1 post
Jan 15, 2009
12:21 PM
I just wanted to know if anyone remembered these old fun places, I don't think I read about anyone mentioning the Belmont Auto Drive-in and what about the Day-Bel theater on Smithville!I also loved to walk to ElderBeermans in East town shopping center and shop. There also use to be a bar on Linden close the corner of Smithville I think it was called the "Hair of the Dog". That was a crazy place.
8 posts
Jan 16, 2009
6:41 PM
The Belmont Drive In closed about 18? yrs. ago. My family went there quite often. We took our kids there a lot until they closed it. I was at the Dabel the day they premiered the round screen. I forget what it was called. They showed How The West Was Won. They invited Scout troops. What I remember the most about that day was as we came out, a Blue Bird scout was crossing Smithville, and got hit by a car right in front of where we were standing. It's funny how things like that stick with you. My hubby and I had quite a few dates there. Our kids used to go there on Saturday afternoons before they closed it.
81 posts
Jan 19, 2009
6:39 AM
Belmont Drive in operated until 1997 and was torn down in 1998. I spent many an evening there. Funny how we could always manage to 'watch the show' with ice and snow covering the windows. Those car heaters did work though. AHHHH - what todays kids missed. I also went to the DayBel a lot. Go back a few pages on the 60's 70's page and you will see some posts. Also there is a search feature and you can fine where we talked about both these places a few months ago.
4 posts
Apr 21, 2009
8:01 PM
in the late 70s the Belmont was called "Elmo" because the B & "nt" lights wouldn't work! I remember flyers passed around Beavercreek HS for Elmo nights on Fridays! When I was a kid my parents took me there to see fun, family movies!
bowa 68
6 posts
Dec 13, 2009
9:19 PM
I loved the bowling alley. It was like going back in time.It also had the best people in the world bowling there.
13 posts
Dec 14, 2009
1:38 AM
Me and a buudy of mine, Ray Jones used to sneek in there all the time on the weekends. I remember riding in somebodys trunk with 2 or 3 other people so we wouldn't have to pay, we got caught a few times. This all took place in the early 70's. I also remember taking a few dates there and parking in the the back, we didn't watch the movies very much if you know what I mean. LOL
67 posts
Dec 14, 2009
4:48 PM
tlturbo Deweese Parkway is totally changed the lower road down by the river is now a bike/walking path only the upper road remains the area by the Siebenthaler bridge is still there but a new brightly lit bridge is there taking care of seeing any subs. If you remember the lower road we use to race the crooked road from end to end for best time for five bucks did you get invoved with that?
2 posts
Apr 20, 2010
1:37 PM
I also remember walking to Eastown with a friend. I remember seeing movies at the Da-Bel theater but what was the name of the movie theater on Watervliet? Remember Lawson's on Watervliet and their 3 cent popsicle specials. Remember Burger C'hef on Smithville and the Barnaby's restaurant on Watervliet- they had the best burgers. I felt so grown up eating there with my friends and no parents! Remember the ice cream store near Dot's grocery store?
3 posts
May 04, 2010
11:37 AM
I grew up in Belmont from the mid 50's till 1962. Here are a few places that I don't think have been previously mentioned.
Jack's Aquarium when they were in their infancy. He had a small apartment crammed with aquariums. It was located just off Watervaliet in the apartment building across from Tobias Funeral Home and behind the building that was for many years a night club called the Tradewinds.
Gallaghers Drugstore with that long old fashioned soda fountain. I used to walk there from Belmont Elementary for lunch.
Gastineau Hardware. Only exciting to a kid because up front they had a glass case filled with goofy toys like Chinese handcuffs, magic tricks, etc.
Kennett Building. In the basement was a record store where you could go into a private sound proof booth and listen to records. Also, every week you could get a list there of that week's top 40 records being played on WING radio. That list seemed very important at the time!
Belmont Bakery with their wonderful chocolate eclairs.
