall, Ohio State's theme song...hang on, sloopy, there's more brushes....I know a guy who is too "chicken" or "busy" to post his GIGANTIC and stupendous brushes with fame...they are "star reaching" and some are "astronautical" if you know what I mean...I will dare him to read this, I told him I would write it, so I need to get him before he loses his memory. EGG HIM ON, guys, his name is "Aviation Man" or "Civilwarrior" Mine coming soon.

Last Edited by on Mar 23, 2009 11:34 AM
Steve K
53 posts
Mar 24, 2009
8:33 AM
My Mom used to babysit for "Chief" Don Eagle's kids... does that count? Seems to me for some strange reason that I had him autograph my baseball glove!
197 posts
Mar 24, 2009
11:38 PM
Of course it counts!!! It all counts!!! Don't you all agree? ~C
3 posts
Mar 31, 2009
10:51 AM
I was on Uncle Orrie and remember him the way others did, not so friendly! We also did Uncle Al show, my mom said Uncle Al flirted with the mothers too much during breaks and she didn't like that!
My sister and I were regulars on Romper Room with Miss Jo, we behaved so well that we were on frequently and were used to fill in when kids couldn't make it onto the show for one reason or another.
I did see Edgar Winter at the Dayton Airport once!
66 posts
Apr 15, 2009
8:45 AM
Since someone brought up airplane flights...

I flew first class out of Dayton one day a couple of years back and sat across the aisle from Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura from the original Star Trek). I am guessing she was in her 70's at the time. I didn't even realize it was her until my wife pointed it out...and I'm supposed to be the Trekker in the family. Go figure...

Last Edited by on Apr 15, 2009 8:47 AM
67 posts
Apr 15, 2009
8:46 AM
Oh yeah, and I posted somewhere else on the site, my wife used to babysit for Steve Kirk's kids when she was in high school. She says he wasn't an over-generous tipper. Ah cha cha cha...
208 posts
Apr 15, 2009
6:01 PM
John,...I remember you saying that your wife babysat Kirkie's kids...ah cha cha cha...hope he knows we all remember waking up to that annoying sound every morning on our AM radios. Saw him at his bar he used to own on Brown ??? Long ago and far away...Cindi
11 posts
Apr 29, 2009
10:59 AM
Wow! I had never heard any bad things about Uncle Orrie and Ferdie until I read the things you all wrote on here. I never was on the Uncle Orrie show, but I was on the Ken and Don show. Ken was Ken Hardin, who played Ferdie. I don't remember much about them personally, but the show was basically run the same way. It was taped during the week and shown on television Saturday morning, so we got to watch ourselves. Ken and Don were followed by Dave Eaton who played Charlie Goodtime. I think I was on there twice. The thing that made me crazy about him was that my brother, who was in junior high at the time, auditioned to perform on the show lip-synching some old Spike Jones songs. They turned him down, but a few weeks later, old Dave showed up on the show performing the same songs my brother auditioned with. He had to use the old WHIO "special effects" and still he couldn't do the lip-synching. What a putz!

Anyway, I miss the days of local television. My mom used to watch The Bette Rogge Show. Later on, Bob Sweeney had the show "Medical Hotline" in the mornings; which was way before it's time. I loved the fact that Bob was always wearing blue jeans behind the desk!

As far as "brushes with greatness", my husband and I were blessed to photograph both The Kenley Players cast parties at Marian's Pizza and The Bogie Busters Golf Tournaments for a few years. What a joy that was! There were very few celebrities that I could complain about. One of the nicest people we met was Elaine Joyce. She actually would take the paper someone gave her to sign and she would make sure that every other celebrity at the table signed it too. I would give anything to relive some of those days!
10 posts
Apr 30, 2009
12:19 PM
I was on the Uncle Orrie & Nosey the Clown Show, too. Although I don't remember much about it, I believe I was with my fellow Cub Scouts, Den 14(?)Pack 46(?).

My mom attended a 50-50 Club Show one time and the TV station was forced to cut it off because the show was running long. Apparently, Ruth Lyons went ballistic and made quite a scene. My mom would never watch the show after that.

