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Dayton Memories > Remember polio shots
Remember  polio shots
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luv my dayton
304 posts
Jun 28, 2013
7:17 PM
Have no idea what direction our country is heading but do remember when you had to be totally immunized to enter school. Theres talk now that the program may be cast aside and my belief its because there are so many people in and out of our country that imposing these immunizations would interfere with the rights of those entering and keeping track of those not here legally wouldn't be possible. We could see the return of many diseases in our country. I remember getting my polio shots and the funny part of my story was although I was old enough to know better, I stiffened the upper part of my arm at the time the nurse went to stab me and the needle got totally bent causing her to start over with a new needle. Have a newspaper article of a brother in law of mine who did come down with polio and spent over a year in an iron lung while his mother was standing out looking in at him. Believe it may have been back in the late 60's when they no longer did smallpox vaccines.
4 posts
Jul 24, 2014
12:46 PM
More than the shots, I remember Polio itself. Spent several months in The Good Sam basement isolation wards overcoming the stuff. had to get is an iron lung several times. How can anyone ever forget that..
luv my dayton
676 posts
Jul 24, 2014
4:57 PM
Because of political correctness and not to appear racist or discriminatory and for those extra votes we have found ourselves evolving backward. Oops did I just say that?
26 posts
Jul 24, 2014
5:15 PM
Yes, I remember the shots...along with all the other vaccinations we had to have to go to school...some where over the years, that little round spot on my upper arm went away! But, it was there for years and years.
9 posts
Jul 24, 2014
7:31 PM
That was one time in my (more correctly, our)lifetime that we welcomed a "shot".

I'd venture to guess that we all knew someone, a family, friend, et al that was stricken down with polio.

230 posts
Jul 26, 2014
7:38 AM
I remember standing in line for what seemed like hours to get a polio shot at the Dayton Municipal Building, in the late 50s. Then in the Early 60s they came out with a syrum you drank. I remember getting those at Lincoln Elementry School.
1 post
Jul 26, 2014
7:47 PM
Was that the one they would put a drop of liquid on your arm and stab you with a needle a zillion times? Was it later changed by putting pink liquid on a sugar cube?
234 posts
Jul 27, 2014
4:59 PM
Jillian, I believe that was a smallpox vacination with the zillion needle sticks.
201 posts
Aug 07, 2014
6:57 AM
As a kid during the 1950s, I can remember having to go downtown (Dayton) to visit the pediatrician. It seems as if doctors had not yet branched out into the suburbs. Most of us hated to get "shots" in those days. I remember seeing those poor kids in braces as a result of polio and to this day the site of an iron lung gives me the creeps.

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