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Here Comes The Ice Cream Man!
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120 posts
Sep 10, 2009
9:00 PM
i used to live for the mr.softee man to come around.
12 posts
Sep 11, 2009
5:44 AM
We had Mr. Softee and the Dairy Clipper come up our street when I lived temporarily in Xenia in 1963 before moving to a permanent address in Beavercreek.
58 posts
Sep 11, 2009
8:29 AM
The ice cream man in my neighborhood had the bicycle with the freezer in front and a row of small bells in front. My favorites were the 7-up popsicles and the root beer popsicles.
10 posts
Dec 12, 2011
1:10 AM
I guess my summer job finally came to light.
Somehow I got a job peddling one of those ice cream bicycle thongs around the neighborhood. They really didn't care how far or where I went so I used that summer to explore the west side. I crossed the bridge on Western Avenue and headed towd Good Samaritan Hospital on the right side of the street and did all those neighborhoods.
It was a hot job and the cooler was filled with dry ice and ice cream bars and stuff.
At the end of the summer when I was to collect my bonus, I was told I owed them $50 because I ate more than I sold. Mom didn't like that and I didn't do that the next year.
21 posts
Dec 12, 2011
5:14 PM
The bicycle carts also sold fireworks before the 4th of July.
132 posts
Dec 12, 2011
7:44 PM
Several years ago I was taking a water sample to a lab on Salem Ave about 3 in the afternoon. I heard music and turned around to see an Ice Cream truck passing buy with several women hanging out. They were asking me if I wanted a date.
It wasn't a Ice Cream date I would bet.
1 post
Mar 09, 2012
11:52 AM
gosh, it's been almost 50 years.... but i do remember at least a part of the tune that mr. softy used to play.... "the dreamiest creamiest soft ice cream, you get from mr. softy....
i was just 4 or 5 yrs old, living in the keowee/hall ave neighborhood( in the projects- as we know call it)--along the !75 corridor, just north of kettering park
i remember when the round vehicle would pull into the neighborhood and the distinct music filled the air, the kids would flow out of the apartments like bees out of a disturbed beehive.
we moved from dayton to southern illinois, when i was 8 yrs old(47 yrs ago) but, for some reason, i still remember those fond childhood experiences
45 posts
Mar 09, 2012
5:22 PM
I can remember summer nights as my cousin and i would wait for that truck, pestering our moms with "when will it get here, when will it get here?" My aunt used to respond by singing "She'll be comin' round the mountain when she comes."

This would have been 1965 or 66, but I remember it like it was yesterday.
14 posts
Mar 12, 2012
5:39 PM
It was either locally or in Cincy an ice cream man was delivering more than just frosty treats. Don't remember if that happened here or after I went off to UC for college. I do remember thinking the guy had a novel marketing idea, what with selling munchies at the same time.
7 posts
Mar 24, 2014
6:59 PM
My first job after graduating high school was driving a Dairy Clipper for a guy named Skinner. The garage we operated out of was on Western Avenue in Dayton. My route ran on the east side of Salem Avenue, all the way from Meadowdale plat to Dayton View. The truck was a manual transmission with column shift. First vehicle I drove that was stick shift. I worked long hours for very little pay. One summer was enough!
84 posts
Mar 25, 2014
8:55 AM
The very first crass joke I ever told was when I as about 4 or 5 years old and I didn't even know what it meant at the time, I just knew that all the adults would laugh whenever I told it, until mom and dad stepped in.

"Why can't Ms Dairy Queen have any children? Because she married Mr Softee!!"" lol

Children say the darndest things!!!
Forgiven, forgotten, set free!!

Last Edited by jack1953 on Mar 25, 2014 8:57 AM
182 posts
Mar 25, 2014
10:52 AM
Back in 1955 through 1958, we lived in a housing project along Kettering Blvd., across from Ebert St., stops,which is now an empty field in front of the old Fridgidaire Plants Building,#3, where we had an Ice Cream man named "Chickie", who drove a yellow panel truck, with black fenders. He had an 8" bell that he rang when he was in the neighborhood. I believe he was out of West Carrollton. He sold Ice cream bars, popcycles and Ice cream sandwitchses, and candy.

Last Edited by Billd1952 on Mar 25, 2014 10:52 AM
239 posts
Mar 25, 2014
2:05 PM
Forgot about housing in front of GM on kettering blvd.They never did much with that land except for Kettering museum.Wright state was built on ground that had housing very similar.Housed military for wpfb.Lived in hilly area and ice cream guy had a rough time trying to pedal.Had a drug store within walking distance and had my fill by time bike came around.
joey m
195 posts
Mar 28, 2014
10:02 AM
My ex wife and a lot of old friends lived in that housing project. They were not very fancy but provided inexpensive housing for a lot of families. It was very popular but a lot of people and people who lived there called it "cardboard city".
185 posts
Mar 28, 2014
12:51 PM
Joey m, yes, it was called "Cardboard City". They were heated by "Coal Stoves". I happened upon a areial
photograph taken by William Preston Mayfield, in a 1998 calender, month of March, showing the Fridgedaire plant and the project. Ask your friends if the remember "Chickie", the Ice Cream man.

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