One day as a cop, I was responding to a call (in a marked police car)and turned onto the street where the request for service was made. Unbeknowst to me, the car that I had fallen in behind while searching for the proper address number, was being driven by the guy who used to do those crazy TV commercials for Concord City. He turned into a driveway while I slowly continued by. Seconds later, I found that I had passed the correct address by and began to back up. Suddenly, the guy jumped out of his car and ran up to me, demanding, "Are you following me?" Instead of taking offense to his obnoxious behavior, I recognized him immediately from TV and said politely, "Hey Jerry! No, I'm on a call...I'm looking for[address]." He must have felt like a jerk because he immediately calmed down and began to help me find the address. Must have been having a bad day (don't we all?).
70 posts
May 05, 2009
6:57 AM
I have one more for everybody: Around 1974 I used to work for Dayton Sports Center installing high end slate pool tables. I remember installing no less than five pool tables in two of the houses (mansions)owned by members of the Ohio Players. All I remember was that they wanted really strange colors of felt on the tables. One was purple, one white, and one black. Good taste was not one of their strong suits. Hey, I just installed them. I do remember on one installation dripping about a quarter pound of hot parafin into a real thick pile shag carpet.
216 posts
May 05, 2009
11:28 AM
Doug, email me...Dave has similiar story. John C- Great Ohio Players story...how did that work out for you? Did you have to install new shag? Don't you all love the stories and adventures we all shared? Ruth Lyons went ballistic...that should be a quote in some book. Then I am going to write a Ferdie Fussbudget was A Pervie Fussbudget kinda guy. Curt? Am I in trouble? I am lol lol at all this stuff. Finding out all sorts of secret stuff about Dayton area people. Wish more would share.

Bette Rogge....wasn't she the Elder Beerman's lady also? (on commercials). I have already clarified that Betty Bonner was Elder Beerman's personal shopper and that "Call Cornelia" was Rike's. Ah, I miss sweet, sweet innocent youth and crabby tv personalities.

Later gang ~Cindi
71 posts
May 05, 2009
2:19 PM

I think they were all too stoned to notice before I left. Once I was outta there, I never looked (or went) back. Thank goodness. Ahh-some explanation might be necessary here. What was I doing with hot parafin installing a pool table for the Players, anyway? Ever wonder how they fill those gaps between the three sheets of slate and level out the slate where the screws hold it to the frame of the table? Well, now you know. We also used tubes of silicone caulk like you use on your tub to fill in any divots or chips in the slate. Reeeeeeeel high tech stuff setting up pool tables. So if anyone buys a slate pool table and wants to save money and install it themselves, just let me know. I think I can walk you through it. I won't take responsibility for parafin in the shag, however...

Last Edited by on May 05, 2009 2:27 PM
262 posts
Jun 11, 2009
11:09 PM
I needed to get this on page one, so you all didn't forget and the new kids can get their brushes in...so here are a couple of mine just to whet your appetites....POST PEOPLE, please????

Many brushes with fame to report. I have been cataloging them as follows and only want you all to join in, I will throw a few of them at you (and you can ask Dave, they are all true and factual, my family and co workers will verify also). I already gave you my earliest recollection wtih Huckleberry Hound. Now big time and 3rd Grade...as follows:

President Kennedy was coming to town, and since we lived in Vandalia, my Dad had a BRILLIANT idea as to how we would meet and greet the President. (He may have been the future President at the time, not sure)
Dad is gone, but Aunts and Uncles recall the incident and so do some of my old school pals.

Dad set up lawn chairs at the entrance ramp to 75 from Rte 40 in Vandalia (south bound). My Dad, (being the great future predicter that he was, figured that when JFK landed at Dayton Municipal Airport,his motorcade would travel through Vandalia via National Rd. (Dad also knew the cops in town...inside info. He brought his lawn chair, my brother (who has Cerebral Palsy and wore braces and used crutches and a helmet) and me all dressed up to meet his hero. Once the motorcade entered the on ramp (where we were sitting so close I almost got hit by a motorcycle), my Dad "threw" me in front of JFK's front car, and then stood my baby brother on the shoulder pf the road to meet the President
(I was obviously expendable). The President graciously got out of his limo...helped get me out of the entrance ramp roadway, (embellishment,but true, nonetheless), brushed me off, kissed me and hugged me, shook hands with my brother and talked to him,and shook hands with my Dad. Greatest memory of my life. *Thanks, Daddy.

