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Dayton Memories > Water skiing at Triangle Park
Water skiing at Triangle Park
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544 posts
Sep 27, 2013
4:45 PM
We water skied at Triangle Park all the time from about 69 thru 71. When did they stop that? There used to be a boat ramp and docks and always a lot of boats there.
luv my dayton
394 posts
Sep 29, 2013
9:46 AM
Back in late 40's early 50's my family and their group of friends used to get together once a month giving all us kids something to look forward to. Back then Triangle Park was a hot place to go as alot of things to do. Have film of one of our gatherings and the dads would fish and play ball while the kids came up with their own ideas and moms would sit and talk. Also remember the boat races began there and ended up years later moved to Eastwood lake. Maybe family life as we knew it changed but do know that triangle park at some point in time became just another happy memory for many of us.

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