Treasure Chest Toys on the corner of Smithville and Watervliet in the buildiing that is now some sort of military collectibles store. My brother got his first job there for 75 cents an hour.
Angi's Restaurant. Hey, its now reopened! Good things do occasionally happen in Dayton.
Detrick's Market on the corner of Revere and Nordale (the street I grew up on.) I was there virtually every day. Remember all the tiny mom and pop groceries? Detrick's even had their own little butcher shop in back.
Wonderful memories and thanks Curt for such a wonderful site!
26 posts
May 11, 2010
6:30 PM
Hey, Donw, good to hear from a fellow Belmont person. Gallagher's was on the north side of Watervliet just a door or two to the west of Kennett's. I could be wrong, but I think the building now houses a catering place and at one time housed a bakery. (Maybe Belmont bakery after they moved from Smithville and Watervliet. My memory is so FUZZY!)
I remember the Bellaire carryout very well. It was our "backup" to Detrick's. If Detrick's didn't have what we wanted it was off to Bellaire. Also, I had a friend directly across the street that I used to visit. (Terry Niehus, if that rings a bell.) This delinquent preferred buying his smokes out of the machine at the Cassano's on Smithville so I'll not take blame for the demise of the place!
You cannot believe how much time I spent at the Belmont Wesleyan Methodist Church. Five church services a week (honest), doing all the grass cutting and other yard work, and twice weekly doing janitorial work. Then there was all the other stuff, such as helping to put a new roof on the church, painting, putting new floors in the parsonage next door, etc, etc. All gratis, of course, because my mom believed in giving. It didn't do me any harm, and there were some great people there, but I'm pleased to say I became a "free thinker" at an early age and continue to be one. By the way, that pastor would have been the Rev. Marvin Taylor, a truly wonderful man. He's still alive and and is pastor to a church in West Virginia.
7 posts
Dec 14, 2010
6:24 AM
My two sets of aunts & uncles lived in Belmont in the 1950's - one couple on Ashland Ave. and the other around the corner on Smithville. I think the Moler's Dairy was close to Ashland on Smithville. We also used to pick up my aunt and drive up to the trolley turn around at the top of 3rd st. hill to park there and ride the bus into downtown.
9 posts
Jan 09, 2011
11:13 PM
Hi Tim!....It is incredible that u remember so many of the things I do...especially the chocolate eclairs...12 cents...I was allowed to stay over during lunch break from school to wander downtown Belmont and spent my lunch money on these more than once...huge!....yummy!...The toy store on the corner...Gastinous Harware...especially at xmas...the basement was crammed with toys...I remember a shoe store nearby where u could xray ur feet by sticking them into a slot on like one of those toll scales that used be everywhere where folks would pay a penny to see their weight!....also the drug store that had the best fizzy drinks...and of course the theater where u learned the yawn, arm around the girl thing :-)...and all the tiny groceries like u said in the 50's...and a lot of them did have butcher shops....and we could walk anywhere with no fear at a very young u recall, the stupid Belmont Elm school sent u all the way home for lunch any weather....I remember walking quite a ways in below zero weather twice a day because of this....home for Cambells tomatoe soup and baloney sandwich...and back again till 3 PM
3 posts
Feb 11, 2011
1:39 PM
The shoe store was Max's Shoes, located on the SW side of Watervliet. Was Gastineau's on the same side? I recall going to both. Bought my first pair of swede shoes there (light blue, size 12). There is a photo on this site (Dayton 50s) of Watervliet showing Clark's drugstore at the intersection with Smithville. A few doors away on Watervliet is a hardware store called Fishers. Did they compete with Gastineau's, or were they the successor to Gastineau's who I recall is being next to or near Max's Shoes. I think Gastineau's relocated to Wilmington Pike near the intersection with Smithville. There is a Ritter's Ice Cream there now.