Jimmy Carter came to Dayton when running for office, he also had to go thru Vandalia, but the back way, as(I had inside info on this as a perk of my civil service career). I came into work early, got into my civil servant uniform, and treked over to the field along 75 SB behind St. Christopher's Church (now known as the Drive in Church of Vandalia). I stood in the weeds near the Interstate. (I was fearless after the 63 incident), and President Carter saw me; a short gal in the weeds in uniform and stopped the motorcade. He shook my hand, thanked me for my service and support, and then said he had to be somewhere..so he was off in a flash. (not until a photo op) I then fainted in the tall grass, a search party for me was sent out and I was found several hours later with stars of greatness circling over my head like in a cartoon, and some tweety birds. The last part is not true, but kept your interest, huh? ( I didn't faint, and went back to work.....boring.)

He was a nice man, and so were the four other Presidents I met in person, Princess Di (she kissed my youngest baby), Prince Charles, David Crosby, Burt Reynolds (was at the wedding with Loni....long story). All true, and more to spare. Ronald Reagan kissed and held our oldest daughter. Photo in his library I am sure.

I was the "Where's Waldo of Vandalia and Palm Beach Country Florida. Needed the striped hat and shirt.

***Now I will wait to see what you all do and what you have seen and who you have meet.***

Unfortunately, I saw the Challenger explode. My daughter who was in kindergarten also saw it, she still remembers the tears of all teachers and those at the State Fair on her fieldtrip. Close was bad, it was differnet than TV, Not all brushes are good ones.

Waiting, and I have some really good ones!!! I promise and Curt can ask Dave it's all real, and just happenstance. This thread is for my kids and theirs and for yours, too guys. Come on......double dog dare you. ~Cindi.

Cluck cluck,,,chicken?

Last Edited by on Jun 12, 2009 5:03 PM
34 posts
Jun 12, 2009
7:55 AM
I was introduced to Ross Perot, he and I were the only people on stage while he was giving his speech, we shook hands and exchanged comments.

I met Tommy Kirk, Ty Hardin and Raphael Campos when I lived in southern California. I was attending a party at Tommy's house in the Hollywood Hills, 1961 when Raphael told me of another party so we went. The party turned out that he was gay and I ended up walking approximately 5 miles home. Raphael was a Disney actor, was one of the kids in Blackboard Jungle. Never saw him again after that other than in movies. Moved to New Orleans in 1962.

I was also while in California with a group of other kids called Hollywood Life Line, had to do with religion and one night our group went to, I forget the guys name, he played Mr. District Attorney on television, had white hair, good actor, sat in his living room in a circle and had our meeting. Another night we had our meeting in Jane Russell's house although I didn't meet her.

1967/68 I worked for The Word as a reporter, it was New Orleans' underground newspaper, Roger Lovin was the editor/publisher. My assignment that day was to get an interview with a wino and get their story. While walking around the French Quarter near Jackson Square I saw a bunch of black suited men in somewhat of a circle around a lady who turned out to be Lady Bird Johnson, perfect I thought, big red nose, got to be a wino but I could not get close. Oh well. By the way, never purchase a wino the bottle before the interview.

There are a few others, just can't remember at the moment.
263 posts
Jun 12, 2009
5:10 PM
rodat6, GREAT brushes!! Didn't Tommy Kirk play in the Shaggy Dog/Shaggy DA and in other Disney Films like the family band one with Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn?

Re Ross Perot? Was he speaking to anyone other than himself?
More, more, more. rodat and all of you!!
80 posts
Jun 13, 2009
8:23 AM
Everyone in Texas knows all about Ross Perot. The guy is very disingenuous in his reasons for getting involved in politics in the first place. The popular opinion in Texas was that the only reason he ran for president was his intense hatred for the Bush family. He would have rather seen Bill Clinton as president than George H.W. Bush. He's a wealthy land baron here in Texas and in my opinion has not made a single positive contribution to the state or to Texas politics. It's always about Ross; he loves to be in the spotlight. Most Texas politicians are famous for being larger than life in one way or the other. Perot was more of a mildly entertaining sideshow. Sorry to burst your bubble Rodat6, but we in Texas had the good fortune to know all about Ross when he was running for president, and we wanted no part of it. We told him all about it at the polls that year...

