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Growing Up in Huber Heights
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7 posts
Jan 29, 2014
11:56 AM
Anyone have any good memories or stories about growing up in Huber Heights?

73 posts
Jan 29, 2014
2:07 PM
Hey Karlie, I lived in Huber from 1959-1970.

Wow, where do I begin?

We lived on Mangold Drive which was obviously down in the old part of Huber.

I went to the first and second grade in a Huber home that was converted into school rooms.

I went to 3rd and 4th grade at Menlo Park, 5th and 6th at Kitty Hawk, 7th and 8th at Titus Junior High and 9th grade at Wayne.

I remember some of the summer recreation programs they had. They used to show movies outside at Kitty Hawk and at Leston Park.

I remember seeing the movie the Birds at Leston Park.

Of course there was also Little League baseball in the summer at the diamonds at Kitty Hawk and on the top of the hill behind Menlo Park.

Good memories for sure!
Forgiven, forgotten, set free!!
493 posts
Jan 29, 2014
4:07 PM
If you click on to "Personal Remembrances" on the right side of this page,AllenN71 has posted 2 stories about growing up in Huber Heights in the '60s. The stories start on page 2.Fyi
joey m
175 posts
Jan 30, 2014
10:43 AM
I didn't grow up there but in the 60's I played football for Shawen Acres and we played them every year and I remember that they had two guys in their backfield who were really tough. Their last names were Moore and Moorefield. Does any body remember either or both of them?
2 posts
Jul 21, 2014
8:57 AM
6815 Alter rd. we moved there mid 60's when house was built. great place as a kid could ride your bike anywhere. went to Monticello Elementary walked to school of course. In the 60's Alter rd. was referred to as "Candy Cane Lane" as everyone made a stove pipe candy cane wrapped it in colors and lite it up at night, we even got on a local news cast as I remember. also remember the moon landing and living there our neighbors were at our house naturally watching it too. The folks a couple doors down on the corner remember had kids and always more toys than we did, they would let us play with them. they also had a new Monte Carlo think it was the first year green real nice car. and nice folks I think they may still live there. we moved in early 70's but I go thru sometimes still looks nice there to me. we had a blast living there. Remember getting in big trouble riding my bike to DQ to ice cream. And calling Cassano's and ordering pizza's for Fred Flintstone, long before caller ID, in fact rotary dial. Thought for sure we would get thrown in jail for it. Years later meet Vic Jr. and apologized for it. said he may have taken my call!
50 posts
Jul 21, 2014
5:27 PM
I didn't grow up there, but lived on Rosebury in HH for 2 years from 1971-73 when I was in the Air Force. It wasn't Beverly Hills, but it was still a HELL of a lot better than the WPAFB enlisted barracks.

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