21 posts
Feb 18, 2011
11:32 AM
I remember Max's Shoes- my folks got my sister's corrective shoes there in the early 70s.
229 posts
Feb 18, 2011
2:46 PM
I remember going to an aquarium store in a house just off of Smithville. This must have been the original Jack's but I don't remember the name. Then Jack's was in a brick building on the East side if Smithville in the late 60's Then I think he moved or opened another place on Linden just East of Smithville that overlooked I-35 in the back. I had raised a piranah named 'Beast' I had bought from Jack about an inch long. When I moved to FL in 72, I gave it to him as it was full grown, loved goldfish dropped in the tank and I couldn't take it to FL. Reminds me of a funny story. I lived in Coach & Four apts off Bigger Rd (I think) and I would go to the Elder Beermans pet dept in Centerville and buy 15-20 goldfish as food for Beast. One night a little old lady was netting the goldfish for me and commented on how nice it was to see a young person like me interested in keeping goldfish. I told her they were actually food for my piranah and she dumped them back in the tank and refused to sell me any.
2 posts
Nov 29, 2011
3:27 PM
Don, that 3 story building was originally the "Sunday school" part of the old Belmont EUB church. may well have later been used as a teen center. the church sat behind it at on the sw corner of Smithville and Watervliet. the church itself was relocated to the sw corner of Smithville and Bellaire in the mid '50s. Belmont elementary used a couple of the rooms in the 3 story for kindergarten at least for a while, I attended there from the beginning of school until Christmas break of 1953. the entrance was beside the alley from Nordale north to the parking lot. paul
3 posts
Nov 29, 2011
3:38 PM
speaking of west side of the block between Nordale and Bellaire, anyone remember the service station at Nordale and the glass greenhouses that were south of there all the way to Bellaire and sat right on the sidewalk? the Bank, now, Mr. Prescription, replaced the gas station and the Dairy Queen, strip of stores, and lastly the Burger Chef replaced the greenhouses. for what it is worth, I was the boy who stamped out the burger patties for Red Barn and Burger Chef back in '68 and '69. paul
Last Edited by on Nov 30, 2011 9:06 AM
5 posts
Sep 11, 2012
11:26 PM
does anyone remember a guy in Belmont named Norman Eagle (later he changed his name to Maurice Leclerc L'Aignon). You couldn't miss him--he had a RAGING case of Tourettes and would be seen walking alot on Smithville between Watervliet and Patterson. I remember him wearing an Afro wig (he was bald!)and he wore the wig BACKWARDS!! He lived behind where Jacks Aquarium was with his parents and eventually moved to an apartment in the East End and committed suicide.
81 posts
Nov 14, 2012
10:31 AM
PLR2, I remember the service station VERY well. I grew up on Nordale so that's where we virtually always bought our gas. I remember how friendly the guys were and I especially remember the 5 cent candy bar machine.
Here's the really cool part...Curt has a good picture of the place right here on this site. Go to the Images section and look at Dayton in the 1950's. It's the 244th image shown and is titled, "Three S Service Station, Smithville 1957." I remember everybody called the place by the head owner's name, but after racking my brain I can't remember what it was.
Curt Dalton
644 posts
Nov 14, 2012
2:46 PM
Here is a link to the Three S Service Station Hankster65 mentioned.
Three S Service Station
Last Edited by on Nov 14, 2012 2:51 PM
5 posts
Nov 23, 2012
12:12 PM
Do you remember the Belmont Billiards from the late 50's to 1960's owned at the time owned by Adolph and can not remember his last name(later owned by Sam the Marathon man Di"Orio) any way they allowed younger kids in. Starting about 4pm M-F when the guys got off work-there use to be some excellent shooters come in-5 rail shots etc. all called to the right pocket for fair amounts of money.Bill Owens,Sam Diorio,Tall Jack ,Don Bender,Jerry Merkert Jerry lost his life in auto accident.The greatest asset of Belmont was the people.Truly friendly
32 posts
Nov 24, 2012
8:16 AM
Back in the 70s Belmont Billiards was one of the lunch spots for a group of us mail carriers who had routes in Belmont. We would go to Angi's for cabbage rolls, Slyders, the Bullpen and of course Belmont Billiards. The guy behind the bar was Mo Harshman, a real funny fellow and slow as molasses in winter!!! We would also go to the Bowling alley across from Slyders.