Last Edited by on Jun 13, 2009 8:32 AM
81 posts
Jun 13, 2009
8:43 AM
Since you guys brought up politics....

Back when my wife worked for AT&T (formerly NCR), they always had yearly incentive trips for the top sales producers. They would fly you (and your spouse) all expenses paid to exotic places and provide top notch entertainment as well as famous keynote speakers. The crowds were about 500 people or less, so pretty up close and personal. The year I most remember was a trip to San Juan, Puerto Rico. The entertainment that year was Fleetwood Mac (less Stevie Nicks who I believe was in rehab at the time and was replaced that night by a surprisingly talented young lady named Becka Bramlett). I remember playing slots in the casino at the resort next to a really scary looking guy about seven feet tall. He looked vaguely familiar; but I didn't realize who it was until that night. It was Mick Fleetwood. At dinner that night, my wife and I had the extreme good fortune of being seated at the table immediately next to George and Barbara Bush. They were two of the nicest, most friendly people you would ever care to meet. Barbara had just finished writing her book and gave the keynote address. You could have heard a pin drop in there during her speech. A few years before that, we got to meet Lady Margaret Thatcher. What a truly awe inspiring woman.

Last Edited by on Jun 20, 2009 7:37 PM
264 posts
Jun 13, 2009
9:12 AM
NO,please understand that I didn't bring up politics *(Oh,man, here we go with another Charlie Gibson thing, and car guys, Becky and Keugene will know and Curt what I am talking about)...

1. only talking about brushes with fame
2. just quipped about Ross Perot talking alot, alot, not what about.....

Didn't mean to offend or bring up any political affiliations or affirmations, or remark on anyone's political views...even mine, and I have many.

Great job on the photos and the work you did..that's wonderful.

I met George and Barbara Bush when they were visiting his mom in FL...she brought cookies to some of us (home made ones, too).
Great people. He was nice, too. I got stuck in their motorcade with my kids in a 1983 Cavalier,
I stuck out like a sore thumb...dumb traffic cop.
(he he he )

Margaret Thatcher?
She was so lovely.

I used to dress like Stevie Nicks and she is one of my fav entertainers and wonderful singers.
Bring on more.... ~Cindi

Last Edited by on Jun 13, 2009 9:15 AM
122 posts
Jun 13, 2009
4:55 PM
I am really enjoying this topic. And no Cindi, we certainly don't need another Charlie Gibson incident. The only other famous person I can think of that I have personally interacted with is Joe Nuxall. He was the youngest person to ever play for a major league team ( age 15 during WW II ) and a long time major league pitcher and Reds broadcaster. He was visiting at my hospital and would stop and talk to anyone who wanted to talk to him. I saw him many times, but actually talked with him only twice. I discussed the Reds pitching woes of a few years ago with him ( He would have loved this pitching staff!) and he was truly the nicest man you could meet. He was old school all the way and I mourn his passing but know he is in a better place.
35 posts
Jun 14, 2009
2:46 PM
Here's my exciting brush with a famous person: First, understand that I love rock and roll (like many of you do too). We went to see John "Cougar" Mellencamp at Hara Arena in 1984, on his "Scarecrow" Tour, and were fortunate enough to have fourth row floor seats, on the aisle. He came on stage and started singing the song "Small Town", we were thrilled to see him so close up! Well, after the first verse, he jumped off of the stage, ran out in the audience, and sat down between my buddy and me, singing the whole time! I was surprised at how small he was and had the presence of mind to offer my hand, which he shook, grinned, and went back up onto stage. It was so cool! My buddy almost passed out. I was thrilled! Here was one of my favorite artists (seen him many times), singing one of the super hot songs of the time, and he came off stage and shook MY hand!