John Kreuzer
3 posts
Jan 08, 2013
5:01 PM
donw carryout one block away on Bellaire Avenue. If my memory serve me this was Stubbs market he was an old guy when I grew up there in the late 60 early 70 I went to school with his son. started hanging with him because we could buy beer from the store.
John Kreuzer
5 posts
Jan 08, 2013
5:08 PM
I love this Blog site Belmont was my stomping ground I lived on King Ave and worked parkmoor worked there in the early 70. What a great neighborhood to grow up in.
442 posts
Jan 09, 2013
4:48 AM
John - what about the Piranah at Jacks? The one I gave him about 1970 I called BEAST. He was a Red Bellied Piranah (the real one with teeth) not a fake Black Piranah.
Another question for those that lived in Belmont. There was a street just N of the DaBel Theater (maybe one or two streets over) that went back East and dead ended at I believe a railroat track (maybe it just dead ended). ANYWAY, there was a guy that lived in the last house on the right at the deadend. He raced cars and had I believe a black big block Camero. He also dated a girl (Jill???) who drove all around in a black Chevy II with a straight axle. He put a clutch in my 66 vette for me. Also had a BIG St Bernard dog. Ring any bells? ----------
 87 Buick GN
30 posts
May 21, 2014
6:43 PM
I lived in Belmont in the 60's and 70's. My mother grew up there too. Went to Cleveland and Grant Elementary.
luv my dayton
587 posts
May 31, 2014
12:19 PM
Live in east Dayton now and still do business at Dots Mkt and go to the library on waterviliet. Have also done business at many of the places you all have mentioned that are no longer here. Belmont bakery made the mistake of moving to kettering and don't think its done well there. Seems the catering part of it still at same location. Have seen many changes in my years and miss many of the places that once were in belmont. Was glad to see Angis back open and need to catch a meal there soon.
53 posts
Jun 04, 2014
8:06 PM
lmd - Do you know who the owner of Angis is? Bill Angi, who I believe started the business, went to the same church I did. He gave my brother-in-law a job when he escaped from Hungary and came to Dayton.
54 posts
Jun 08, 2014
12:20 PM
Springfielder, thanks for the info. I found the story on WYSO's web site. The fellow who bought the restaurant is Patrick Reed, a retired captain of the fire department. They still serve cabbage rolls. The next time I'm in Dayton I will stop there. It's one of the very few places I know of that has cabbage rolls. When I lived in Dayton there were quite a few Hungarian restaurants and our church always had them at our banquets.
36 posts
Nov 02, 2014
5:24 AM
I was born in Belmont in 1946 and lived in a little house at the corner of Colwick & Martel. My Uncle Lamar & Aunt Norma started the Tobias Funeral Home in the late 30's, so spent tons of time in Belmont. I remember Gastineau's Hardware was one of my favorite places. At Christmas, they would open the downstairs and it became a Toyland. They also ran a Lionel Train in one of the front windows starting the day after Thanksgiving. One business I have not seen posted was that in the 50's, next door to Gastineau's was a great Deli called "The Equity" I also loved to go to Bauer's Appliance store for records. They were about 2 or 3 doors down from Murphy's Bakery. As another blooger mentioned earlier, There was a small record shop downstairs in the Kennett Bldg, and you could also buy 45 RPM Records at Gallaher's Drug Store. I went to kindergarten at Belmont Elementry School (the old original. The kindergarten room was on the right side of the building in the front. It was the one that had the Bay window, and I remember my teacher's name was Mrs Bence. What I wouldn't give to be able to go back in time and spend some more wonderful days in Belmont.
17 posts
Nov 02, 2014
5:56 AM
I grew up in Belmont in the 60s and posted my experiences on the Personal Remembrances page. Reading this thread filled in some of the blanks in my story.
Last Edited by Photostve on Nov 02, 2014 5:56 AM
13 posts
Nov 04, 2014
7:10 PM
trolleyfan-I had the same kindergartan teacher, but I think her name was spelled Benz. I vividly remember standing in my front yard at the corner of Kenmore and Donald and posing for a picture before walking to school on the first day. Thank you for sparking that memory from a long time ago.
38 posts
Nov 04, 2014
7:28 PM
I think I was in her class school year 1950 or 1951
3 posts
Nov 05, 2014
7:37 PM
Tlturbo - I remember an aquarium store in a house just off Watervliet, you had to walk up stairs with a iron railing to get up to the front door. maybe on Mundale??? Max's shoe store, Lawson's for certain. Many hours spent bowling on Saturday mornings followed by burger & fries at Parkmoor. Ahhhhhhh ......
18 posts
Nov 06, 2014
5:40 PM
The Belmont area centered at the intersection of Watervliet and Smithville roads in Dayton, Ohio was an active place for the Baby Boomers of the 1960s. On the northeast corner, where a gasoline station is today (September 2014) used to be the location of Immaculate Conception's church, converted from a bowling alley, before the existing church was built at 2300 South Smithville Road. The building at 2412 S. Smithville was the church's store for selling religious gifts, Bibles, statuary, books and assorted knick-knacks. Sharing the current gas station lot with the church and facing Watervliet was Belmont Bakery, which moved west to 730 Watervliet. As we sat in the un-air conditioned church during 12:30 Mass, for which my dad was head usher, the tempting aroma of Parkmoor's chicken would drift in from the southeast corner of the intersection. Parkmoor was torn down to put up a self serve car wash, which was eventually razed to become Walgreens. By the way, the building at 863 Watervliet housing Marian's Dance studio and a barber shop used to be on the same lot as the present day drug store. It was Fred's barber shop in the 1960s and became Mr. Fred's, probably in the 80s, and currently is Rick's Barber Shop. This building stands on the lot which once was Belmont Lanes Bowling. It's a duplicate of the original building which stood on what is now Walgreens property. The small church at 909 Watervliet was a beauty salon in the late 60s. Between Slyder's Tavern and Belmont Billiards at 828 Watervliet was a TV and appliance repair shop until the mid 1970s. I used to deliver the Dayton Daily News along Weng avenue to the repair shop then continued my route down Watervliet to the library. When finished I'd take Lyndhurst avenue and take a short cut through Belmont Park to get home.
On the southwest corner of Smithville and Watervliet, the current site of Taco Bell, was a small strip mall with four storefronts of various shops over the years including a laundromat, Abner's Trophies and my favorite place to buy comic books, Clark's Pharmacy. It was there while browsing the revolving paperback book rack I discovered the campus unrest of the 1960s I had largely ignored because it was happening elsewhere was happening at Kent State in Ohio. I was 15 at the time. When I first started buying comic books they cost a dime and shortly thereafter went up in price to 12 cents. I stopped buying comics when the cover price reached the outrageous sum of 25 cents.
The corner of 723 Watervliet at Morse avenue, currently Hazy Shade Disc Golf, was Max's Shoe store which shared the building with a hardware store. Down the street on the southeast corner of Fauver and Watervliet for many years was Angie's Tavern, known for its cabbage rolls, and across Fauver avenue, at 649 Watervliet, was a music store where instruments were bought or rented, sheet music sold and music lessons given. In my case, it was accordion lessons.