Last Edited by on Jun 14, 2009 2:49 PM
267 posts
Jun 14, 2009
9:49 PM
I think it is so cool that HISTORYMOM called Charlie Goodtime a putz!!! tee hee ~Cindi
37 posts
Jun 15, 2009
10:28 PM
Oh, I met Dr. Robert Spetzler, head neurosurgeon at Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix. He repaired an aneurysm that I had in the basilar region of my brain. Of course I don't remember him doing it, I was in la-la land for 6 whole weeks. I did have several appointments with him after the fact. I asked him 2 questions point blank, 1, can I stop taking Dilantin at which time he, without hesitation said, yes while wife said, she would wean me off but don't think that applies for them so I had to take them for longer, yuk. The other question to this world class neurosurgeon was, does hard work cause strokes and he immediately said, Absolutely Not. Whew because I am a workaholic for sure. And that is how I met Dr. Spetzler. The clip that were used in my head were invented and trademarked by him. At 7 weeks the bill was a half million.
25 posts
Jun 16, 2009
10:37 AM
In 1966 or 67 I met Christine Jorgensen (formerly George Jorgensen) Americas first sex change. I was working at Elder-Berman's on Philadelphia as a bus boy for a dinner and book signing. What stuck in my mind the most was that she didn't look very feminine but was very polite and soft spoken.
3 posts
Jun 16, 2009
1:05 PM
While attending St James in 1969,we went on the Phil Donahue show.Pete Rose was on the show.When the show ended he called 3 names of people to recieve an autographed baseball.Well, proud to say i was name number 2 and got to shake his hand.
27 posts
Jun 17, 2009
5:49 AM

Pete would charge you a fee for his autograph today.
8 posts
Aug 06, 2009
2:19 PM
Around 1967 I went to see Paul Revere and the Raiders at Hara Arena. It cost something like $4. We had front row seats but had snuck in back and met the band when they were entering from their bus. When the band started playing I jumped on stage to give Paul Revere a kiss. Needless to say security pulled me down. But then the next song sung had a line like "...and it's just for YOU" and he pointed down at me and blew me a kiss. I was in heaven!
bowa 68
3 posts
Dec 13, 2009
9:06 PM
Dave Parker, Cris Sabo, Roman Gabriel are some of the celebs which I've had the good fortune to have met here in Dayton. Roman was a class person.
24 posts
Dec 14, 2009
1:23 PM
Really interesting reading everyone's brushes.
As a news reporter, I was fortunate to interview a lot of people in Dayton, most under good circumstances, except when I met with former British Prime Minister Edward Heath as the first Gulf War was breaking out. I've interviewed or met some of my aviation heroes like Neil Armstrong, John Glenn (many times), Mike Collins (Apollo 11 command pilot who I spent some time with talking about the Wright B Flyer and his mission in orbit around the moon), Scott Crossfield, General "Jimmy" Doolittle, plus many Indycar race car drivers, Foyt, Andretti, the Unsers, Mears and so on. I interviewed Bob Hope (then 90 years old) when he came for Bogie Busters, plus met stars while working in radio: Frankie Avalon, Annette Funicello, Lee Greenwood, others. When President Reagan came to Dayton campaigning for re-election in '84, I shared space next to Sam Donaldson, Chris Wallace and Lesley Stahl at Wright Patt for the president's arrival on Air Force One while I reported live on WING. I covered Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro's news conference here. Also in '88 I was a member of the press at Bob Dole's news conference here and got to meet him. A very friendly and gracious man. The bad: I interviewed Mike Tyson, Jack Kemp and Don King at Central State. A total waste of my time and everyone else's.
325 posts
Dec 21, 2009
11:16 PM
This is my favorite thread, next to the 60's and 70's thread. Bigmo, WOW.
I met Charlie Gibson last October (2008) across from the Salvation Army on JH MaGee Bvd when he was on the bus tour. Did his news cast from the river front. Nice man.

Last Edited by on Dec 21, 2009 11:19 PM
97 posts
Dec 23, 2009
6:15 AM
Pat Summerall is my neighbor here in Southlake, Texas. He and his wife are very nice folks. Mark McLemore (ex-Texas Rangers) also lives across the road. Warren Moon lived in the next neighborhood for about two years 2004-2006. The Southlake Carroll High School football team has about a half dozen kids with fathers who are past/current Dallas Cowboys. I know that isn't Dayton, but I am from Dayton and thought some of the sports guys would get a kick out of it.

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