Across Watervliet at 630 and 638 was a Kroger store. The PNC bank in the same building was always a bank but changed names many times over the years. My first savings account was opened with money I saved from my paper route when it was Third National Bank. Further down the block in a home attached to 600 Watervliet and up a few stops to the landing facing Mundale avenue was the front door of the original Jack's Aquarium where a friend of mine belonged to the Fish of the Month Club. Back towards Smithville, where the Beer Depot is now at 712 Watervliet, was Belmont Theater, later renamed Cinema East, part of a chain of neighborhood movie theaters that dotted the area. At the northwest corner of Smithville at 746 Watervliet was a toy store, which sadly did not last long into my childhood.
40 posts
Nov 06, 2014
6:39 PM
Hey Photostve. Nice post and very informative. Just to fill in a couple names, The appliance store was called Bauer's Appliances. They also sold records. The hardware store was Gastineaus, and the toy store was either Treasure Chest or Treasure Box.
19 posts
Nov 07, 2014
12:36 PM
Thanks for the memory job, trolleyfan. I can't believe I forgot Bauer's, I used to deliver their Dayton Daily News. My post was half of part one of a two part post over on the Personal Remembrances page. Here's the rest of part one: From there, the Dairy Queen was and is about a block away at 2613 S. Smithville, Next to that was a small strip mall with Charlie's Doughnuts anchoring the corner at 2615 S. Smithville. It was a small place with only a couple of tables and a counter for eating in but they had the best doughnuts. Unfortunately if you stopped by after the regulars had left the doughnuts had the distinct aftertaste of cigarette smoke. Timing was everything.
On the corner of Bellaire avenue at 2627 S. Smithville is currently the Starlite Diner. Before that it was the Nanking Inn, a chinese restaurant for many years. Originally, though, it was Burger Chef, a competitor of McDonald's with what I thought was better food. I can still sing their jingle: “For fifteen cents, a nickel and a dime, at Burger Chef you eat better every time! For a nickel and a dime you get this-french fried potatoes, a big, thick shake or the greatest fifteen cent hamburger yet!”
The heart of Belmont, at least for us kids, situated behind Lohrey Center, Immaculate Conception School and the church convent (where all the nuns lived) was Belmont Park. Every Mother's Day was Opening Day for the baseball season there and all the teams would be lined up on the hill facing the diamonds for the ceremonies. Diamond One was the premier field in the park and only used by the really good older players. From the end of the parking lot to Russet avenue, the site of the disc golf course today, was either heavily wooded or being used as a landfill. Sometimes the woods would have slimy and smelly streams of who knows what running through them that was thick enough to suck the Converse shoe off of your foot. I used to throw rocks at glass bottles floating in the giant puddles created after heavy rains. Bulldozers would work the trash into the ground and there was a huge mound of gravel just east of Diamond 5 for their use. That side of the park was thick woods, some areas more pristine than others, crisscrossed with trails blazed by wandering Boomers. Often times we used our StingRay bicycles like today's mountain bikes, skirting trees and low branches and skimming the edge of a cliff created by the landfill. Aside from the density of the wooded area and the landfill activities, the park today is basically the same as it was in the 1960s except it's hardly used. Diamond One is covered in grass and the view from the benches are blocked by weeds. Lohrey Center was the place to go to find other kids to play board games, sports in the gym, take some classes or in my case, see Disney's "Alice in Wonderland" for the first time. The pool opened in 1972, the year after we moved out of the neighborhood. I learned to swim at the privately owned OakDale Pool at 978 Irving Avenue, now the location of the Irving Commons apartment complex.
42 posts
Nov 07, 2014
5:13 PM
Nice post Photostve. I didn't know most of the things you brought up. The only thing I remember was when I was about 10 years old, my cousin Danny Tobias and I went back behind Immaculate Conception school with our sleds right after a snow storm. We got quite a ways back, probably 1/4 of a mile back from Smithville road, and I got so cold I thought I was going to die. ! LOL .We did make it back of course, but now when I hear Immaculate Conception, I think of that cold winter day in 1956.
20 posts
Nov 07, 2014
7:41 PM
Well, I was born in 1955 so things may have changed between your sled riding days and mine.
43 posts
Nov 08, 2014
4:12 AM
When I was younger, my Mother wouldn't let me cross Smithville Road. She thought it was too busy, so I guess she let me cross it when it snowed since there was little traffic on it. There were two stores in Belmon tI haven't seen postings off. I guess the main grocery store was Krogers, but we shopped most of the time at Albers. It was smaller than Krogers but had that old time neighborhood feel to it. Also, does anybody remember when Elder Beerman was two different stores ? Belmont had a Beermans. I think Albers was on the North side of the ally from the theatre and Beermans was either next to it or 1 store away from it.
21 posts
Nov 08, 2014
2:46 PM
I don't remember an Alber's or Beerman's being in Belmont although I do remember the store in Eastown getting Elder added to the name. I also remember the Kroger in Belmont, which was where Ballweg Hardware and the Disc Golf shop were until recently.
44 posts
Nov 09, 2014
4:38 AM
Photostve. Go to the images & photos on this site and when you get into them, go into the 50's. The next to the last photo is a great shot of Belmont and it shows the Alber's store and you can see signs for the Theatre and for Beerman's and Krogers and another one I can't quite make out. I hear that this photo was taken the weekend of Christmas in 1949 or 50 when the Theatre opened. It had 2000 seats, which at the time was huge for a neighborhood theatre.
22 posts
Nov 09, 2014
7:01 AM
Thanks, trolleyfan! That's a Belmont I never knew. Rich's Pawn Shop used to be Beerman's? Mind blowing.
Joe M
2 posts
Nov 29, 2014
11:47 AM
this message is for Wiz, I first met norman eagle at walnut hills psrk in the late 50's, what a character he was, never encounted anyone like him before, comical, but very sad.
Joe M
3 posts
Nov 29, 2014
12:06 PM
I enjoy reading about Belmont memories, I attended Belmont High the first year it opened. I found out years later, one of the architects of the new building was Dan Scholl, who happened to have been a substitute teacher at Lincoln elementary, one of the grade schools I attended. it was a magnificent structure, I would love to hear from others who were at the school during that time.
58 posts
Dec 06, 2014
4:45 PM
What year was that Joe M ? I went to High School at Beavercreek, But I had 3 cousins who went to high school at Belmont. They were Danny Tobias, Butch Green, and Bill Hare.
256 posts
Dec 10, 2014
4:55 AM
Does anyone remember the movie “Earthquake” with Charlton Heston? I believe it was at the Dabel. They had huge speakers in the rear that really vibrated everything when the earthquake would start. Unfortunately, I sat right in front of them when the theatre was full. Wrong decision! Also, I believe the movie “Billy Jack” played there for almost a year, if my memory serves…...
60 posts
Dec 10, 2014
5:00 AM
I saw what seemed like hundreds of movies at the Belmont Theatre. I'm sure it wasn't quite that many, but I was there a lot growing up. I can't remember the first one I saw, but I remember the last one I went to was George Peppard in "The Blue Max" It was Christmas time in 1965. That was the last time I was in the Theatre. I also spent a lot of time at the Dabel as well. When they turned it into a Cinarama Theatre, all I remember was I was pissed because the high class theaters in those days didn't serve popcorn. I guess they thought it was too messy for a top rate theatre, anyway, I still went and saw some awesome movies, but I still wanted the popcorn !
34 posts
Dec 10, 2014
7:36 AM
Not a lot to add except I believe I saw the movie Earthquake at the Dabel, and I went to high school with the drummer of the Pictorian Skiffuls.
26 posts
Mar 29, 2015
1:21 PM
I frequented My Favorite Guitar and Ace Music and later even Play it Again Music.